The Battalion: April 16, 2010

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What are your plans for Parents’ Weekend?

thebattalion ● friday,

april 16, 2010

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Families receive A&M howdy

Niki Mantravadi, sophomore microbiology major

“t.u. baseball game.”

Kelci Dudine freshman general studies major

Students prepare to show parents Aggie traditions

“My mom, my dog and my best friend are coming in and are going to celebrate my birthday with me. We are planning on doing a lot of shopping and going to the baseball game on Sunday to cheer on the Aggies.”

Melissa Appel

The Battalion The Twelfth Man. Howdy. Reveille. Gig ’em. Aggie football. Midnight Yell. The Aggie ring. The Corps of Cadets. All of these traditions define the Aggie Spirit. Yet, these traditions can be difficult to define for someone who has not experienced Aggieland. Parents’ Weekend opens the heart of Aggieland to give family members a taste of what it takes to be an Aggie. “It is the overall mission of Parents’ Weekend to give family and friends the ultimate Aggie experience while they are here for the weekend,” said Parents’ Weekend Committee Director Rebekah Thornton, a senior marketing major. “We want them to truly understand what it means to be an Aggie, and see how much this University means to each individual student.” Today through Sunday, students will have the opportunity both to demonstrate the Aggie Spirit to families and thank families for support. “Without the love and support of our families, we wouldn’t be here,” said

Briane Laruy sophomore biology major “This week my mom is coming over, so I think I’m just going to hang out with her on campus and give her a tour.”

Shella Chainaranont freshman construction science major

I’m actually wanting to go home because I know it’s going to be crowded here, so I’m going to go see them instead of them coming down here.

See Parents on page 3a NIcholas Badger — THE BATTALION

Rebecca Anderson freshman biomedical sciences major

“I’m going to be doing a lot of stuff with the Corps. The main thing I have is the Squadron 16 banquet, with my parents obviously, hopefully to win a lot of awards and be able to march in front of the review stand.”

Mark Meyer freshman biomedical engineering major

“I’m going home this weekend to spend it with my parents.” Robert Carpenter and Beau Holder — THE BATTALION


The Association of Former Students will deliver 3,975 Aggie rings today.

“We had talked with some current students and came to the realization that it would be easier if they had some time to plan,” Mechell said. “Now they have a whole week to plan and give relatives some time to get here and plan out work schedules. We have found that they really like the convenience.” This feature also makes the morning a little less hectic for the people organizing Ring Day, she said. “Now when we get to work tomorrow morning, there won’t be people camping out all over the place,” Mechell said. Talal Altook, a junior chemical engineering major from Saudi Arabia,

“The Aggie ring is one of the things I will cherish when I go back to Saudi Arabia. It will remind me of my college days.” Talal Altook, junior chemcial engineering major

See Ring day on page 3a

scene | 4a-5a


The theater group “Honorable Bards” is acting out a modernized version of Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice.”

The film, which chronicles the week following the 1999 Bonfire collapse, can be purchased for $35 on http:// aggieathletics. com. A portion of the proceeds benefit the Bonfire Memorial Fund.

A&M defensive coordinator arrives from Air Force and is called upon to revamp the Aggie defense.

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Robert Carpenter

The Battalion The talk was politics, duty, disaster and “setting history right” when Karl Rove stepped before a microphone Thursday evening at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center of the George Bush Presidential Library. Rove, who served as former President George W. Bush’s senior adviser for seven years, and deputy chief of staff for four years, came to Aggieland to promote his newly published memoir, “Courage and Consequence.” Among those in attendance was

12th Man Productions captures Aggie Bonfire Own your own copy

DeRuyter arrives

■ Karl Rove speaks to students about his politically controversial book

See Rove on page 6a

Shaking up Shakespeare

sports | 1b

President Bush: the inside view

Largest group of students to attend The Battalion A class of close to 4,000 Aggies will go today to Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center to receive Aggie Rings. “It is the biggest ring day we’ve had so far, and they continually get bigger,” said Jordan Mechell, Class of 2008 and Aggie Ring Program senior associate. An addition to the Ring Day proceedings was the ability for students to pick up a ring ticket online, which gives students the time to pick up a ring. Previously students did not know what time they would be able to pick up their ring until they got a ticket the morning of distribution.

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Texas A&M Rodeo Club brings the west to the Brazos Valley.

Spring time, ring time Samantha Johnson

Cowboy up

Vicky Flores

The Battalion On Nov. 18, 1999, the Aggie Bonfire collapsed, killing 12 and injuring more. The eight days after, leading up to the A&M versus Texas football game, became a week that will live in Aggieland’s heart for the rest of history. Ten years after the tragedy of the Bonfire collapse, 12th Man Productions produced a film, “The Burning Desire,” documenting the emotions and camaraderie among the Aggie family in those eight days leading up to A&M’s victory against the University of Texas. “The importance of this project was to step back in time and capture the emotions here at A&M and to ultimately ensure that those emotions that were felt by everyone would not be forgot-

ten,” said Clay Taylor, a producer for “The Burning Desire.” “This film will hopefully shed some light on the importance of togetherness in times of tragedy.” “The Burning Desire” was entered into several film festivals, including the WorldFest-Houston International Film and Video Festival where it was one of 10 finalists screened. “It was a really thrilling experience to see all of our work showcased on a big screen,” said Michelle Glover, director of 12th Man Productions. “We had a really good reaction from the audience.” The film was showcased as a free event in Rudder Theatre during 2009’s A&M versus UT game, and the See Buring Desire on page 6a

Courtesy photo

The film, “The Burning Desire,” created by 12th Man Productions captures Aggie Bonfire and interconnectedness in a time of school tragedy.

4/15/10 10:45 PM

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