The Battalion: April 9, 2010

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this day in



history April 9, 1865 At Appomattox, VA., Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrenders his 28,000 troops to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the American Civil War. Forced to abandon the Confederate capital of Richmond, blocked from joining the surviving Confederate force in North Carolina., and harassed by Union cavalry, Lee had no option.


● friday,

april 9, 2010

● serving

texas a&m since 1893

● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2010 student media

Hidden in plain sight Students compete to find art on campus Robert Carpenter

The Battalion Turquoise shirts dotted campus Thursday as teams of students traversed University grounds in a quest for the artistic roots of Texas A&M. The inaugural Amazing Aggie Art Race used clues to lead teams from art piece to art piece as they competed against one another for gift-card prizes. Cathy Hastedt, event organizer and director of the University art gallery department, said the purpose of the competition was to showcase some of the art spread throughout the campus. “The idea was to increase awareness of the art that is on campus because people walk by all the time and don’t pay attention

to it,” Hastedt said. “We wanted them to be aware of where these art locations are on campus.” Seven clues directed the six teams in turn to the Recreation Center, the Eagle statue at Cain Park, Cushing Library, the “Minos” sculpture beside Blocker, Pi R Square, the “In Between the Lines” sculpture beside Langford and finally to the psychology building. Teams were required to perform tasks including painting Chinese calligraphy, art to artist matching and Pictionary in order to proceed to the following clue. At the end of the competition the “Water Hillbillies” team, Eric Cousineau, senior mechanical engineering major, Kevin Holte, senior engineering technology and industrial distribution See Art race on page 4

April Baltensperger — THE BATTALION

Students draw Chinese characters Thursday as part of Amazing Aggie Art Race.

news | 2

Defeating cancer Aggie Relay for Life to raise funds for cancer research and treatment.

Hispanic affairs The Latino student conference highlights war, peace and politics in Latin communities.

lifestyles | 3

b! Rock out The 1970’s all-girl rockband “The Runaways” come to life with the self-titled movie starring Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning.

voices | 7

Taking back Texas Rick Perry has failed our state in the years he has been governor. Texas needs a leader more concerned about education than appointing friends to positions.

Photos by Sam Smith — THE BATTALION

A&M pitcher Barret Loux averages 18 pitches per inning, striking out more than six players each game.

Pitch perfect (almost) Loux outshines Big 12, draws rave reviews from major league scouts

Brad Cox

The Battalion “Actions speak louder than words” is an adequate description of Texas A&M pitcher Barret Loux. The often-quiet Houston native is a dominating performer on the mound, opting more toward doing his job than putting on a show. “It’s something I’ve kind of embraced,” Loux said about his quiet demeanor. “I wouldn’t say I’m very

emotional. Compared to before I got here, I’d say I’m more emotional than I used to be.” Maybe a little fist pump after a strikeout, of which Loux has many, or a gritting of his teeth after giving up a home run, of which he has few, is about as far as the 6-feet, 5-inch tall junior will go. But it’s not his emotions that have

How they compare ◗ Barret Loux, Texas A&M, 1.98 ERA ◗ Taylor Jungman, Texas, 2.94 ERA ◗ Chad Bettis, Texas Tech, 4.18 ERA

See Loux on page 5

Students build, invent simple, complex machine

‘Chasing al-Qaida’ discusses new era of war on terror

Brandi Tevebaugh

Two top government officials will be speaking today as part of a panel discussion about public policy issues. Gen. Wesley Clark, former supreme NATO allied commander and Gov. Tom Ridge, former secretary of the Department of Homeland Security will speak at 8 p.m. today Ridge in Rudder Auditorium during the Memorial Student Center Wiley Lecture Series presentation of “Chasing al-Qaida.” “Principally it’s an opportunity for the campus to hear public policy issues from the perspective of policy makers,” said Deryle Richmond, the ad-

Samantha Johnson The Battalion

The Battalion

A series of switches, rolling balls, snapping mousetraps, magnets, motors and levers complete a simple task: pumping hand sanitizer. The Texas A&M Rube Goldberg machine team went to competition March 25-29 at Purdue University in IndiContest ana with a contraption to achieve just that. origins “Each year there’s a difThe Rube Goldberg ferent objective that all teams Machine Contest across the board that compete brings the ideas have to do, like this year it was of artist Rube to dispense hand sanitizer,” said Herbert Baumgartner, Goldberg’s a senior manufacturing and “invention” mechanical engineering techcartoons to life. nology major. “Everybody’s has the same end objective.” A Rube Goldberg machine completes a task in an inefficient manner with multiple steps. The A&M team’s project had about 75 steps before the final step of pumping the hand sanitizer, said team leader

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Tom Carney, Charles Rubach, Herbert Baumgartner and Ben Baumgartner are part of the A&M Rube Goldberg machine team. Baumgartner. “A step is a transfer of energy,” said Charles Rubach, a senior engineering technology major. “There’s ambiguity between the judges when there’s things like dominoes. If a 100 dominoes fall over, that’s not 100 steps but one step. If one domino falls over and knocks something new, and that knocks over dominoes, then those steps count.” Despite its intricacy, the machine has to run efficiently. With the intricate details of each step, precision is necessary. “There’s a lot of subtleties and nuances, like it’s supposed to be on the edge of not working every time, and the more steps in it, the cooler it is,” said See Goldberg on page 8

viser for Wiley Lecture Series. Marlene Wyatt, the chairwoman of the Wiley Lecture Series, said the panel discusses various issues regarding alQaida. “The panel will discuss the new era of the war against alQaida. Not only is it solely about Afghanistan, we are now concerned with the role of Pakistan and Yemen,” Wyatt, a junior supply Clark chain management major, said. “This panel is going to show us the difficulties they have with the spread of al-Qaida, and how our intelligence agencies are trying to combat the new wave of al-Qaida attacks.” Sarah Hall, research director

Memorial Student Center Wiley Lecture Series Tickets are available at the MSC Box Office, online at http:// boxoffice.tamu. edu or by phone at (979) 845-1234. Student tickets are $10 and general admission tickets are $20.

See al-Qaida on page 8

4/8/10 10:20 PM

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