The Battalion: May 3, 2010

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thebattalion ● monday,

may 3, 2010

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● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2010 student media

Year in memorandum GUEST COLUMN

Loveless keeps his promises

Loftin takes a look back

■ A&M student body president makes sure student opinions matter Melissa Appel The Battalion For Kolin Loveless, becoming student body president was not about the catchy campaign slogans, the brightly colored banners or the website with bulleted platform points. Instead, Loveless assumed the position in August, after the student body president resigned, taking on the difficult role in an unassuming manner, with the goal of serving students to the best of his abilities. “Looking at [the past year], I’m glad not that I finished, but that we served students well, and we got the job done,” Loveless said. “There are lots of things I think we could have done better, but overall I think we succeeded.” Loveless was elected to serve as the 2009-2010 speaker of the Student Senate, which is first-inline to succeed the student body president. Although he had dismissed the idea of running for student body president due to concern for juggling his coursework and other duties, Loveless accepted

R. Bowen Loftin


une 15, 2009, marked a decided change in my world. That was the day the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents appointed me to serve as Texas A&M’s interim president. As any Aggie, when asked to serve, I simply said “yessir.” A lot has happened over the last 10-plus months. We — students, faculty and staff — have successfully completed another academic year. As I look back, I want to share with you some of the highlights of this time of tremendous transformation and progress over the past two semesters. We have much to celebrate: Texas A&M gained more national and international recognition for the core values we have embraced since our founding in 1876. In September, The Washington Monthly again placed Texas A&M in the top five universities in the nation for “what colleges do for the country,” and President Barack Obama held a Presidential Forum on Service (hosted by former President George H.W. Bush) on our campus in October. President Obama spotlighted our Big Event for special attention. We welcomed a record number of freshmen to campus, 8,104, part of a record enrollment overall, 48,702. Our branch campuses in Galveston and Qatar also experienced unprecedented growth. We will likely see continued growth this fall. Our physical landscape was transformed with the completion of the Interdisciplinary See Loftin on page 3

See Loveless on page 2

Thinking back on past semester ■ Nearly 6 months through the year and already 2010 has proven historical Samantha Johnson

April Baltensperger — THE BATTALION

Kolin Loveless steps up from Student Senate to student body president when most needed.

Two professors retire, leave lasting legacy Saying goodbye

Ann Littmann

◗ Letters and

Texas A&M boasts being home to the best and brightest students in the nation –– with the help and guidance from professors. At the end of this year, two distinguished professors will be retiring.

any monetary contributions for a retirement gift for Professor Douglas Starr can be sent to Debbie King, 107 Scoates Hall, MS 2116, TAMU, College Station, 77843-2116.

◗ Students wanting to send letters or comments to Professor Claude Gibson can contact the English department at 227 Blocker or call 845-3452.

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The Battalion Already, 2010 has been a year that has resulted in several noteworthy events for the University, the nation and the world. A tragic event of 2010 was when a 7.0 earthquake struck Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, Jan. 12, leaving the nation in turmoil. Meanwhile at A&M, a group of students banded together to put on a charity concert to alleviate the suffering of the Haitian people. Mohammad Hashim, a senior recreation parks and tourism science major, was involved in organizing the concert. “I wanted to do a little concert to raise money for Haiti. I hoped, initially, to raise $3,000, then I started to look for a team to work with, and together, with the help of everyone volunteering and

The Battalion

Douglas P. Starr A distinguished professor of journalism, Douglas Starr has experienced a life full of journalism and military service. Starr served his country in the Coast Guard Reserve for 20 years, serving in World War II and the Korean War. Starr pursued a career in journalism that spanned 15 years. Starr came to A&M in 1986 as chairman of the Department of Journalism, but he stepped down in 1998 to teach his students full time. After a career at Texas A&M, Starr has decided to retire, at what

he said was the best point in his career. “This is the best department on campus, and it’s a great place to end my career,” Starr said. “The people here are family and the students, I mean, these kids are really something else.” Starr inspired his students daily to rise to challenges that they would face in the field of professional journalism, he said. “All I expect from [my students] is perfection,” Starr said. “I try to tell them what it’s like in the field. You are expected to do what the job asks you. You have to be on time and give your best work.” While Starr said his time in the Navy might have made him a gruffer professor, he believes his students are better off because of it. “I learned early on that the Navy wants results, not See Retire on page 4

Editor’s note The Battalion’s final issue for spring semester will be Monday, May 10. Publication for the summer will resume June 1.

inside scene | 11


Who did what?

Take a look back at the past year in entertainment which included scandal, tragedy and historic moments.

See Retrospect on page 2

Undie Run canceled, administration issues Alec Goetz Special to The Battalion It was supposed to be the start of a charity Aggieland had never seen. Thousands of students would arrive at the clock tower late in the evening dressed in clothes they wished to donate to charity, only to precede to strip to their skivvies and make a dash across campus to Evans Library. For the past few years college campuses had similar events, but it seems that Texas A&M will have to wait for the chance to have an Undie Run. “Unfortunately Undie Run will not be happening this semester,” said Kendrick Thompson, head of advertising for the A&M Undie Run and sophomore history major. See Undie Run on page 10

Other locations Students still wanting to participate in an Undie Run and donate their clothes can find more information at http://www. undierun. com/

Taliban claims NYC bomb Ryan Lucas Associated Press CAIRO (AP) — The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility in a video posted on the Internet Sunday for the attempted car bomb attack in New York City’s Times Square, according to the SITE Intelligence Group. In the 1 minute, 11 second video allegedly released by the Pakistani Taliban, the militant group says the attack is

revenge for the death of its leader, Baitullah Mehsud, and the recent slaying of al-Qaida in Iraq leaders Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and Abu Ayyub al-Masri, who were killed by U.S. and Iraqi troops last month north of Baghdad. SITE, a U.S.-based terrorist tracking organization, first uncovered the video on YouTube. The tape, which later appeared to have been removed from the See Bomb on page 10

5/2/10 9:29 PM

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