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Photos by J.D. Swiger — THE BATTALION
A&M 45, Tech 27
Aggies whoop Tech The red zone The Aggies were six for six in the redzone led by junior quarterback Ryan Tannehill and junior reciever Jeff Fuller. sports | 3
Tannehill triumphs in record game
idway through the third quarter of A&M’s 45-27 dismantling of rival Texas Tech, junior quarterback Ryan Tannehill lined up to punt. Fittingly, he hit the punt perfectly and the ball was downed inside the Tech 10-yard line.
David Harris sports editor, senior economics major
In a near-flawless performance, the Aggies’ new hope did more than set the school record for passing yards in a game. In his first career start under center, he injected this A&M team and the 84,000 in attendance at Kyle Field with a much-needed dose of optimism going into the team’s final four contests. “There’s no question he had a very good day,” Head Coach Mike Sherman said. “I’ve got to say this, it’s hard to go out there in your first start and he responded pretty well.” It was the team’s — and more specifically the offense’s — best See Tannehill on page 3
Laura Bush visits Aggie campus
Halloween party benefits families, youth
First lady Laura Bush was on campus Thursday at the George Bush Presidential Library to raise awareness for heart disease and officially open the Traveling Heart Truth Red Dress exhibit at the library. “Many women are too busy taking care of their families, jobs and house to take care of themselves,” Bush said. “Sometimes we have to work hard just to recognize ourselves.” Bush urged women to be aware of the dangers associated with heart disease and the factors that can contribute to it including stress, smoking and obesity. She opened the collection with a ribbon-cutting Thursday, advising women to take care of their hearts. “Right now education and prevention are the only cure that we have,” Bush said. “We’re trying to attract attention to this issue, and as we all know nothing attracts attention like a
Sarah Smith
red dress.” The exhibit will be open through August 2011 and includes dresses from 13 first ladies and celebrities who donated dresses. “I had no idea heart health was such a problem,” said John Forsyth, a freshman genFormer First lady, eral studies major. “It’s Laura Bush great to have someone out there working to spread the word about something that so many have ignored, and the fact that it is Laura Bush of all people makes it even better.” Austin Burgart, staff writer
Immigrant tuition bill under vote Illegal immigrants cannot legally hold jobs or work. And now there is a push in preventing them to pay for higher education using in-state tuition prices. Introduced by the committee of external affairs, SB63-11, the In-state tuition bill, documents the committee’s proposal “to clarify what demographics receive in-state tuition and oppose measures to give in-state tuition to persons residing in the United States illegally.” Specifics of the bill state that since illegal immigrants cannot hold legal job status or gain lawful citizenship without first returning to their home country to gain legal status into the United States, they should not be eligible for in-state tuition at Texas A&M. The bill also states that making this change
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would be in accordance with U.S. Code Section 1623. This section details that there are currently eight states that prevents eligibility to aliens without lawful documentation of citizenship any postsecondary education benefits. The bill proposes that illegal immigrants should not receive in state tuition and that the Student Government Association should oppose any federal, state or local legislation that should grant illegal immigrants in state tuition privileges. Voting on the SB63-11 will be brought to the floor at the next Student Senate meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Nov. 3 in Koldus 144. Joyce Go, staff writer
The Battalion For many kids, Halloween and all its glory trumps birthdays, Christmas and Thanksgiving hands down. But in the Bryan-College Station, some youngsters might not get the opportunity to trick-or-treat when Halloween finally comes around. Thanks to MSC Hospitality, a student organization centered on community outreach, these kids will have a Halloween they’ll dream about for months to come. MSC Hospitalityy has a Halloween Party eachh fall for the members of the he Bryan-College Sta-tion community so families can have a safe and fun Halloween. As one of MSC Hospitality’s largest events, planning for the party begins in July, where members begin to collect funds and decide the various es games and activities to be held for the more ore than 200 attendants. Junior biology major Shannon Parma, the holidays and culture executive with MSC Hospitality, heads up the Halloween party and said she couldn’t be more
excited about helping others. “I love to see the look on the kids’ faces when they walk around winning prizes and playing games,” said Parma. “It’s wonderful seeing how much fun they have.” Parma said MSC Hospitality has provided her with an outlet to interact with people from all walks of life. “I’ll be prepared for so many aspects of the career field through organizing my time, handling a budget, learning
how to work in groups, and learning how to handle all types of situations with MSC Hospitality,” said Parma.
Lisa Houlton, a junior business major, said she loves this aspect of MSC Hospitality and can’t wait for more opportunities to assist the community. “There are so many things you can do with MSC Hospitality,” Houlton said. “We get to do a wide range of activities from going to retirement homes to doing the President’s Box at football games.” Besides assisting the community as the whole, the Halloween Party also aims to provide international families with Hallowan American Amer een experience. International atInt tendees come te from all corners of the globe, r e a d y to carve pumpkins and bob for apples. JJian Huang, a petroleum engineering graduate stugra dent dent, came out to the Halloween with his family Party wi and said he couldn’t be more excited about learning the holiday’s traditions. “I love being in the community and joining the American culture,” Huang said.
10/31/10 11:01 PM