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William Ross Setzler IV Aug. 3, 1988 — Aug. 16, 2010
Student remembered as intelligent, happy Katie White The Battalion William Ross Setzler IV of Early, Texas, died Aug. 16 at 22 from Ewing’s Sarcoma, a rare cancer. He died less than a year after his diagnosis in October 2009, which happened days before the Texas Tech and A&M football game. The family was supposed to attend the game in Lubbock that weekend where Setzler’s sister Bailey lives. Wills, an avid Aggie football fan and
optimistic person, insisted on going despite the news, said his grandfather, Bill Setzler. “That is just the type of man he was, he was a very happy young man,” Bill said. Setzler grew up with his parents Ross and Sue Ann Setzler, two sisters, Abigail and Bailey, and a brother, Giles. Setzler’s grandfather, class of 1957, said his grandson always wanted to be an Aggie.
“He loved Texas A&M, and he was a very intelligent young man and Aggie,” Abigail said. Setzler was a senior agricultural economics major at Texas A&M and he wanted to attend law school after graduation. Abigail said she always thought her brother would follow in their grandfather’s footsteps and become a politician. Setzler first found out he had cancer when
Silver Taps tonight The ceremony will begin at 10:30 p.m. in Academic Plaza. In case of rain, the ceremony will be moved to an alternate location. Free parking in the University Center garage will be available between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m.
See Setzler on page 6
ride safe, Aggieland Katie White The Battalion Squeeeeal. Crunch. Skid skid skid. WHAM! These are the typical sounds of a bicycle just before it crashes into a number of things: poles, cars, people. As familiar as these sounds may be, there are some simple ways for bicyclists to be safer on and off campus for the sake of everyone, and these solutions might be as simple as following the law. Cyclists must adhere to bike laws provided for drivers in Texas under the Texas Motor Vehicle Laws. These laws make cyclists responsible for operating under the same laws as motorists on public roadways, including stopping at stop signs, yielding to pedestrians and obeying traffic lights. “Most bicyclists do not know they have to wait for a red light,” said Kristi Hosea, crime prevention specialist at the University Police Department. “A lot of them will stop for the red light and then they think they can go when the pedestrians go to cross the street, but that is not the case. They have to wait with the cars.” Bicyclists at night are required, by Texas law, to attach a lamp with a white light on the front of the bicycle and either a red reflector or a lamp that emits a red light on the rear of the bicycle. The lights must be visible from a distance of at least 500 feet, and the reflector must be visible from 300 feet away. “Riding at night without a headlight is fairly common instance for people receiving tickets,” said Rhonda Seaton, public information officer for the College Station Police Department. “There’s been enough
education about it that people should know it is breaking the law.” According to Texas Motor Vehicle Laws, a bicycle is a vehicle, therefore a cyclist must adhere to rights and duties applicable to a person driving a car on the road. Hosea and Seaton said the most common laws broken by bicyclists are running stop signs and disobeying stoplights. “Another law they should know to abide by is riding on the right side of the road with the flow of traffic,” Hosea said. “I dealt with an accident once where a girl was riding her bike the wrong way down the road and a car hit her. The person driving the car was not looking for her because he didn’t expect her to be there.” A bicyclist on the road is required to travel in the designated bike lane, or on the occasion where no such lane exists, a cyclist must ride as close to the right curb of the street as possible. Exceptions to riding on the far right include when a cyclist must turn left, when there is an obstruction in the road or when a cyclist is passing another person on the road. Cyclists must use hand signals to convey his or her intent to stop or turn. To signal a stop, one must extend the left arm downward. “We treat bicyclists mostly for wrist fractures, lacerations and abrasions,” said Ashley Johse, trauma coordinator for College Station Medical Center, Bicyclists who are treated for head injuries in the emergency department usually were not wearing their helmets at the time of the accident. On-campus injuries are typically the same. See Bike on page 4
