The Battalion: July 13, 2010

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news for you texas Colleges struggle with budgets Public colleges and universities in Texas face the cost of making more detailed class descriptions available online so students and parents can get a better idea of what they’re getting for their money. Administrators are scrambling to find the money to institute the law, which takes effect this fall, as schools face potential funding cuts.

State Medicaid faces first of cuts The health care and insurance industries fear that a one percent cut in Medicaid fees scheduled to take effect Sept. 1 will be the first in a series of cuts as state agencies are asked to trim their two-year budgets by 10 percent to help cover an expected $18 billion revenue shortfall. About 3.3 million poor and disabled Texans depend on Medicaid for health care.

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july 13, 2010

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From class project to Italian fashion show, one Aggie’s shoes really do take him to new places


on F

or most students, class projects are a good excuse to groan and complain. For Zach Weldy, class of 2010, one assignment for an environmental design course was the perfect reason to master the nontraditional art of making custom-fit, unique shoes from duct tape and packing peanuts. Then, the project turned into an invitation to Milan, teaching others how to replicate the footwear. He waits to see where the shoes will take him next on his journey.

lowest gas price

Megan Ryan | The Battalion

see story on page 2

$2.49 CITGO at 101 S.W. Pkwy. and Wellborn Road.

nation &world Police arrest ‘Barefoot Bandit’ For two years Colton HarrisMoore infamously stayed a step ahead of the law — stealing cars, powerboats and airplanes. But his celebrity became his downfall when witnesses on the Bahamian island of Eleuthera recognized the 19-year-old, dubbed the “Barefoot Bandit,” and called police, who captured him Sunday.

Iraq struggles to build parliament Hope that Iraq’s parliament could convene this week fell apart Monday as the country stumbled into month five with no new government and the prime minister hitting a brick wall with his nominal Shiite allies. With no resolution on filling top posts in sight, the heads of the main political blocs decided to delay the next session for two weeks. Staff and wire reports

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Courtesy photos, photo illustration by Megan Ryan — THE BATTALION

fish camp


Namesakes prepare for Class of 2014

Shipwreck launches video contest

Sarah Ammerman

to be a part of the Aggie family — especially the support, The Battalion Although Fish Camp will camaraderie and the life-long not begin welcoming incom- friendships,” Kracht said. Counselors work for at least ing freshmen until August, six months to prepare for several of this year’s 42 camp. With the help of namesakes said they are the namesakes, a spealready excited. cial message is tailorAmong the sevmade for each camp. eral hundred names Kracht, Kemp and submitted for nomiBlomstedt will all nation, three repreattend the camp sentatives from the College of EducaJames Kracht, they are representtion and Human executive associate ing, and each have dean of the messages they hope Development, Janie Department of to relay to the inKemp, James Kracht and Steve Blomstedt, Teaching, Learning coming students. and Culture “I hope to help were selected. the freshmen get “I am so happy to be getting to know the Session a glimpse of what it means to F Blue co-chairs and counsel- be an Aggie, and how this is ors,” Kemp said. “This is an the time in their lives to deoutstanding group of students velop their strengths academiwho have developed a bond cally, socially and spiritually,” among themselves that will Kemp said. Fish Camp has developed undoubtedly touch the lives of over the years into a time for the incoming freshmen.” The purpose of Fish Camp freshmen to come together to is to welcome freshmen to learn what being a part of the Aggieland and give them the Aggie family means. chance to have fun, make “It’s been a great opportufriends and learn traditions of nity to be involved with the Texas A&M. students and be reminded again “I hope to convey my un- why Texas A&M is such a spederstanding of what it means cial place,” Blomstedt said.

Shipwreck Grill, an Aggie-owned restaurant in Bryan, launched a YouTube video parody of the Saturday Night Live skit “I’m on a Boat” this past spring to advertise the business. The video had many hits and inspired a video contest. “The idea for a video contest was inspired from hearing other businesses and organizations comment on how much fun they thought we had in our videos and how much they would like to put a video together themselves,” said Wade Beckman, owner of Shipwreck Grill and class of 1990. “I figured if we put a contest out there, it would help inspire folks to really follow through and actually make a video.” The first place winner of the contest will receive a catered private party or event from Shipwreck Grill and Shipwreck T-shirts. The top


three videos will be played at the “End of Summer” party at Shipwreck Grill on Aug. 28. The winning video will be played at Ziegfest, and all See Shipwreck on page 6


A&M tops return on investment list Texas A&M University ranks first in return on investment when compared to other public institutions in Texas, according to PayScale. Return on investment is what a graduate earns compared to typical college costs incurred. PayScale researches and compares average salaries and publishes the lists. The most important component in PayScale’s numerical rankings is the total cumulative estimated net salary for 30 years, totaling $816,000 for A&M. The report calculates the net return on investment by taking in consideration how much more a graduate would make than a high school graduate more than 30 years and subtracting the

“sticker price” of the college. For A&M, the instate costs of $88,540 for an undergraduate degree were used. The resulting figure is multiplied by the college’s graduation rate. Texas A&M has a 12.7 percent return on investment. Texas A&M ranks 71 nationally out of 842 colleges and universities and is ranked higher than many top-rated schools, including MIT and Cal Tech. PayScale put out a survey in 2009 that showed Texas A&M graduates earn higher salaries midway through their careers, earning $95,000 annually. Sarah Ammerman, staff writer

7/12/10 6:03 PM

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