The Battalion: April 7, 2010

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thebattalion ● wednesday,

april 7, 2010

● serving

texas a&m since 1893

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From Aggieland to Switzerland

and everywhere in between Evan Andrews— THE BATTALION

Who he is

Former student recounts travels in book ‘Romancing the Impossible, Traveling the World Without Money’ Robert Carpenter The Battalion When Clarke Straughan graduated from Texas A&M in 1960, he knew exactly what he was going to do with his business administration degree: live the life of Errol Flynn, Hollywood’s glorified swashbuckler and adventurer. Seven years, four continents and countless adventures later, he figured he had done just that. “I grew up in San Antonio and when I was 7, 8, 9 years old, every Saturday [my friends and I] would watch movies of daring and adventure,” Straughan said. “So I sat there Saturday after Saturday watch-

this day in

xas tehistory

ing these and just absorbed this into my soul. I said, ‘When I get big, I am going to live that life,’ and I never let go of that dream.” In 1962, at 23, Straughan pawned all of his possessions and purchased a one-way plane ticket to Hawaii. There, Straughan began the journey that took him around the globe. Straughan spent one year in Hawaii, working for a hotel. Then, despite making friendships with such wealthy vacationers as the prince of Spain and princess of Greece on their honeymoon, Straughan decided change was in order. A few months and several sickly boat trips later,

On this day in 1844, the Scioto Belle, a river steamer believed to have been built on the Scioto River in Ohio, arrived at Galveston from New Orleans. The steamer operated between Galveston and Houston and landings on the Trinity River but, probably because of the poor condition of the Trinity channel in the 1840s, was not able to go much farther up the river than Liberty Landing. In 1844, during a yellow fever epidemic, the Scioto Belle was docked at Lynchburg and converted by Dr. John Henry Bowers into a hospital.

Movie review “Repo Men” has met with mixed reviews, but has the merits of a future cult classic.

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See Straughan on page 2

Students share faith, culture of Islam Samantha Johnson

April 7, 1884

Straughan could be found laying desert railroad lines alongside Australia’s native Aborigines. In between stints on the railroad, Straughan spent time with the Boyces, a well-to-do Australian family whom he befriended. Peter Boyce, who was a teenager at the time, said Straughan made a lasting impression during his short stay. “In the early 1960s when I met Clarke, I was barely in my teens and very impressionable. I suppose I was looking for a role model,” Boyce said. “Clarke was so polite, not only to my father, calling him ‘sir,’ but

Clarke Straughan, now a retired Marine colonel and Distinguished Straughan Toastmaster, travels as a motivational speaker. For more information on Straughan or his book, visit http://www.

The Battalion This week is Islam Awareness Week at Texas A&M, part of the celebration of Asian Heritage Month. “Our goal here at A&M is simply to help people understand what Islam really is,” said Afnan Adam, junior industrial engineering major and president of the Muslim Students’ Association. The association organizes the events of Islam Awareness Week. Booths were set up in front of Sbisa Dining Hall Monday and Tuesday. Students had the opportunity to participate in activities such as receiving Henna tattoos and having their name written in Arabic calligraphy, said Mohamad Mouneimne, education officer for the associa-

tion and junior chemical engineering major. Islamic art was also displayed, and pamphlets on topics in Islam were distributed. Sheikh Mutahhir Sabree will give a presentation called “Islam Exposed” at 6:30 p.m. today in Koldus 111. There will also be a discussion panel at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in Rudder 601. “At this discussion panel, we hope to answer any question anyone has about Islam or any related question,” Adam said. “This is usually our largest event and we hope for it to be even bigger this year.” Saturday there will be a mosque open house from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Islamic Community of Bryan-College Station. “Also at the mosque open house, which is on Saturday, we have many visitors come and tour the mosque,” Adam said. “They get to try

exotic foods from different countries as well as learn about Islam through tables, movies and presentations.” Secretary of the association Sidraa Naeem, a junior general studies major, said this week will give her an opportunity to answer questions about her faith. “It is important to me, because I want people to know about what I believe in. I don’t want people to be afraid of asking questions like, ‘Why do you wear that head scarf?’ I feel like through programs like Islam Awareness Week, we give people the chance to ask us these questions and hopefully gain some insight on Islam instead of what the media portrays,” she said. “I want my Aggie family to know the

