The Battalion: May 10, 2010

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thebattalion ● monday,

may 10, 2010

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Student Senate wants input

Graduates pursue wide range of paths

■ Senators

Katy Ralston

Evan Andrews and Jill Beathard — THE BATTALION

debate in-state tuition for illegal immigrants Melissa Appel The Battalion The question of offering preferential tuition to students who are not legal residents of the U.S. has emerged as a topic of student opinion with the “In-State Tuition Bill” before the Texas A&M Student Senate. If passed, the bill would state that it is the official opinion of the Texas A&M student body that a student who is not a legal resident of the country should not be allowed to qualify for instate tuition. “I don’t think it’s fair that illegal immigrants are receiving in-state tuition, but those that live legally in the U.S. but live outside the state are paying $15,000 more to come to Texas A&M each year,” said Justin Pulliam, senator from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and sophomore animal See Bill on page 2

this day in

rld wohistory

May 10, 2005 Cuban activists delivered more than 11,000 signatures to the National Assembly demanding a referendum on broad changes in the socialist system, an unprecedented challenge to Fidel Castro’s 43-year rule.

Pg. 1-05.10.10.indd 1

Jeremy Northum — THE BATTALION

The quadruplets remained close throughout college.

Aggie quadruplets to graduate Friday Megan Ryan The Battalion Four Aggie rings. Four caps. Four gowns. Four members of the Texas A&M Class of 2010. Four people born as quadruplets on Dec. 14, 1987, became best friends by the time they had taken the final semester of college courses. Agricultural economics major Daniel, communications major Kayla, agricultural leadership and development major Patrick and agricultural economics major Reagan Thompson came to Texas A&M four years ago, and all four of them will graduate Friday. Each quadruplet has a plan after graduation, and though

Daniel will be moving to another state, the siblings plan to keep in touch. “I will be calling them, and I get some vacation time, so I’ll definitely be flying to see them,” Daniel said. “It will definitely be harder, but I’m planning on seeing them.” Daniel and Reagan majored in agricultural economics. The two saved money by sharing books and studied together when they shared classes. “We had a lot of the same classes so it was definitely nice to have a brother that was smarter than me and in the same major,” Reagan said. See Quadruplets on page 8

The Battalion In a few short days, A&M will celebrate the graduation of seniors, marking the end of one chapter, and the beginning of another. Armed with a large variety of degrees and diplomas, the graduating class will be embarking on differing paths. One path many Aggies have chosen to take is that of continued education. For senior biomedical engineering major Karl Hahn, graduate school is a road that leads to working with people who share an enthusiasm for understanding. Hahn received a fellowship to study mechanical engineering at Stanford University. Before attending Stanford in August, Hahn will be working in the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory this summer. Hahn said his goal is to become a professor. “I chose grad school because I like to understand things, and to me, the opportunity to go do research, obtain my doctorate, go into an academic setting, and continue the research while at the same time teaching was a very appealing route for me to take if I wanted to continue to try to understand things.” Even though he has not had any formal experience with teaching, Hahn said he has found a love for teaching through his personal experiences.


Mikey Burbridge, senior spatial science major, is enlisting in the Peace Corps after graduation. “I’ve seen in me that I really enjoy helping people to understand things. I enjoy explaining things to people. It’s come out in tutoring friends or even just helping my sister with math,” Hahn said. “I just, I have a passion for understanding, and I enjoy sharing that with other people to help them understand things.” Hahn said participating in the Honors Research Fellows Program and the opportunities from his professor he has been working with throughout his undergraduate career have been a great introduction to graduate school. “I’ve been around the block once now, so I sort of I understand what’s going on,” Hahn said. “That single experience has been the most valuable of anything.” See Jobs on page 8



scene | 3

sports | 5

voices | 9

Black robe behavior

A final farewell

Saying goodbye

Taking a look back on the past four years in Aggie sports which included national titles, the era of Fran and Acie Law IV.

Editor-in-Chief Amanda Casanova reflects on the year, reminding students their readership is as important to The Battalion.

Find out what the proper etiquette and attire are for graduation.

5/9/10 9:46 PM

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