Run-off results tonight A&M will have new student leadership after the 2010-2011 student body president is announced tonight. Jacob Robinson and Bryan Sims are the two student body president candidates in the run-off. “I think it’s important for students to vote because this person will become the voice of all 49,000 students to the University administration, the Texas A&M System, the Texas Legislature and all other interested parties,” said Student Body President Kolin Loveless. The announcement, will be at 8 p.m. in front of the Sul Ross statue. An e-mail sent Tuesday to students stated an incorrect time. David Benac and Michael Riemer are vying in the run-off ballot for junior yell leader. Students can vote online at http:// until 5 p.m. today.
● wednesday,
march 10, 2010
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Altering spring break Students trade partying for service Travis Lawson
Melissa Appel, staff writer
re And
coming thursday
Tennis athlete shines An in-depth look at Aggie tennis sensation Jeff Dadamo
inside voices | 9
Making a common mistake In academic circles, Before Christ and Anno Domini have been replaced with the Common Era. This effort to make our dating system more politically correct is unnecessary, and neglects culture’s influence on the English language.
this day in
S Uhistory March 10, 1880 The Salvation Army was founded in the U.S. The social service organization was first founded in England by William Booth and operates in 90 countries.
pg1-3.10.10.indd 1
Aggies in Mission volunteer time to help with Haiti relief Katy Ralston The Battalion One group of Aggie students will be taking a break from the usual surf, sand and sun of spring break and replacing it with service in the Houston area through the organization Aggies in Mission. Aggies in Mission is a faith-based student organization focused on mission work in Bryan-College Station and surrounding area. The nondenominational Christian group does on average two local service
projects a month. In addition, the mission sponsors one short-term mission trip ev“We want to show ery semester and one week-long misGod’s love through sion trip during spring break. our acts, because Service projects and mission trips acts speak louder in the past have included volunteerthan words” ing at the Crestview retirement facilities, Hurricane Ike relief work, working a local elementary school -Austin Miller carnival and building houses for
See ASB on page 4
See AIM on page 4
Police urge students to secure belongings
Despite economy, church, family trips top students’ plans Angela Washeck
Laura A. Sanchez The Battalion Most students are making preparations for a week-long break from classes, while police officials urge students to take measures to make sure possessions will not be stolen during spring break. Sgt. Janice Kemp of the College Station Police Department Community Services division, said although there are not as many thefts during spring break as during the longer breaks, students should take precautionary measures. “One of the things that we recommend is for students to take their items with them like computers and televisions if they’re going home,” Kemp said. The key in preventing spring break thefts is to make your home seem like someone is there at all times and making it seem like nothing has changed, said Kristi Hosea, master officer for the University Police Department Crime Prevention Unit. Having a neighbor occasion-
The Battalion The organization Alternative Alternati Spring Break B eak shows students there is Br i more to spring break than partying. ASB, A which functions func n tions under the Student Stu Government Association, Associat offers students an alternative alt to the break and ann a chance to learn about a other cultures by b sending students all a over the U.S. and soon the world. Ashley Teel, a semecha nior mechanical engimaajo and chairneering major woman of ASB ASB, said ASB provides a chance for students to build leadership sk skills. “The executive team has worked w rked very hardd this year to prowo vide opportunit our most opportunities ever for students,” Teel said. Although the name of Get the organization organizatiion would would involved imply the group operoperrates during spring break Visit http://asb. alone, the group had had a a to winter breakk trip this find out more semester and is about to information on have the first internationall trip to Cuernavaca, how to be a part of Mexico. The members of Alternative Spring the organization worked Break. hard to make sure students have a chance at the experience of a lifetime, Teel said. “The student leaders of the trips, site leaders, have dedicated both their fall and spring semester preparing for these trips,” Teel said. “The students involved in ASB have an unwavering passion for service and social change and in the process experience a chance of a lifetime, making memories and friendships to last.” One of these student volunteers, site leader trainer and senior sociology major Caitlin Heyen is just one piece of the puzzle. Heyen said the best part of the experience is gaining knowledge about the way others live.
Jeremy Northum — THE BATTALION
Sgt. Janice Kemp said to secure valuables during spring break as opposed to leaving them unattended in an empty apartment or vehicle. ally park a car in your driveway or parking spot can make it seem like someone is home. “If [students] live in apartment complexes, letting the management know that they’re going to be gone or letting their friends know that are staying in town if they’re working or something is a good idea to check in for them and make sure everything is OK,” Kemp said. Hosea said students can register their residence with UPD for checks during the break. “Your answering device message should never indicate that you are not home. Always use plural nouns even if you live alone. Don’t use your name,” she said. Junior horticulture major Mary See Crime on page 4
Avoiding burglary over spring break ◗Engrave driver’s license number on bicycle. ◗Use a U-bolt lock. ◗Have a friend check on apartment or house. ◗Register residence with UPD. ◗Stop mail and newspapers. ◗Do not leave lights on 24 hours.
The Battalion It’s that time again. We are getting antsy in our desks and are starting to count down seconds until class is over. The weather is warming up, and spring fever has ensued. Students will soon pack swimsuits and beach towels into bags in preparation for road trips, or gallivants to Mexico. Too bad there is only one thing stopping us from taking intricate vacations — money. Although the state of the economy has shown improvement since March 2009, Chad Hart, president of Inertia Tours, said it is deterring to travel more domestically. His company works hard to shape low-priced trips geared toward college students. “Beyond the obvious transportation costs, cities have been hit as hard by the recession as travelers have,” he said. “So there are loads of deals to be found as different regions try to compete for folks’
travel dollars.” Inertia Tours offers a fournight trip package for $250, which houses four in a hotel within walking distance of a beach, plus two meals a day and $50 gas card. Hart said this is a deal that cannot be beat by competitors. International travel rates have declined as a result of increasing border security in the past few years. Parents are becoming leery of sending children to Mexico, and on top of the recession, Hart said his business theory is working. See Trips on page 4
inside | 3 Bryan church group reaches out to spring breakers in Panama City, Fla., by offering free rides and pancakes.
3/9/10 10:04 PM