news for you b-cs area Cambell Soup Co., ConAgra recall products The Department of Agriculture announced Thursday that Cambell Soup Co. is recalling SpaghettiOs that were not heated properly during processing. Certain Marie Callender’s frozen dinners that are possibly linked to the outbreak of 30 salmonella illnesses in 15 states are being recalled by ConAgra. Updates can be found at www.fsis.usda. gov.
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City seeks safety
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Plans include converting Northgate roads to pedestrian mall Sarah Ammerman
texas Schools oppose grading law Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott is being sued by 11 school districts over a law that requires teachers to assign a grade that reflects a student’s “mastery of an assignment.” School officials opposed to the law said that if students are assigned a zero or other low grades, it would be impossible for them to pass even if they showed improvement.
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Aggie helps construct an environmentally friendly house for ‘Extreme Makeover: Home Edition’
$2.48 Sam’s Club at 1405 Earl Rudder Fwy. near Harvey Road.
nation &world Supreme Court protects gun rights The Supreme Court decided Monday that Americans have the right to own a gun for selfdefense anywhere they live, expanding the court’s embrace of gun rights. On its final day before a three-month recess, the court also ruled that a public school can legally deny recognition to a Christian student group that will not let gays join.
Vatican rebukes leading cardinal The Vatican issued a public rebuke Monday of a leading cardinal who questioned the church’s policy of celibacy and criticized the retired Vatican No. 2 for his handling of clerical sex abuse cases. The Vatican said only the pope can make such accusations against a cardinal. Staff and wire reports
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The Battalion College Station City Council voted unanimously Thursday in favor of a $2 million pedestrian safety project proposed by Texas A&M University, the Texas Department of Transportation and the city of College Station. In June 2011, Houston Street and College Main at University Drive will close, and the area will be turned into a pedestrian mall. The council met to discuss the safety concern of pedestrians on Northgate. “The amount of traffic has grown tremendously over the years,” Public Works Director Mark Smith said. “The safety of the students and other people enjoying the attractions of Northgate is a top priority of the city as well as a top priority of Texas A&M University.” This project was proposed to the council in July 2009. Since then, more research has been done, feedback has been sought out, and adjustments have been made. “We have met with stakeholders, Northgate merchants, the student senate and have held public meetings on campus to explore the numerous alternaSee Northgate on page 6
hen “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” selected the Beach family to receive a revamped abode, Allen Scarborough, class of 1989, stepped up to help EH Systems with the design process. In addition to supplying enough floor space to comfortably house the married couple and their 13 adopted and foster children, the company supplied energy-efficient materials to save the planet’s natural resources and the homeowners’ energy costs.
Gayle Gabriel | The Battalion
see story on page 2
Concert presents summer musical fantasies Caroline Ward | The Battalion University Performance Series concluded four weeks of performances with Perspectives — Summer Fantasies, Monday at the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center. The performance organized by University of Houston composer Rob Smith included music ranging in origin from the 19th through the 21st century. “The point is that the whole series of concerts provide this variety of experiences and exposures to the people,” said Ward Wells, director of the Academy for the Visual and Performing Arts at Texas A&M. “There is something to be gained for everybody. The whole idea is exposure to new art forms and not being closed-minded. It really is about being exposed to a whole litany of music that crosses generations and historic notions about society.” The performance featured faculty artists who performed music from works by Australian composers and contemporary American artists, such as Elvis. “I’m more accustomed to the classic composers than I am to modern music; it takes me longer to get accustomed to it,” said Albert Schaffer, a professor of sociology at Texas A&M and regular concert attendee. Two Expansion concerts are scheduled for July. Haochen Zhang, gold medalist from the 13th Van Cliburn International
Rob Smith, associate professor of composition at the University of Houston, turns pages of sheet music for pianist Tali Morgulis as she accompanies oboist Anne Leek during a performance of Camille Saint-Saens’ “Oboe Sonata in D major, Op. 166.” Piano Competition will play on July 12, followed by the final concert on July 19 featuring The Kildares performing Celtic pop-rock ‘n’ roll. “I have to think a lot about the audience and the event,” said Smith. “It’s a summer concert, so I was looking for fun elements. It’s important for us to feature a
wide variety.” Notable musicians included Anne Leek, associate principal oboist with the Houston Symphony, and Andrzej Grabiec, an internationally acclaimed violinist who has performed for former President George Bush and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.
Afghan soil may contain lithium Almost $1 trillion worth of minerals may be in Afghanistan, which would drastically change the country’s economy. Metals, including copper and lithium, could put the country’s natural resources in high demand. “Lithium has seen increased uses in batteries,” said Bruce Herbert, assistant head of the Department of Geology and Geophysics at Texas A&M. “Electronics use a lot of lithium. The real use of lithium is The U.S. has a projected small amounts use. If we move to [of lithium], but electric cars, Afghanistan the batter- would represent ies in the one of the cars are very largest sources large, and in the world. those batBruce Hebert, teries would assistant use a lot head of the of lithium. Department of Geology and The need Geophysics for lithium is anticipated to be very large.” There is little information about the amount of lithium See Lithium on page 6
6/28/10 10:20 PM