The Battalion: July 1, 2010

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news for you texas State loses air permit program The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has overturned a 16-year-old Texas air permitting program it said violates the Clean Air Act, leaving some of the country’s largest refineries in a state of limbo. The decision will force some 140 refineries and petrochemical plants to invest millions of dollars to get new permits.

● thursday,

july 1, 2010

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● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2010 student media

hurricane brenham

Cream of the stop Making the drive down to Brenham takes only about an hour, so the trip is a relatively quick way to get one’s special sugar fix.

Military medic campus opens The U.S. military has opened the first buildings at a new training campus at the Army’s Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio that will consolidate all medic training across the various service branches by September 2011. The Army currently trains about 4,500 of its own medics a day at Fort Sam but will add another 3,500 Air Force medics and Navy corpsmen.

Brazos Valley is not predicted to face severe weather

A young boy plays next to the oldfashioned ice cream van situated outside of the Blue Bell factory.

lowest gas price

$2.49 H-E-B at 1900 Texas Ave. S. & Holleman Drive.

The Southern Flyer Diner of the Brenham Municipal Airport is frequented by town residents and pilots alike.

nation &world Hurricane Alex brings in more oil Rough seas generated by Hurricane Alex pushed oil from the spill onto Gulf Coast beaches Wednesday as cleanup vessels were sidelined by the storm’s ripple effects. Six-foot waves and 25 mph winds were forecast through Thursday offshore from the Mississippi Delta to the Florida Panhandle.

Graphic by Evan Andrews, Photos by David Harris — THE BATTALION

Staff and wire reports

Politics as usual: Episode IV: A New Podcast On

Pg. 1-07.01.10.indd 1

This morning, Hurricane Alex was headed for a collision with the Mexican Gulf coast. Earlier this week, there was concern about the Brazos Valley seeing effects from the hurricane, but no severe weather is predicted for the weekend. “There is a chance of thunderstorms, especially Saturday,” said John Nielson-Gammon, state climatologist and professor of atmospheric sciences. “But overall, there will be southeast winds, as well as heat and humidity.” The Brazos Valley was put under a tornado watch, as caused by the tropical storm, but now tornadoes are not likely for the area, Nielson-Gammon said. The National Hurricane Center has classified Hurricane Alex as a Category 1 storm, with a chance of becoming a weak Category 2. The center of Alex is predicted to hit Northern Mexico between late Wednesday night and the early hours of Thursday morning, with South Texas being heavily affected from the potentially 200 mph winds. While other areas of Texas are predicted to experience heavy rains and possible flooding on the weekend of July 4, Hurricane Alex is predicted to have minimal impact on the Brazos Valley. Sarah Ammerman, staff writer

A trip to Brenham, home of Blue Bell Creameries, requires an empty stomach.


uying ice cream from a supermarket freezer may taste delicious, but it’s not nearly as satisfying to eat as when you are aware of all of the hard work that went into each sweet spoonful. Visitors to the Blue Bell factory receive both a history lesson on the beloved Texan product and a free sample of the summertime treat. For the traveler craving more than just desserts, the Brenham Municipal Airport’s restaurant serves tasty Southernstyle meals in classic diner style.

David Harris | The Battalion

98 miles Tank of gas ◗ This story is part of a series “There and back on a tank of gas.” A staff member will travel to a different city each week and document the trip. To suggest a great place visit, send ideas to metro@thebatt. com.

see story on page 2

Scientists discover ancient whale Scientists have discovered an ancient predatory whale dating back 12 million years. They’ve named it Leviathan melvillei, after the author of “Moby Dick,” Herman Meliville. The prehistoric sperm whale sported vicious, tusk-like teeth.

Alex fails to threat


July begins National Park Month Austin Meek | The Battalion This year, the National Recreation and Park Association is encouraging Americans nationwide to celebrate July as National Park & Recreation Month. Texas is the second largest state in the U.S., with more than 268,000 square miles of land offering many state and national parks. Gary Ellis, head of the recreation, park and tourism sciences department at Texas A&M, said he appreciates the national park system because it makes territory available to anyone interested in visiting. “Texas has about five percent public land,” Ellis said. Ellis suggested the Texas Big Thicket National Preserve and the San Antonio Missions National Historic Park as locations that offer great attractions. “I went camping at Big Bend with my family a couple years back,” said Camer-

on Pybus, junior architecture major. “It’s amazing that there’s so much life, considering how rugged the terrain is.” More than 1,200 species of plants, 450 species of birds, 56 species of reptiles and 75 species of mammals call Big Bend National Park home. “Looking down on the park from the top of Emory Peak was one of the coolest moments of my life,” said Forrest Bowen, sophomore management major who spent last year’s spring break at Big Bend. “I had no idea we had those kind of vistas in Texas.” Michael Allen, class of 2010, spent the summer of 2008 on the road while filming the documentary One Nation Under God. He and the movie crew camped in parks along the way. Allen said Glacier, a national park that rests on the border of Montana and Canada, was the prettiest place he had seen.


Brison Park of College Station features a nature trail and is completely protected from development. “We hiked, camped out and went swimming in a glacier lake. It was about 80 degrees — and in July.”


‘Eclipse’ exceeds rest of series Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah, Taylor Lautner’s abs are glorious, Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah. He’s 18 now, so it’s perfectly OK for me to objectify him like that. That’s all you really need to know about The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Alexandra to buy a tickWelch et. If I hadn’t seen the en- junior business major tire town at the theater Wednesday at midnight, I would almost deem this review necessary. But here we go anyway. We left off the last movie, New Moon, with Mr. Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) awkwardly proposing to the love of his insanely long life, Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart). Bella is now desperate to become a vampire and lose her virginity, without the pesky institution of marriage ever coming into the picture. Edward, always the gentleman, so virtuous and chaste you never even see him shirtless for the whole two hours and four minutes, is not having any such thing unless he can put a ring on it. But wait! Does Bella love Edward or her furry hot, hot, hot, See Eclipse on page 3

6/30/10 6:24 PM

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