Haynes leaves unopened legacy Austin Burgart The Battalion There is a compartment in the Aggie Ring statue in the Association of Former Students plaza that will be opened in 36 years. The ring was designed to hold a time capsule containing the memorabilia of Bill Haynes, class of 1946 and distinguished alumnus of the University. “Bill Haynes wanted to leave something for the future generations of Aggies. His $2.5 million gift helped make this new alumni center possible,” said Kathryn Greenwade, class of 1988 and vice president of communications for the Association of Former Students. Haynes did not live to see the opening of the plaza or the unveiling of the 6,000-pound Aggie Ring in 2009, but it would be there if it was not for him. Haynes wanted future Aggies who open the capsule a century after his own graduation to see how much Texas A&M changed and how the same core values remain. “The capsule, the ring and the entire plaza will provide a perpetual legacy for Haynes, a student who had a life led by the core values of this institution,” said Porter Garner, class of 1979. Haynes graduated after leaving the University briefly to serve in World War II. After graduating he served as the chairman and CEO of the Chevron Corp., later earning the distinguished alumnus medallion which recognizes University alumni whose accomplishments and careers have brought honor and distinction to A&M. “We are very grateful to the Haynes family,” Greenwade said. “Their generosity and kindness have represented the Aggie Spirit all over the world.” Included in the capsule is Haynes’ Aggie Ring, his alumnus medallion, photos taken of him when he was a student and some programs
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Red Friday shirts supports troops overseas In the hustle and bustle of the school year, it is sometimes easy to forget the sacrifices of others. Through the Red Friday organization, students are reminded of the sacrifice soldiers are making, and organizers are slowly attempting to flood the campus in a sea of red. “Red Friday is a national movement where people wear these shirts on Friday in honor of the military, so we can remember them on more than just Veteran’s Day or Memorial Day,” said Kassandra White, a junior English major. Red Friday was founded by Silver Wings, a professional and student organization dedicated to developing leadership skills for civilians and providing service to the community. Each chapter has students from universities who volunteer to help at nonprofit organizations within their community, increase professional skills through interactions with other organizations and workshops, and benefit from giving back to the community. “All the proceeds for this are going towards care
packages that we are sending at the end of the semester to Aggies serving overseas,” said Heather Nance, a freshman animal science major. The Red Friday “We can booth is set up in the remember Academic Plaza them on every two weeks, more than just and they have Veteran’s Day.” shirts with the four military branches Kassandra White on them, giving junior English students the choice major of having the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines on the front of the shirt. The back makes known it is a Red Friday shirt, and it also has this quote: “Whether you actually support the war or not that’s not the important part, what is however, is supporting our fellow man.” Samantha Virnau, staff writer
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A statue of Bill Haynes’ Aggie Ring contains a time capsule to be opened by the class of 2046. of events that he went to or was honored. There is also a DVD address Haynes made to the class of 2046 who will open the capsule along with a DVD player. “I can’t imagine how much different campus will be then,” said Jacob Robinson, senior leadership studies major and student body president. “It will be exciting opening it up again and getting a glimpse of our history and where we came from. Hopefully I will be able to be there.”
Gala successful in raising money for Big Event Even with Halloween and the victory against Texas Tech, the Big Event staff celebrated this weekend. On Saturday, the Big Event organization had a gala and silent auction to help raise money for the project. “The gala went really well,” said Ryan Byrne, Big Event director and senior psychology major. “It was really cool to celebrate the passion of community service.” The event took place at the Brazos Valley Exposition Center. There were performances from the Aggie Wranglers and Granger Smith. “The Aggie Wranglers rocked and Granger Smith brought down the house,” Byrne said. The Big Event is the largest, one-day, student-run service project in the nation. It happens once a year in March. “It’s not about selfishness,” Byrne said. “It’s the one day we forget about ourselves and thank [the community] for their support.” Luz Moreno-Lozano, staff writer
11/1/10 8:52 PM