news for you campus Former University chancellor dies Arthur Gene Hansen died July 5 after surgery-related complications. Hansen, 85, served as chancellor of the Texas A&M University System from 1982 until 1986. Hansen retired after four years as head of the statewide network of universities and state agencies. Hansen was president of Purdue University before he came to Texas A&M.
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Kemos’ lie surprises Julie Rambin | The Battalion In the early hours of June 18, senior vice president Alexander Kemos admitted to University President R. Bowen Loftin, he lied on his resume about military experience and a graduate degree. Later that day, Kemos resigned. The news had repercussions across the University campus. “I really thought it was a joke,” said graduate student Sly Mata. “I started laughing, and then, nobody else was laughing.” Mata was the graduate student representative in the search committee that selected
Kemos for the position of senior vice president for administration. No one in the committee voiced concern about Kemos’s credentials, Mata said. “He sounded very sincere,” Mata said. “He said all the right things in the interview. There were no red flags.” Kemos said among other things, to have been a Navy SEAL. Adam Unger, senior finance major and 2011 Corps of Cadets SEAL Platoon commanding officer, said many of his fellow Corps members were angry at Kemos for lying.
“It was pretty messed up,” Unger said. “Some of us are working really hard to get a chance to do what he supposedly did. We all look up to real Navy SEALs.” Kemos gave a speech to the Navy and Marine Corps outfits about his experiences in the military. “He was sharing a story about some mission he had been on as a SEAL and talking about how hard the training was,” Unger said. “The way he talked sounded like he was trying too hard to sound like a tough guy and trying too hard to use the right terminology.” See Kemos on page 3
The Texas Department of Criminal Justice’s new Baby and Mother Bonding Initiative offers select jail inmates life skills and substance abuse counseling, classes leading to a GED and a crash course in parenting. The idea is to give the baby a wholesome start and the mother an incentive to stay straight.
Former civil engineering student designs structures for underprivileged countries
see story on page 2
BP crews claimed progress Sunday in thee first stages ooff eplacing a leak ky replacing leaky w capp with a new ntainment sy ystem containment system ended to fina ally intended nally ch the crud de catch crude om the bu usted oil from busted well. There is no ntee forr such guarantee cate op peration a delicate operation nearly a milee below ter’s ssurface, urface, the water’s rmanent and the per permanent ggging fix of plugging room the the well from mains bottom remains slated for mid-August.t.
Pg. 1-07.12.10.indd 1
ost graduates are eager to begin building their careers in the real world. Emily Gillham, class of 2009, decided to take a different approach. She has spent the past six months working in various Latin American countries, designing orphanages, churches and other buildings with Engineering Ministries International. Megan Ryan The Battalion
nation &world BP places oil cap in Gulf of Mexico
Staff and wire reports
Snow White. Who wouldn’t want to party with seven dwarfs all day?
Jasmine. She was the only cultural one!
Reaching out
$2.41 Sam’s Club at 1405 SH-6 bypass near Harvey Road.
The Iranian government will send hundreds of clerics into Tehran’s schools this fall to fight Western influence and the appeal of the political opposition. The move is seen as an attempt to tighten the government’s grip on the schools in the aftermath of 2009’s disputed presidential elections.
Who is your favorite Disney princess, and why?
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Iran ns tightens n grip on schools
Brian Fritche, sophomore marketing major
texas Program allows inmates to mother
thebattalion asks
Terrance “Tmac” McClain, junior supply chain management major
Ariel. She is adventurous and brave! Plus, she is gorgeous. Kelsey Curry, senior allied health major
Belle. I think her love for books is a good influence on children. Laura Keating, senior political science major
Mulan. The movie had awesome music. Mulan was “mysterious as the dark side of the moon!” Adán Peña, graduate student of visual studies
Jorge Montalvo — THE BATTALION
Stem cells reveal cause of diseases Michael Golding, associate professor in the veterinary physiology and pharmacology department who specializes in fetal diseases, made use of stem cells to discover the processes by which certain diseases and other health problems develop in the human body. His work was published in the scientific journal Cell Stem Cell. Different types of stem cells have unique methods to combat retroviral integration, the process by which some viruses insert into the host’s DNA and cause diseases such as AIDS. “We discovered that each stem cell lineage has its own methods of expressing genes and silencing retroviruses,” Golding said. “This is different from what we used to believe, which is that each type of stem cell used
similar mechanisms.” fetal development. Using mouse embryo stem cells infected “In in-vitro fertilization, often the plawith mouse leukemia virus, Golding centa does not develop properly, and observed how the different stem cell we had no idea what caused the problineages responded to the retroviral inlems,” Golding said. “Now we’re led fection. He found that one lineage, exto believe it’s because the different traembryonic endoderm cells, attacked mechanisms used by the TS cells leave the infection with an extremely aggresthem more vulnerable to toxins and sive response using an epigenetic control chemicals in the environment that they mechanism, which is a mechanism that ordinarily would not be exposed to.” Michael Golding, controls whether the DNA is open, or For Golding, the publication of associate his results represents three years of tightly coiled. professor of work. The data gathered from the experiveterinary ment has also led to breakthroughs in “It’s sort of my masterpiece,” physiology and he said. understanding the profound impact pharmacology chemicals in the environment have on Alec Goetz, staff writer
Cinderella. She was on the shoe game way before Jordan. Jackson Conrad, sophomore general studies major
7/11/10 6:33 PM