news for you texas Hospital refuses to hire smokers El Paso’s University Medical Center won’t hire tobacco users after Oct. 1, making it the first Texas hospital to make such a move. The hospital’s Chief Executive Officer Jim Valenti said the policy was put in place so the hospital could encourage employees to lead healthier lives.
County officials arrest jail guard Maria Elvia Ross was a Dallas County jail guard assigned to the sheriff department’s quality assurance team. She also, allegedly, is an illegal immigrant. Ross faces deportation, and county officials said they are writing new policies to ensure there are periodic checks of the legal status of non-U.S. citizens working as jailers and deputies.
● wednesday,
nation &world New York Yankees owner dies George Steinbrenner, whose big wallet and win-at-allcost attitude whipped the New York Yankees into a billion-dollar sports empire, died Tuesday after a heart attack in St. Joseph’s Hospital of Tampa, Fla. In 37-plus seasons as owner, Steinbrenner led the Yankees to seven World Series championships, 11 American League pennants and 16 AL East titles.
The Division of Operations faces employee cuts as part of Loftin’s plan to restructure campus infrastructures. Sarah Ammerman The Battalion Texas A&M laid off 66 employees Tuesday morning to realign the Division of Operations and to enhance University President R. Bowen Loftin’s goal to restructure campus facilities and physical plant operations announced in February. “Addressing the condition of existing
buildings and infrastructure have been ongoing since I returned to Texas A&M as an administrator in 2005, and these areas were the focus of a recent audit conducted by the Texas A&M University System,” Loftin said in a university wide e-mail. The 66 people that were let go Tuesday is another step in the process of Loftin’s plan. The Division of Operations is primarily made up of two groups: the repairs and maintenance group and the construction group. Through the realignment, focus is being shifted to the repair and maintenance group. The majority of the cuts were from the construction crew. “The construction services can be han-
dled as efficiently and effectively outside the community, and focusing on the repairs and maintenance is at the core of our business,” said Lallah M. Howard, executive associate vice president in the Division of Operations. The savings from the layoffs will be reinvested into the facilities on campus. It will give more opportunities to do more repairs and maintenance of the buildings that already exist, Howard said. “Changing the buildings on campus takes a different level of expertise, and we are focusing on maintaining the buildings See Employees on page 3
Dog days of summer
◗ Have your keys in hand and ready to get in your vehicle. ◗ Know what is in your purse or wallet; if it does get stolen, you can quickly close all necessary accounts. ◗ Keep your cell phone in a different place than your purse.
A&M offers Tai Chi classes
Megan Ryan | The Battalion
see story on page 2 Courtesy photo, photo illustration by Vicky Flores — THE BATTALION
Gayle Gabriel | The Battalion
Bill imposes 10 percent tax on tanning That summertime glow now comes at a price. The health care bill signed into law by President Barack Obama calls for a 10 percent tax on tanning salon customers per visit and went into effect July 1. “I disagree with it,” said Karen Baker, junior business management major. “I do not think customers should be taxed for a service.” The tax is in response to the increased risk of developing skin cancer with tanning bed use. When tanning, customers are exposed to ultraviolet light, the main cause of melanoma, one of the most deadly forms of cancer. “Tanned skin is damaged skin,” said Traci Toone, health educator in Texas A&M Health Services. “Regardless of what salon advertising and marketers may say, there is no safe tanning bed, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has identified tanning beds as known cancer-causing agents. This tax is essentially a
Twenty-one incidents of aggravated robbery in College Station have taken place over the summer. Although there have been more reported incidents than the nine reported in summer 2009, College Station Police Department public information officer Rhonda Seaton said residents should not be alarmed. Seaton said 10 cases have been stranger-on-stranger robberies, but the other 11 were either shoplifting incidents or cases where the robber knew the victim. “Although the incidents that have taken place are not good, the local news has exaggerated the increase. While we want people to be aware, we don’t want them to be overly concerned,” Seaton said.
Safety tips
he beloved furry mascot of A&M is accustomed to receiving a royal treatment during her time on campus. Fortunately for her, she receives the same warm welcome and constant attention while temporarily away from Aggieland. Reveille is bringing the Aggie Spirit to handler Cody Guffey’s family and hometown. As it turns out, being a University mascot is a yearlong job.
Seven Cuban political prisoners and members of their families arrived in Madrid on Tuesday, the first of a group of inmates the government in Havana has promised to release. Together with their families they numbered around 35. It was the start of a mass liberation of dissidents promised by Cuba — actions once seemed unthinkable.
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Sarah Ammerman, staff writer
Reveille spends her vacation months with her handler in San Angelo
Pg. 1-07.14.10.indd 1
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Cuban prisoners arrive in Madrid
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University lays off 66 Theft
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july 14, 2010
A tanning salon customer soaks up ultraviolet rays, but only after paying the 10 percent tax on the service. ASSOCIATED PRESS
‘sin tax,’ just as with cigarette smoking, being used to fund the new health care bill.” Toone said the tanning tax could help reduce how much people decide to use tanning salons. Although there are health risks associated with tanning in tanning salons, this tax has many students in protest. “With tanning leading to cancer, I think
that has more to do with overexposure,” said Jessica White, Tiki Tan employee. “Overexposure to UV light happens when you are outside and in the sun. So you can ask the question, ‘should we be taxed when we walk outside?’ There are people with that perspective. We’re not taxed to get our See Tanning on page 3
The Confucius Institute at Texas A&M is offering free Tai Chi classes this summer. There are approximately 300 Confucius Institutes around the world, and the A&M branch is one of two in the state. The Institute is presenting hour-long courses to help students and community members explore an important facet of Chinese culture while improving their health in the process. Suzanne Droleskey, assistant vice president for international programs at Texas A&M, will be teaching the Tai Chi classes. “Seven years ago, I saw a Tai Chi presentation of a group from the Chinese Student and Scholar Association on campus and asked if I could join them,” Droleskey said. Since then, she worked to master the ancient art. “Tai Chi is a martial arts form that has existed for literally hundreds of years,” Droleskey said. “In the 1950s, a Chinese government commission set about the task of translating their traditional martial arts into more simplified versions that would be accessible for anyone to learn.” Traditional Chinese fighting techniques are made up of stylized movements for certain types of offensive and defensive moves. Tai Chi slows them down and strings them together so it feels like a dance. Droleskey will be teaching a simplified version of the art to anyone in the Bryan-College Station community from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on every Tuesday and Thursday, beginning July 12 and continuing through Aug. 6. Austin Meek, staff writer
7/13/10 6:35 PM