The Battalion: April 12, 2010

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What would you change about Chilifest?

thebattalion ● monday,

april 12, 2010

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texas a&m since 1893

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Basketball season honored

Meghan Collins senior communication major

Roland’s speech sums up emotional night Beau Holder The Battalion


Kelli Gerard nutrition graduate student

Every person stood one by one, as if hoisted up by invisible hands; smiles adorning their faces, they clapped, whooped and whistled for a season and a person they will never forget. The crowd that witnessed Sunday’s basketball awards ceremony inside Reed Arena listened to speeches by Athletic Director Bill Byrne and Texas A&M University President R. Bowen Loftin,

followed by highlights from the year and saw the presentation of individual awards, but it was the entrance of senior guard Derrick Roland that brought those in attendance to their feet. Despite a low turnout by the student body, the amount of season-ticket holders and Bryan-College Station residents in attendance led Byrne and Loftin to remark that support for Aggie basketball is growing with each season. “A few years back,” Byrne said, “this would’ve been an overflow crowd at

Reed Arena. We’ve come a long ways.” The University president reached even further back. “I remember going to G. Rollie White Coliseum in the spring of 1968 to watch us play basketball,” Loftin said. “If we had 150 in the stands, we were lucky. “But these last few years, we have been filling Reed Arena — and that, to me, is extraordinary.” The team’s highlight video took fans through each game of the See Honors on page 8

Matt Young — Special to THE BATTALION

President Loftin remarked on the growing support for A&M basketball at Basketball Honors Night Tuesday.

“That people are allowed to leave.”

Riley Howard senior education major

“Lower the prices on food. I just paid $6 for a corn dog.”

Josh Honeycutt junior political science major

“Make the lots bigger.”

Rebecca Harry junior kinesiology major

Jeramie Heflin — THE BATTALION

Chilifest performers are surrounded by a group of fans dancing, singing and throwing things from beer cans to food.

Camaraderie central

“More toilet paper.”

James Burns senior communication major

“More porta-potties outside the gates.”

Chilifest brings music and food lovers together

time,” said Hughes, a chairmen who has been involved with Chilifest for three years. Thousands of people flocked to When country band, Corry MorSnook, Texas, this weekend for Chilrow took the stage at 11 a.m Saturday, ifest, the two-day event filled with live the stage was surrounded by a crowd of music and, of course, chili. people, and was encircled by a row of Chilifest, is a organization that donates people sitting in lawn chairs, couches thousands of dollars to charities every and coolers. year since its creation in 1999. “I love the music and the ca“It’s a charity event, and it’s a good maraderie,” said Cody Johnson, a

Samantha Johnson The Battalion

VTMD student. Through the day, as Roger Creager, Eli Young Band and Aaron Watson took the stage; the crowd grew in size and rowdiness. Half-full beer cans, toilet paper, beach balls and even couch cushions could be seen soaring about the crowd. After a few cans hit in front of the stage, Mike Eli, lead singer of the Eli Young Band laughed and said, “I’m all See Chilifest on page 7

Best chili winners ◗ “Fire House Chili” ◗ “Don’t Judge Me, It’s Chilifest” ◗ “Come and Taste It”

Samantha Johnson and Jeramie Heflin — THE BATTALION

Aggies walk to beat cancer, raise $97,269 ■ Survivors and students pull an allnighter in memory of those who lost and in honor of those have overcome the disease Inside angle Watch footage and interviews with the students who participated and see what the event meant to them.

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nization or friends who group together to raise funds for the American Cancer Society prior to the event and stayed up all night together, participating in games and ceremonies and walking the track. “We encourage [the teams] to have at least one person walking around the track,” said teams exJill Beathard ecutive Amber Gossett, a senior marketing major. The Battalion “That symbolizes how cancer survivors, the fight Her senior year of high school, Laura Carr was never stops.” diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. She unMembers of the team Wild for the Cure have derwent chemotherapy and lost her hair, somebeen friends since living in a residence hall tothing her friends didn’t know how to react to. No gether their freshman year and have participated one asked her to prom that year, but she went, in Aggie Relay for four years. This year, they after walking the track at her community’s Relay raised the most money out of the teams with for Life event. $8,630, and they won best costume for their “I’ve heard a lot of stories about everything, animal garb. and it’s a healing process for some people, the Team captain Jenny Schaible was the top fundwhole event is just amazing,” said Carr, a senior raiser for the region this year. “I personally relay biomedical sciences major. because my dad passed away from melanoma Now a senior at Texas A&M, Carr is the cancer in October 2007,” said Schaible, a senior chairwoman of Aggie Relay for Life, one of the sociology major. “My friends have been fabulous, largest Relay for Life events in the nation. This fantastic and so supportive; they’re a great group year’s event took place from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. to do this with.” Nicholas Badger — THE BATTALION Friday and Saturday at the Anderson Track and The team’s first theme was Kick Cancer Participants walk the track during Aggie Field Complex. in the Fanny, and every year they have worn Relay for Life, symbolizing the struggle Nearly 200 teams participated in the event. See Relay on page 2 against cancer, which never stops. Teams were made up of members of an orga-

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Wiley lecture series | 8 “Chasing al-Qaida” touches on the importance of being prepared in the new age of terrorism.

Sailing competes | 10 A&M teams battle for a seat at nationals.

4/11/10 10:33 PM

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