The Battalion: April 14, 2010

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Aggies remember Holocaust The Texas A&M Campus Ministries Association is putting on multiple Holocaust remembrance events in honor of the millions of lives lost during World War II. On Tuesday, information tables were set up in front of Sbisa to inform students about the different events. The Association will be reading names of victims in front of the Sul Ross statue from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. today. “We’re going to read out as many names as we can. Unfortunately, we wouldn’t have time to call out all the names, since 9 million people perished,” Weiser said. Yom Hashoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day, was originally during this week until the United Nations decided to move it to January. The Texas A&M group decided to still use this week as the time to remember those lives lost. Al Marks, a liberated holocaust survivor will speak at Texas A&M Hillel at 7 p.m. today about his experiences during the war. Laura A. Sanchez, staff writer

thebattalion ● wednesday,

april 14, 2010

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E pluribus unum

■ Facilities will house cancer treatment, research on campus Katy Ralston

The Battalion The Texas A&M Health Science Center is expanding its campus and will soon welcome an addition — the joint research and treatment center. The addition was announced by the Texas A&M University System and Mary Crowley Cancer Research Centers. The center’s mission will be to get new drugs and vaccines to people who need them, said Brett Giroir, Texas A&M University System vice chancellor for Research and IIT executive director. On average it takes 17 years and $2 billion for a new drug or vaccine to be approved for humans, Giroir said. The institute was created to bring the resources of the

this day in

US history

See Cancer on page 10

Two weeks of fun

April 14, 1865 President Abraham Lincoln was shot and mortally wounded while watching a performance of “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C. He was taken to a nearby house and died the following morning at 7:22 a.m.


scene | 3

Party animal Comedian Dennis Bruce encourages students to party hard and slack off in college in his humorous guide, “Party Thru College.”

sports | 5

Baseball recap The Aggie baseball team loses to No. 11 TCU 6-1.

Health science center expands

■ Fortnight serves as Honors Program proponent, social time Nicholas Badger and Evan Andrews— THE BATTALION

‘out of the many, one’ I-Day look at world through eyes of Aggies from across globe Melissa Appel

The Battalion Some students choose to experience other cultures and traditions through a semester abroad, but today Aggies can take a trip around the world without ever stepping foot out of Aggieland at the International Day celebration. International Day is presented by the International Student Association, and draws from more than 20 member organizations representing various countries and cultures. I-Day serves as an outlet for organizations to share the culture of other nations with the Aggie family.

“International Day is really important for each organization and for the Texas A&M community,” said sophomore Pablo Garcia, president of the Colombian Student Association and head of the public relations committee for International Day. “The organizations do their best to represent and to show their country, their culture and their patriotism. It is one of the biggest events of the spring semester.” I-Day is a shortened version of International Week. International Week, a tradition more than 20 years old, was canceled by the

If you go The Cultural Display will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. The Display Show and Talent Show will be at 7 p.m. in Rudder Theatre. Tickets are $3 for students and available at the Memorial Student Center Box Office.

Melissa Appel

The Battalion Even while taking a study break, Aggies get the opportunity to learn during Honors Fortnight. Honors Fortnight provides an opportunity for the Honors Program and Honors Student Council, to reach out to students through social activities and educational interests. “Honors Fortnight serves a dual purpose,” said Maren Cannell, senior biochemistry and genetics major and Council president. “First, it is to promote the name of the Honors Program on campus. So many students are Honors eligible, but don’t participate in the Honors classes, graduation distinctions or research opportunities. Second, Fortnight provides an opportunity for Honors students on campus to meet and learn.” The tradition of Honors Fortnight was first initiated

See International on page 9 See Fortnight on page 12

Stompfest raises money for cause

Cadets compete in challenging triathlon

Samantha Johnson

Travis Lawson

The Battalion Stompfest, an event put on by the National PanHellenic Council will be at 7 p.m. tonight in Rudder Auditorium. “It’s the only fundraiser that NPHC does all year,” said Alexis Phipps, senior music major and president of NPHC. “The philanthropy is for the African American Student Leadership Institute, the Distinguished Gentleman’s Club and the Uniting Divine Sisters Retreat.” For Stompfest, each of the seven councils See Stompfest on page 10

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Stompfest is at 7 p.m. today in Rudder Auditorium. To purchase tickets online go to http://boxoffice.

The Battalion Bill Swoboda is a senior economics major and member of the Corps of Cadets Company C-2, but what sets Swoboda apart from other Corps members is his position as captain of the Corps triathlon team. Swoboda and five other cadets represent A&M by competing in statewide triathlons. Swoboda made the Corps triathlon team an official organization of the University in the summer. With

funding from the Corps of C adets Association, the team competes in one triathlon a month. “It is more of an individual sport, but we work together as team,” Swoboda said. “We only have five members and thanks to the Corps of Cadets no one has to pay for anything at this point.” The students compete in levels of triathlons starting with a sprint triathlon, which has a 300-meter See Triathlon on page 9

4/13/10 11:26 PM

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