The Battalion: October 21, 2010

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Senate buries Taps bill The Student Senate Silver Taps bill seeking to qualify Aggies who die after being accepted to Texas A&M and showing intent to attend but before attending their NSC, for honor at Silver Taps was “suspended indefinitely” Wednesday night – essentially killing the bill, senators said.

thebattalion ● thursday,

october 21, 2010

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Friction rises in diversity of lobbying program Robert Carpenter The Battalion For years, Texas A&M’s students and alumni have clamored for respect, struggling to emerge from the confines of the all-white, all-male Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas into the flagship educational and research institution of Texas A&M University. Administrators also labor to dispel the image of days past, using scholarships, events and regional offices to attract minority and underrepresented students to the University. For at least one student program, students

have cried “foul,” leaving administrators to explain allegations. In each of the past two years, the Big 12 on the Hill student lobbying program selection process has created discord between students and administration officials. The annual threeday trip brings student representatives from each of the 12 conference schools to Washington, D.C., to advocate for favorable higher education policies. Amid lawmakers, the trip affords students the chance to be heard and the University the opportunity to showcase itself. In 2009, Student Body President Mark Gold sent a campus-wide e-mail advertising

the Big 12 on the Hill lobbying trip. The email directed interested students to the online application and included the application deadline. Six students applied. Student senate appropriated about $2,500 for the trip, which was not enough for all six students to participate. Instead of narrowing the group, student organizers approached Lt. Gen. Joe Weber, vice president of student affairs, about receiving additional funding from Student Affairs. Weber consented and offered to provide enough funding to expand the delegation from six to eight students.

However, according to multiple sources, Weber wanted at least two African-American students included. “[Students] had asked Gen. Weber for money and the general said that he would only support it if, again, we were not sending all white students,” said Bill Stackman, director of the department of student activities. “He made it very clear, very clear to us and to SGA that that was something we needed to avoid.” Of the original six delegates, four were See Diversity on page 6 Graphic by Evan Andrews — THE BATTALION

Haunted wood celebrates 15 years Sarah Smith The Battalion Halloween traditions vary from person to person. Some enjoy a quiet evening with their 22 cats and Ouija Board. Others may camouflage themselves in bushes with a garden hose in tow, waiting to bestow a fateful surprise on unsuspecting trick-or-treating children. For the brothers of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, the best part of their Halloween isn’t 20 pounds of their little sister’s candy or dressing up as The Situation from “Jersey Shore”. The highlight of their Halloween is Wicked Woods. Wicked Woods began as Kappa Sigma’s prime charitable effort. This fall, the brothers take on the service aspect of their mission statement through the creation of Wicked Woods. President Oren Draznin said the event lives up to the values of the organization. “At the end of the day, we’re lucky that we can do something that benefits both Texas A&M and the community alike,” Draznin said. This year marks the 15th anniversary of Wicked Woods, a haunted house put on by Kappa Sigma to celebrate the spirit of Halloween and lend a hand to others. Secretary Kyle Weatherson assists with the promotion of Wicked Woods and said year 15 will be the best yet.

“I love the fact that we build this by hand,” Weatherson said. “We not only get to spend time with our friends, we get to give back to the Brazos Valley as well.” The Wicked Woods experience takes about 15 minutes to complete, but Kappa Sigma prepares for months in advance. This preparation involves countless repairs, safety checks and manual labor to ensure the success of the event. Junior business major Troy Smith of Kappa Sigma leads the construction efforts using his talents. “We’re doing everything we can to help out the community while building brotherhood in Kappa Sigma,” Smith said. In addition to Kappa Sigma, other students who aren’t part of the fraternity participate in Wicked Woods to lend a hand. Many volunteer as haunted house guides and receive community service hours for doing so. As for those in the fraternity, not only does each member put in over 24 hours of construction, they also do their part in scaring the participants during the haunted house. Vice President Jeff Kehm takes part in the chainsaw scene, which he said is the highlight of his October. “Scaring people is actually really fun,” Kehm said. “You’re out there, getting to be with your friends and doing it for a good cause.”

