What kind of music do you listen to when you’re in a bad mood in order to feel better? Jazmin Martinez
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House passes health care bill, 219-212
Purdue 63, Texas A&M 61 (OT)
freshman biology major
WASHINGTON — Summoned to success by President Barack Obama, the Democratic-controlled Congress approved historic legislation Sunday night extending health care to tens of millions of uninsured Americans and cracking down on insurance company abuses, a climactic chapter in the century-long quest for near universal coverage. Widely viewed as dead two months ago, the Senatepassed bill cleared the House on a 219-212 vote, with Republicans unanimous in opposition. Congressional officials said they expected Obama to sign the bill as early as Tuesday. A second measure — making changes in the first — was lined up for passage later in the evening. That measure would go to the Senate, where Democratic leaders said they had the votes to pass it. Crowds of protesters outside the Capitol shouted “just vote no” in a futile attempt to stop the historic vote taking place inside a House packed with lawmakers and ringed with spectators in the galleries above. Across hours of debate, House Democrats predicted the central bill, costing $940 billion over a decade, would rank with other great social legislation of recent decades.
“Punk rock. It just has that energetic beat. There’s some songs that really have that beat that you never get tired of. It’s something you never get tired of listening to no matter how many times you hear it.”
Tabatha Broussard freshman general studies major
“Relaxation, soft music because it just cools me down. It gets the anger out of me.”
Micah Van Alstyne senior spatial sciences major
“I listen to intense Christian music, hard rock Christian music. It makes me realize that my problems are small and insignificant.”
Associated Press
Sept. 16, 1938 – March 16, 2010 Richard A. Chilcoat
Caitlin Donahoe junior marketing major
The Aggies lose a spot in the Sweet 16 during the second-round game against Purdue. “Normally I listen to anything from a musical or a Broadway show because I like watching shows and singing along to it when I’m by myself.”
Nitin Suares mechanical engineering graduate student
Match-up madness Men fall short of Sweet 16 The Aggies lose to Purdue 63-61 in overtime despite Bryan Davis’s 17 points and 15 rebounds.
Women play today With
Liz Nelson
a win over No. 7 seed Gonzaga, the Aggies could advance to the thirdstraight Sweet 16.
freshman general studies major
sports | 3 What’s next
Brandi Tevebaugh, J.D. Swiger and Jeremy Northum— THE BATTALION
Pg. 1-03.22.10.indd 1
Respected dean remembered for public service Brandi Tevebaugh
“I listen to music that takes me back to when I was younger like stuff that I listened to when I was in high school. Stuff like Incubus and Third Eye Blind, Foo Fighters, White Down. It puts me in better mood. I didn’t have the problems I have now.”
“I just always listen to country music because they talk a lot about hard times and how they deal with it.”
Bush school loses finest
Guards Tanisha Smith and Skylar Collins take a break from practice before their game with Portland State.
Texas A&M women vs. Gonzaga in Seattle at Bank of America Arena. 8:40 p.m.
The Battalion Former Bush School Dean Richard Chilcoat died Tuesday, in College Station after battling cancer for more than two years. Chilcoat was born Sept. 16, 1938 and died at 72. Chilcoat was appointed the Bush School’s first permanent dean in July 2001 and resigned in 2008. During his time Chilcoat in the position of dean, Chilcoat made advances in the school. “He was the full-time dean of the Bush School, so for a period of about six years, he was responsible for all of our growth and development,” said Sam Kirkpatrick, executive associate dean. “During that period, we grew from about 40 students to 200 fulltime students. We added one new degree program in international affairs, several certificate programs and hired See Chilcoat on page 8
3/21/10 10:27 PM