news for you texas Marijuana falls on East Texas homes Homeowners near Greenville reported hearing duffel bags filled with what appeared to be marijuana thud onto their roofs Monday. A singleengine plane was found abandoned in a field beside a runway at Caddo Mills Municipal Airport about two hours later. The public has turned in four black nylon duffel bags filled with highgrade, hydroponic marijuana.
The GOP attempts to gain Hispanics Texas Republicans are launching a new effort to woo Hispanics to the GOP. Led by George P. Bush, the nephew of former President George W. Bush, the group plans to recruit and support Hispanic candidates in the party that has been struggling for years to win them over. None of the 96 Republicans in the Legislature is Hispanic.
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nation &world Florida blames other states Florida residents banded together in opposition to offshore drilling, confident the state’s $61 billion touristdriven economy hinged on a pristine environment Resentment is brewing in the Florida Panhandle over slumping tourist dollars after the BP spill, and there is recognition that the decisions made by neighboring states have hurt Florida.
Staff and wire reports
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Loftin announces cuts
Social skills affect success
One week after 66 Texas A&M employ- to units or colleges but will be spent on ees lost their jobs, University Presiother strategic priorities, Loftin said in dent R. Bowen Loftin announced a university-wide e-mail. the University is currently conState budget reductions are due sidering a $60 million budget to lower tax revenues, uncertain reallocation, which will impact federal funds, increasing enrollments 485 jobs starting in Sept. 2011. in public education and other deBecause state funding pays mands on state budget. A group R. Bowen Loftin, of faculty, staff, students and adfor faculty’s wages, the 10 percent state reduction leaves University president ministrators is working to create the University no choice but a plan for the budget cuts, which to cut employees. Although the reduction will include more layoffs. amount from state funding will not be final “While the FY2012 budget doesn’t go until next summer, money will not go back into effect until Sept. 1, 2011, some units
might be asked to take actions almost immediately due to the rules governing personal appointments and other circumstances,” Loftin said. Sarah Ammerman, staff writer
Updates to come ◗ How will this affect students? Look for a breakdown of the budget cuts by individual college in an upcoming issue of The Battalion.
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Class act
stocking up on dorm essentials Adhesive wall hooks: That dorm room closet looked a lot more spacious before you put your entire wardrobe in it. These hooks are handy for the tidy student who needs a special space to store everything. No nails required, so you and your resident assistant can live together in peace.
Laundry detergent: Fortunately, residence halls do come equipped with their own laundry rooms. Be sure to come armed with your own detergent and fabric softener.
First aid kit: Even big kids have accidents, many induced by the struggle of navigating a bicycle through a sea of pedestrians. This box holds a number of medical modern medical wonders ranging from Band-Aids to antibiotic ointment. For serious injuries, consult the professionals at Beutel Health Center.
Umbrella: The weather in College Station is prone to spur-of-themoment monsoons, so if you don’t want to go to class looking like you just survived the sinking of the Titanic, you’ll want one of these. Maybe two, just in case the first one gets crushed by your 10 pound biology textbook or stolen by a desperate roommate.
Rainboots: For those days when an umbrella simply isn’t enough, this seemingly silly footwear is undeniably practical. Plus, splashing in every single puddle you encounter on campus can make going to even the most boring of lectures fun. Photo illustration by Tyler Hosea and Rebecca Bennett — THE BATTALION
Austin Meek The Battalion Frederick Nafukho, professor and department head of educational administration and human resource development, and Helen Muyia, clinical assistant professor of educational administration and human resource development, have helped demonstrate why some geniuses aren’t as successful as others assume they would be. Their article was recently published in a special issue of the academic journal Advances in Developing Human Resources. For years, conventional wisdom has indicated that a person’s IQ is a dominant factor in determining career success, but findings are now showing that a person’s emotional intelligence might be equally or even more important. “People with high emotional intelligence and IQ tend to do better over the course of their lives than people with just a high IQ,” Nafukho said. Emotional intelligence, as described by psychologists John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey in 1990, is “a person’s ability to understand his or her own emotions and the emotions of others and to act appropriately based on this understanding.” Nafukho said that organizations today are looking for employees with high emotional intelligence rather than only book smarts. “IQ tests only measure a limSee Intelligence on page 2
Alarm clock: Mom and Dad sadly aren’t around to wake you up anymore. When you are particularly comatose after pulling an all-nighter, set an extra alarm on your cell phone.
The fact that this is happening allows us to make lemonade out of a lemon that’s occuring from the spill. John Kessler, professor of oceanography
Microwave: The lifesaver of college students everywhere. When the campus dining hall isn’t cutting it for you — or late-night hunger is setting in — just stick in popcorn or a frozen dinner. Behold, the magic of modern technology.
French soccer player’s arrest A French judge issued preliminary charges Tuesday against soccer star Franck Ribery for soliciting an underage prostitute — the latest blow for a national team that returned from the World Cup in disgrace and disarray. Ribery and another French star, Karim Benzema, were questioned Tuesday as part of a probe into a suspected network of prostitutes from a nightclub on Paris’ Champs-Elysees.
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Aggies research oil spill Texas A&M professor of oceanography, John Kessler, spoke at the Clara B. Mounce Public Library Tuesday in Bryan about the research he and his team worked on at the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The National Science Foundation funded the 10-day cruise, which began June 10. The team was consisted of David Valentine, professor at the University of California-Santa Barbara, and graduate students from Texas A&M, Texas A&M-Galveston and the University of CaliforniaSanta Barbara. Kessler is a chemical oceanographer in the college of geosciences, and after receiving a lead from Valentine, that nearly half of what was coming out of the oil well was methane, Kessler submitted a proposal. “We put together a team and our equipment in two weeks, which normally takes six to eight months,” Kessler said. See Oil spill on page 2
7/20/10 7:25 PM