The Battalion: October 15, 2010

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news for you b-cs area Student breaks into sorority house College Station police officers arrested a man believed to have broken into the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority house on Wednesday morning. Sophomore electrical engineering major Charles Wayne Compton broke into the Zeta Tau Alpha house, and he was asked to leave by the woman who found him removing two maroon “Aggies for a Cure” T-shirts from plastic wrapping in the laundry room, according to a press release. “Basically what happened, was a representative of the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority house found Compton in the laundry room of the sorority house,” said Officer Rhonda Seaton of the College Station Police Department. After he left, they called the police and officers went and found him with the two shirts; Compton identified himself and was arrested. Some of that evidence came from the house’s outside security camera which showed Compton removing screens from windows in the courtyard and attempting to open them. The woman who saw Compton in the laundry room was taken to the police station to identify him, and he was put in jail for a bail posted at $15,000, which was paid on Thursday and he was released. Samantha Virnau, special to The Battalion

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texas Gas prices rise in Texas, US Gasoline prices have jumped in Texas and nationwide because of the rise in crude oil prices. The weekly AAA Texas price survey released Thursday found that the average per-gallon price of unleaded regular rose by 4 cents across Texas to $2.67. The national average leaped 7 cents to $2.83. An auto club statement said retail gasoline prices are climbing because oil prices have gone up. Crude oil that was in the $76-a-barrel range in late September is averaging $82 a barrel now. Also, fall maintenance at many U.S. oil refineries has reduced gasoline production. Staff and wire reports

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Victoria Daugherty|The Battalion

Heavily involved in one of Aggieland’s most prized traditions, Jill is chairwoman of the Muster Committee. “Being able to be a part of something that is so much bigger than myself is a great feeling. Things like this are what make our school so special,” Jill said. Jill said she was thrilled on her first day of school at A&M when she pulled out a map and had someone come up to her asking if she needed help. “The culture at our school is so unique and people are so friendly. You don’t get that at a lot of places.” Jill has grown to love everything about A&M from sports to Carpool. This and her dedication to Muster have made her a hardcore Aggie.


ardcore Aggies come in all different shapes and sizes, but are all united by their love and passion for Texas A&M. They show their Aggie spirit with every chance they get, in any way they can. While this is not limited to one specific behavior, Cali Leopold, Charles Eckel, Jill Green, John Claybrook and Austin Wilson are five students who their peers claim are some of the loudest, proudest members of their Fightin’ Texas Aggie classes.

Charles Sixty-five years ago, Charles Eckel’s grandfather graduated from A&M and started an Aggie legacy for Charles’ family. Now one of seven members of the Eckel family who are currently enrolled at the University, Eckel said he didn’t have much of a choice about coming to A&M but is glad he didn’t. Charles has grown up coming to Aggie events such as sporting events and bonfires, and took part in countless traditions even at a young age. “It didn’t matter when or what time of the day it was, we went to everything,” Eckel said. Eckel said he is one to yell his heart out at football games and buys into everything the University has to offer.

John John shows us not all hardcore Aggies come from long lines of Aggie families. It didn’t take long for this first-generation Aggie to become passionate about the University and everything it stands for. Along with many Aggies, John knew A&M was where he was supposed to be after his first experience at an Aggie football game. “I had never seen anything like that before,” John said. Now a Fish Aids co-chair, John didn’t waste any time getting involved, and gives his time to the organization to reach out to as many students as possible.

Austin Originally from Oregon, Austin did not have ties to A&M but got here as fast as he could. Not knowing what it meant to be an Aggie, Austin said he came to the University with a fresh mindset and was open to anything it had to offer. He used this window of opportunity to join the Corps of Cadets, where he learned what it meant to be an Aggie, what A&M stands for, the traditions we hold dear to us and the things we honor most. Austin has come to love the University and said he is at the best University, in the best state, in the best country of the world, making him a harcore Aggie.

Cali Anyone lucky enough to get their hands on Cali’s elementary school yearbook will find her decked out in Aggie attire in her school pictures. Attending her first football game as an infant, her love for A&M started early. Incredibly involved, Cali is a new member educator for her sorority, played on the A&M club volleyball team, was the campaign manager for ‘5 for Yell’ and was on First Yell staff. Her boundless dedication to all things A&M inspired Cali and a group of her friends to get henna tattoos of the number five in honor of the ‘5 for Yell’ campaign.

Photos by April Baltensperger — THE BATTALION

Q&A Debe Shafer

Advisory board discusses student fee allocations

discusses the environment Joyce Go The Battalion According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans generated about 250 million tons of trash and recovered about 61 million tons through recycling in 2008. Considering that college students print massive amounts of notes, take road trips and move in and out of dorms and apartments on an almost regular basis, students have several opportunities to reduce, reuse and recycle. Debe Shafer, environmental health professor at Texas A&M University, shares tips on how Aggies can go green. Q: What are a few things that students can do daily to help the environment? A: Try a different mode of transportation. Walk or ride a bike. Reduce, reuse, recycle and rethink your behaviors. Conserve [by taking] shorter showers, using water-saving showerheads, taking reusable shopping bags to the store, recycling plastic shopping bags and carrying your own reusable water bottle. Be aware of how much trash you generate. Take a reusable mug [or] cup to your favorite coffee shop. Buy products made from recycled materials. Recycle your printer cartridges and cell phones. Use both sides of paper, and did I mention, try to drive less? [You can also] shop for locally produced foods. Consider organic foods for some of your food items. Use energy-saving compact fluorescent lamps. Turn off lights and unplug your charger when not in use. [You can] find ways to be active in your community See Q&A on page 6

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● serving

Haley Lawson The Battalion There has also been a student fee increase request for 2012. The board will be addressing that request as well and will begin to decide if the increase is best for the student body. “We just finished hearing the fee increase requests for 2012 from the state organizations, and now will go into deliberations to decide whether these increases are a good use of student money or not,” said Kelly Scribner, toxicology doctorate student and member of the student service fee advisory board. Anyone in the student body can give their feedback online as well. Students can view and give opinions regarding the general departments that have requested funding. “The Board will be deliberating on Sunday regarding the requests for funding,” said Shah Dhukka, a junior information and operations management major and chairman the student service fee advisory board. “We urge students to go online and provide their feedback regarding general departments, as well feedback regarding specific departmental requests for funding.” The student feedback is important to the student service fee advisory board. “We need every student, undergraduates as well as graduates, to take a few minutes

and take a look at the department’s requests and leave feedback,” said Brianne Bockholt, a board member and a junior history major. “We compile all this feedback and use it in our deliberations this Sunday to make sure we are representing the students’ wishes accurately.” After the deliberation the Student Service Fee Advisory Board will also present to the Graduate Student Council and the Student Senate. After these presentations the board will give their recommendations to the vice president of Student Affairs. Students at Texas A&M pay a student service fee of $14.97 per credit hour. The fee does not exceed 12 hours so students taking 12 hours or more pay a maximum of $179.64. The student service fee pays for many departments at A&M such as multicultural studies, Student See Fees on page 6

10/14/10 7:51 PM

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