thebattalion ● thursday,
april 29, 2010
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Taking on tragedy Hurricane Ike An uprooted tree shows the devastation caused by Hurricane Ike Sept. 13, 2008.
Virginia Tech shooting Students gather at a vigil in memory of those killed in the shooting at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007.
Sept. 11 Fans support the first responders of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks at the Red, White and Blue Out football game.
Sept. 11 Students place flags at Sul Ross in September 2001. Katy Ralston | The Battalion
nyone who has been through tragedy knows it’s more than letters on a page or words typed into existence. It’s a painfully real, heart-gripping ache that touches lives to the core. John Grohol, a doctor of psychology, wrote tragedies can have positive side-effects, despite the pain. “It is a truism to say that without the bad, we cannot appreciate the good. But…these events can be important learning experiences for some of us. They can motivate us to change in our own lives, or to do beneficial things in our community and towns we wouldn’t have otherwise done,” Grohol said in his essay “When Tragedy Provides.”
File photos — THE BATTALION
Sept. 11 Members of the Corps of Cadets lead a flag ceremony after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
Sept. 11 | 6a
Virginia Tech shooting | 7a
Hurricane Ike | 8a
Aggies respond
School shooting
Natural disaster
to the 2001 terrorists attacks by raising money for the first responders.
leaves Aggies wanting to help fellow students. This tragedy prompts A&M to adopt Code Maroon to warn students of problems on campus.
brings Galveston Sea Aggies to campus. Students raise money to rebuild homes damaged by the storms.
See Tragedy on page 4a
Senate reviews bills for Tuesday vote Melissa Appel The Battalion The 63rd Session of the Student Senate continued to lay the groundwork for a successful year of legislation with the meeting Wednesday. Although legislation cannot be passed until the joint session Tuesday, senators reviewed upcoming bills and resolutions during the new business portion of the agenda. In the “In-State Tuition Bill,” bill authors noted that out-ofstate residents do not qualify for in-state tuition, but persons illegally residing in Texas are eligible for the reduced rate. If passed, the bill would state that A&M students do not agree that illegal residents should be al-
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lowed to pay in-state tuition. “They’re not even a legal citizen of the state and they’re not from the state, so there’s no reason they should be paying instate tuition,” said off-campus senator John Landes. Senators questioned how the bill would affect students who are exempt from out-of-state tuition due to scholarship awards. “This bill is only directed at people who don’t enter the U.S. or reside here by legal means,” said Student Services Chairman Chris Russo. After considerable debate, the bill was referred to the External Affairs and the Academic Affairs committees for research and revision. See Senate on page 4a
scene | 3a
sports | 1b
Band adds flare Special allowance The Accessories liven up the College Station music scene with experimental sounds.
The NCAA allows special admissions into colleges for students with “special talents.”
voices | 5b
Make it up Mays While Mays’ differential tuition policy has been changed, student should be reimbursed.
Conference not just business as usual Students to learn workplace success, faith Travis Lawson The Battalion The Christian Business Leaders of Texas A&M University will present a conference to help students learn how to succeed in the business world as a Christian. The fourth annual Living Out Loud ConGroves ference will teach students the basic values of Christianity as well as prepare them for balancing faith and business. The keynote speaker for the conference is Shaun Groves, a Christian music See Conference on page 4a
If you go ◗The Living Out Loud Conference will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday in Wehner 113. ◗Admission is free, and a free T-shirt and Chick-fil-A dinner will be provided to the first 100 students. ◗To register or for more information, visit http://cbl.tamu. edu.
4/28/10 11:19 PM