Aggies kick off shoes for cause

◗Sheikh Mutahhir Sabree will give a presentation at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in Koldus 111. ◗There will be a discussion panel at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in Rudder 601. ◗There will be a mosque open house from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at the Islamic Community of Bryan-College Station.

See Islam on page 4

A&M students protest for guns Brandi Tevebaugh

Meagan O’Toole-Pitts The Battalion Hundreds of Aggies will bear it all Thursday in observation of TOMS “One Day Without Shoes,” a nationwide event to raise awareness of the 300 million children in the world who go without shoes. “By going barefoot, we hope to raise awareness of all the children around the world who are forced to go without shoes every day,” said Nicole McAfee, Texas A&M TOMS member. TOMS, an alpargata footwear company founded in 2006 by Arlington native Blake Mycoskie, donates one pair of shoes to a child in need for each pair sold. TOMS delivers shoes to children in Argentina, South Africa, Ethiopia and the U.S. “Going without shoes really does nothing. It’s what going without shoes symbolizes. It shows that we as fortunate, blessed people don’t have to worry about dying of a disease that originates in the feet — it’s called podoconiosis — simply because we have shoes to walk around in,” said Texas A&M TOMS Club President Ashleigh Hancock. “There are people in third world countries, and even in our own country, that

If you go

Photo illustration by Jeramie Heflin— THE BATTALION

If you go ◗TOMS clubs around the country promote awareness with “One Day Without Shoes” events. A&M participants will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday in front of the Sul Ross statue and walk around campus barefoot. ◗On April 12, Toms founder Blake Mycoskie will speak at A&M. Tickets are free and available at the Rudder Box Office. contract diseases from the ground that are so easily preventable by wearing shoes and that’s what TOMS is about.” Podoconiosis, or nonfilarial elephantiasis, causes swelling of the feet and lower legs, and affects an estimated 1 million people in Ethiopia.

“These diseases are preventable, and they kill hundreds of thousand of children every day,” said Texas A&M Global Justice President Kayla Salazar. “Even if [students] can’t go to the event, we want students to be the Twelfth Man for the barefoot children of the world, and go without shoes on Thursday,” McAfee said. The A&M TOMS Day Without Shoes Facebook page has more than 600 confirmed guests for the event, but Hancock said she would be happy if 150 attend. “If all of those people showed up to our event at 5 p.m. at the Sul Ross statue, that would be so phenomenal,” she said. “It would be such an amazing statement to say to people, ‘Texas A&M is really aware of what’s going on in other countries and we do what small things we can to help.’”

The Battalion In the wake of campus tragedies such as the Virginia Tech shootings, students across the nation support concealed guns on college campuses. Texas A&M’s chapter of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus is participating in the Empty Holster Protest this week. “The Empty Holster Pro“Basically, test is something that is it’s to raise done nationally every awareness year with Students for the cause for Concealed of concealed Carry on Campus,” said Lisa carry on campus. MacIntyre, a juWe’re wanting to nior psychology get people asking major and pubquestions” lic relations officer for the A&M Lisa MacIntyre, chapter. “Basically, junior psychology it’s to raise awareness major for the cause of concealed carry on campus. We’re wanting to get people asking questions that way we can discuss it with them and tell them what we’re all about, what we’re fighting for.” The A&M chapter of the national organization is expecting about 900 students to be on campus this week with empty holsters. The group serves as the lead organization for the state. See Holsters on page 4

4/6/10 10:14 PM

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