Samantha Virnau — THE BATTALION

More than 4,000 people go to Bryan for the festivities from Friday through Halloween eve. The cost for your scare is $8 the first two nights and $10 for the remainder of the event. Kappa Sigma also allows $2 off admissions in exchange for two canned food items. After the event is over, Kappa Sigma donates the money earned to

Military Heroes and the cans to the Brazos Valley Food Bank. “I hope we give the Brazos Valley a fun and scary haunted house this year,” Draznin said. “Through Wicked Woods, we can keep up the strong tradition we’ve had going for 15 years and counting.”

Students question military policy

Theft rises in library, on campus

in current combat situations that risk the wellbeing of American troops and the country. The Battalion Those who argue against DADT disagree with Republicans in the Senate blocked the debate the argument that openly gay service members on the National Defense Authorization Act on Sept. 21, which included the repeal of the current would bring down unit effectiveness. In addipolicy of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” DADT does not tion, many argue the legislation is unethical to restrict gays, lesbians or bisexuals from serving in our service members, causing them to compromise who they are. the military, as long as they do not reveal Aggies are speaking out on their sexual orientation. the subject. Bill Clinton introduced DADT Some Aggies “It’s un-American, that a citizen in 1993. The policy seeks to offer are speaking would want to serve our country the gay community an avenue for out against the and because of a fraction of their serving without causing harm to military’s policy identity, they are forbidden from the military system, and without of “don’t ask, serving,” said Brad Dressler, class of subjecting the person to the vio1996 and chairman of Aggie Allies. don’t tell.” lence or ridicule that has been a his“It’s time for outwardly GLBT militorical pattern. tary to be respected. If they are willing A goal of DADT is to decrease the to put their life on the line, they should be number of service members discharged because allowed to serve our country.” of their sexual orientation. Supporters of the poliDemocrats are planning to bring the Act back, cy believe openly homosexual individuals serving in the military could bring down unit morale and in hopes of getting enough votes to break the cohesion. Critics of the National Defense Autho- filibuster. “I think it’s hindering the country more than rization Act say that a repeal of DADT could be a social experiment that could have consequences See Military on page 2

Victoria Daugherty

Joanna Raines

Pg. 1-10.21.10.idml 1

The Battalion With thefts on the rise in Evans Library, some Aggies are asking themselves what happened to the Honor Code – “An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.” “The Honor Code is not just words, it’s a way of life. It’s a simple way of making ethical decisions and it makes life a lot easier,” said Matt Fry, director of the Honor Council. Stealing and other behavioral matters are governed under the Student Rules set in place by the University Student Conduct Code. Topics of violation include physical abuse, sexual misconduct, hazing, harassment, alcohol, drug use, disorderly conduct, disruptive activity and weapons. Sanctions for misconduct can include suspension, expulsion, probation, campus housing probation or loss of privilege, community service or educational consequences. The theft at Evans Library falls under section 24.3.9 of the Conduct Code which defines it as “unauthorized removal or stealing of public or private property or unauthorized use or ac-

quisition of services on University premises or at University-sponsored activities. This includes knowingly possessing such stolen property.” “Any theft is in direct violation of the sense of trust and community with one another and with the University,” said Kristen Harrell, program coordinator for Student Life As another means of protecting the University, the Aggie Honor Council serves to preserve academic honesty throughout the University. The Aggie Honor Council serves to safeguard the Aggie Honor Code. Comprised of faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students the council handles 250-300 cases a year. Sixty-five to 70 percent of these cases are cases of cheating and plagiarism. Students are advised to be cautious with their work, as great portions of these accusations are unintentional. “The Honor Council wants to ensure that we put out the best ethical leaders and ensure that our graduates are of high standards,” said Hunter Bollman, senior accounting major on the Honor Council. See Theft on page 2

10/21/10 12:23 AM

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