What do you think about A&M’s decision to stay in the Big 12?
I like the decision because it keeps up the rivalries.
The whole point is rivalries. The best game to go to is the UT game.
Garret Trahan, senior biology major
I didn’t agree with it. I think the Big 12 isn’t going to stay together anyway. I think it’s a temporary fix for teams leaving.
They should have went to the the SEC, because they would have had a better chance of winning.
Tiffany Deal, sophomore general studies major
Jacob Tadesaz, senior industrial distribution major
Matt Marshall, architecture graduate student Matt Young — THE BATTALION
news for you texas Battery ends town’s blackouts Presidio’s electricity is served by a single 60-yearold, 60-mile-long power line, which is often knocked out of commission by bad weather. This month, $25 million, 4-megawatt sodium-sulfur battery gets up to full operation. It will be capable of powering the town for eight hours at a time.
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Highly ranked administrator resigns Discrepancies in Alexander Kemos’ resume have called into question his qualifications last week. Kemos, associate executive vice president for operations resigned Friday. Hired in February 2009, Kemos worked to oversee university facilities and the physical plant, as well as auxiliaries that include dining services and transportation services.
University President R. Bowen Loftin has launched an investigation into Kemos’ credentials. “Upon learning of questions into Mr. Kemos’ background, I immediately contacted the office of general counsel and initiated an investigation for verification of his credentials,” Loftin said. In his resume, Kemos said he spent time as a Navy SEAL and earned a doctor-
Right on
In some rural areas, no laws keep dogs off chains, and animal advocacy groups say it is a problem. The nonprofit organization LoveA-Bull has helped five dogs who were victims of chaining from Martindale this year. The group mostly does education and advocacy work, but it has acted to rescue the dogs in extreme situations.
ate from Tufts University. Yet there was no record of him completing or attending training for Navy SEALs, known as the BUDS program. “Mr. Kemos confirmed several misrepresentations about his academic degrees and military service,” said Jason Cook, chief communications officer for the office of the president. Pending the investigation, H. Russell
Cross, professor animal science, has been named as acting senior vice president for administration. “Texas A&M is founded upon six core values, with one of those being integrity,” Loftin said. “We expect nothing but the highest principles from our administrators.” Gayle Gabriel, special to The Battalion
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Baghdad car bombing kills 28 A double suicide car bombing tore through a crowded commercial district near a state-run bank Sunday in Baghdad, killing at least 28 people in the second strike to hit a major financial institution in a week. The attack added weight to warnings that insurgents would try to foment unrest as deadlocked politicians squabble over forming a new government.
Swedish Princess Victoria weds Royalty and dignitaries from around the world started arriving Thursday for Sweden’s biggest royal party for decades — the lavish wedding between Crown Princess Victoria and personal trainer Daniel Westling. The wedding between Victoria and a commoner came with a price tag of 20 million kronor ($2.6 million). Staff and wire reports
Pg. 1-06.21.10.indd 1
Kevin Fowler performed fan favorites and selections from his upcoming album Saturday at the Texas Reds Festival in downtown Bryan.
Visitors of all ages flocked to the Texas Reds Festival in Bryan
outh-watering steaks, Cajun cuisine and Mexican food combined with country music and scorching summer heat to create a fitting celebration of the Lone Star State. The fourth annual Texas Reds Steak & Grape Festival in downtown Bryan shared the varied tastes and sounds of the Brazos Valley with residents and out-of-town visitors this weekend. Caroline Ward | Special to The Battalion
see story on page 2
Juneteenth honors slaves’ emancipation
Bush School professor receives national award
Patrique Ludan The Battalion Union soldiers marched into Galveston, Texas and announced the end of the Civil War along with an order freeing over a quarter million slaves on June 19, 1865. Over 115 years later, June 19th was established as a state holiday in Texas by the state legislature. Residents in Bryan-College Station observed this year’s Emancipation Day with a week full of activities celebrating the life and culture
of African-Americans. Emancipation Day or Juneteenth, the name used more commonly for the holiday, has grown into a national and worldwide event. To date, 36 states recognize Juneteenth as an official holiday. Last week in College Station, events took place at the Lincoln Recreation Center. Celebrants were treated to a free aerobics session on Tuesday. However, Thursday marked the penultimate activities of the week. See Juneteenth on page 6
Matt Hoffman
Celebrants of Juneteenth line up for watermelon slices Thursday at the Lincoln Recreation Center.
Special to The Battalion In honor of William J. Donovan, the only American to win the country’s four highest awards, the William J. Donavan award was given to Texas A&M professor Jim Olson. The honor is given yearly to an individual who has rendered distinguished service in the interests of the democratic process. The list of past winners include presidents George H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and
Dwight D. Eisenhower. After a 31-year career in the Central Intelligence Agency, Olson calls Aggieland home. Olsen has taught at The Bush School for 12 years, where he was recruited from the CIA by former president Bush. Olson said his time at the Univeristy has left him impressed by Texas A&M’s excellent tradition and upstanding moral quality and that he and his wife can call it home. See Olson on page 4
6/20/10 8:05 PM