The Battalion: April 13, 2010

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thebattalion ● tuesday,

april 13, 2010

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Pieces of Leaders in Freshman Engineering’s iShack wait to be assembled on the first day of Aggie Habitat for Humanity’s Shack-a-Thon 2010.

Photos by Jonny Green — THE BATTALION

Constructing a village Corps of Cadets Co. C-2 lowers a wall for their shack Monday for Shacka-Thon.

Aggie Habitat for Humanity’s Shack-a-Thon builds friendship, creates tradition, raises funds Brandi Tevebaugh

The Battalion The bang of hammers hitting nails and clap of lumber beating together filled the air in front of G. Rollie White Coliseum Monday as 13 student organizations built Shack Village. Students will live in the shacks for the remainder of the week as part of Shacka-Thon, Aggie Habitat for Humanity’s annual fundraiser. “It’s kind of a dual purpose thing,” said

Ashlyn Kelbly, a senior civil engineering major and director of special events for Aggie Habitat. “It’s a fundraiser for us obviously because we sell the shack lots, and then it’s just kind of a poverty housing awareness event as well because we’re all living in shacks. That’s a big point of Habitat is to stop poverty housing and provide decent housing for families that deserve it.” Because of the construction taking place at the Memorial Student Center, where Shack-

Brandi Tevebaugh, staff writer

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See Shack-a-Thon on page 4

Sharing shoes, ‘one for one’

Primary run-off voting today Primary run-off elections will be today. One Democratic and five Republican races were left undecided after the March 2 party primaries. Voting will open at 7 a.m. and will close at 7 p.m. People who voted in the March 2 party primary may only vote in that party’s run-off, but people who did not vote in a primary may vote in either run-off. “The same rules still apply,” said Karen McQueen, Brazos County clerk. “They still need their voter’s card or their ID; they still can only vote for candidates in their area and their jurisdiction. The only thing different is the polling places.”

a-Thon had been in the past, participants set up at G. Rollie White Coliseum where they set a record this year raising $19,097 “What the money goes to is every year Aggie Habitat for Humanity sponsors a home through the Bryan-College Station chapter of Habitat for Humanity,” said Travis Warren, a senior mechanical engineering major and president of Aggie Habitat. “In February we wrote a check for Bryan-College

TOMS founder speaks to students

Jeramie Heflin — THE BATTALION

Blake Mycoskie, chief shoe giver and founder of TOMS, spoke Monday in Rudder Auditorium.

shoes. Mycoskie said he had no idea his vision would become the huge success it is today. Travis Lawson pair of shoes to a child in need for every “It was a small project you know, like The Battalion pair of shoes sold. An idea Mycoskie char- 250 kids in my apartment,” Mycoskie said. acterizes as “One for One.” “It is hard to believe.” Blake Mycoskie, founder of TOMS The presentation began with Mycoskie Mycoskie speaks at universities all over Shoes, spoke at Rudder Auditorium talking about how he first got the idea for the country about community service and Monday to a crowd of more than 800 the company. Mycoskie said to the audimaking a difference. He said he loves to students from Texas A&M University. Mycoskie talked about giving back to the ence in the Rudder Auditorium he came share his message with anyone who is willup with the idea while staying in a village ing to listen. community and how he got the idea for in Argentina where some of the children “Anytime I get the opportunity to the California-based shoe company. did not have shoes and could not go to share my story and inspire other people, The TOMS Shoes Company was startschool because of it. especially people who are not that much ed in 2006 and began selling lightweight The encounter inspired Mycoskie to younger than I am, it is a really cool thing shoes based on the alpargata style from Arstart the company with only 250 pairs of gentina. The company promises to give a See TOMS on page 2

Aggie alumni awarded highest student honor ■ Seven of A&M’s most decorated former students receive ‘Distinguished Alumni Award’ for outstanding accomplishments

Don H. Davis Jr. Class of 1961

Davis, from Sedona, Ariz, graduated from A&M with a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering and went on to reLaura A. Sanchez history in 1967 and was a ceive a Master of Science The Battalion member of the Corps of in business administration Cadets. He was named a Seven individuals have been awarded in 1963. distinguished military stuwhat is considered by the Association of While at A&M, Davis dent and joined the Army Former Students the highest honor bewas on the varsity baseball after graduation where he stowed upon a former student of Texas team and in the Corps of served in Vietnam. A&M University. Acklen Davis Cadets. Davis’ was CEO of After suffering from a “We have individuals who are leadRockwell International for 45 years and broken back during a helicopter crash in ers in whatever field they have chosen. retired in 2005. Vietnam, Acklen recovered and earned In some cases, they’ve been educators, A&M has recognized Davis’ accoma business degree from the University of business leaders, military leaders,” said plishments by awarding him with the Texas. He served in Korea and retired Kathryn Greenwade, vice president of Outstanding Alumni Award from the in 1978. communications for the Association. “In College of Engineering in 1990. Davis After earning a computer science deall the cases, in addition to their career acand his wife, Sallie, have given back to the gree in 1989 from the University of North complishments, they’re always individuals University through professorships, graduTexas, Acklen taught computer science who have given back to their community ate fellowships, and gifts. courses and wrote software programs. or back to the University in some way.” He was on the College of EngineerAcklen has earned more than 60 miliRobert L. Acklen Jr. tary decorations and will be awarded post- ing external advisory committee and is an Class of 1963 Endowed Century Club member. Davis humously. He died Dec. 31, 1998 with also contributes to the Boys and Girls cancerous brain tumors. Acklen received a Bachelor of Arts in

Clubs of America. William H. “Bill” Flores Class of 1976 Flores, a Bryan, Texas, native, graduated from A&M with a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting and then went on received a Master of Business Administration from Houston Baptist University in 1985. Flores was a memFlores ber of the Corps of Cadets and was a Ross Volunteer. He became CEO and president of Phoenix Exploration, Co. Flores and his wife have contributed to A&M through scholarships and endowments with the College of Education, Mays Business School and Corps of Cadets. The Great Hall in the Clayton W. Williams Jr. Center was renamed in Flores’ honor. Flores is involved with councils at A&M and is an Endowed Century Club member. See Alumni on page 5

4/12/10 9:47 PM

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The Battalion: April 13, 2010 by The Battalion - Issuu