this day in
history Feb. 24, 1867 The House of Representatives voted to impeach President Andrew Johnson. The vote followed bitter opposition by the Radical Republicans in Congress to Johnson’s reconstruction policies in the South. However, the effort to remove him failed in the Senate by just one vote.
● wednesday,
february 24, 2010
● serving
texas a&m since 1893
● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2010 student media
Arctic meets Aggieland
Submit your photos Send The Battalion your pictures in the snow to
coming thursday
Sherwood Forest Fair opens Former students Eric Todd and George Appling founded a Renaissance festival to open Saturday.
Above, Sophomore leadership studies major Steven Brown, and sophomore psychology major Ian McKnight with their “Aggie Corps” snowman on Tuesday. Below, Snow covers the grass near Kyle Field.
Bottom, Snow balls sit at Sul Ross’s feet.
food | 3
Burger Business Booms Restaurant has unique interpretation of the hamburger.
sports | 5
Swimmers compete Big 12 championships begin today in the Student Recreation Natatorium.
Photos by Jeramie Heflin — THE BATTALION
Sophomore communications major Jenn Chu, sophomore education major Stephanie Scargall, freshman psychology major Maggie Alewine and freshman kinesiology major Becky Simmons hug a tall snowman in Simpson Drill Field on Tuesday. The University canceled class at 5 p.m. Tuesday due to weather conditions until at 10 a.m. today. Buses will begin running at 9 a.m.
Fruit flies give insight into obesity Researching bugs could help health voices | 7
Fat doesn’t fly free Kevin Smith reacted badly after being asked to vacate the airplane for being obese.
Melissa Appel The Battalion Texas A&M research with fruit flies could raise insight into human eating habits and obesity. Research conducted in the department of biology by professor Paul Hardin and graduate student Abhishek Chatterjee, showed that fruit flies have a daily cycle regarding taste. Manipulating this daily cycle directly impact-
ed food consumption. “My group works with circadian rhythms, which are daily rhythms with unique characteristics,” Hardin said. “They control behavior, biochemical and physiological cycles even when you remove all aspects of the environmental cues.” Multiple research projects have addressed circadian rhythms in multiple species, but fruit flies — scientific name Drosophila — provide
Wehner goes energy friendly VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPICS
The Battalion was unable to print an updated medal count because production ended early due to winter weather and the campus closure.
pg. 1-2.24.10.indd 1
Melissa Appel The Battalion Something as simple as turning off a light switch could simultaneously reduce the budget expenses and decrease the carbon footprint of Texas A&M. As part of a campuswide effort to improve energy efficiency, Students in Free Enterprise, a student organization in the Mays Business School, initiated a campaign to decrease energy consumption in Wehner Building. “[The mission of the enterprise is] to bring together the top leaders of today and tomorrow to create a better, more sustainable world through the positive power of business,” said Kaitlyn Rice, criteria manager for environmental sustainability. Members are involved with the business environment and community around them with programs and service projects in areas such as success skills, business ethics, financial literacy and environmental sustainability. As part of the environmental arm, the group teamed with the Energy Steward Program, a campus initiative to improve energy efficiency. “With a growing campus and a multi-million dollar annual purchased utility budget, an active
program to improve operating efficiency and reduce energy consumption remains a high priority,” said Les Williams, associate director for utilities and energy management. “The purpose of the Energy Stewardship Program pilot program is to work closely with various departments, building proctors and occupants to raise awareness and reduce energy consumption while meeting customer needs through proactive involvement of Energy Stewards assigned to specific facilities.” The organization evaluates the energy use — and misuse — within the department. “SIFE Texas A&M hopes to increase awareness of energy conservation on the campus as a whole and chose to start their campaign in their college home of Mays Business School, and thus the Wehner Building,” said adviser Cynthia Billington. The group began by sending Energy Stewardship Advocacy forms to the faculty and staff in Wehner, describing the changes that could be made to decrease energy consumption. “We then went around all Wehner offices and checked if people had implemented the See Energy on page 4
an appropriate and easily manipulated research model for comparisons with humans. “Fruit flies are a fantastic model for what’s going in humans,” Hardin said. “They are similar with circadian clocks, learning and memory and sleep. The genes involved in flies are very similar to those involved with humans.” In a two-year research project, primary author Chatterjee investigated the behavior of fruit flies sticking out their proboscis – the major taste organ – to “taste” their environment See Fruit flies on page 8
Fruit fly facts ◗ Kingdom: Animalia ◗ Phylum: Arthropoda ◗ Live for eight -10 days
◗ Feed on decaying fruits and vegetable
◗ Females lay around 500 eggs
Student campaigns begin Students will see an increased number of banners and signs around campus as open campaigning for student body elections begins today. As part of the new shortened campaign and election time span, candidates and their campaign staff will have from today until midnight on March 2 to get their message out to students. Candidates were allowed to visit with on-campus organizations on Monday and Tuesday night. Positions available in the spring elections include student body president, senior and junior yell leaders, Class Council presidents, Residence Hall Association officers and Class Agents. Students are encouraged to get involved in the campaigning and learn about the candidates who
are asking for votes. Most campaigns offer Facebook groups and Web sites with more information about the candidates and their platforms. The Election Commission also posts a Candidate’s Guide on their Web site with a short biography for each candidate. Voting will take place March 3-4, through the Web site Election results will be announced on the evening of March 4 at the Sul Ross Statue. If necessary, run-off elections will occur the following week. “A vote is the most powerful instrument of student opinion,” said Election Commissioner Jacob Lopez. For more information, visit the Election Commission Web site at Melissa Appel, staff writer
2/23/10 6:59 PM