The Battalion: November 4, 2010

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thebattalion ● thursday,

november 4, 2010

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Democrats Republicans All numbers are as-called at time of press, with seats still undecided. SOURCE: CNN


Students protest tuition bill Katie White The Battalion Students gathered in front of the John J. Koldus building Wednesday night with signs meant to tell the Student Senate, “Aggies love Aggies.” The Student Senate voted last night on Senate Bill 63-11, which determines the demographics of college students who receive in-state tuition. “The proposed bill opposes measures to give in-state tuition to persons residing in the United States illegally,” said Hilary Albrecht, the speaker of the senate. Protestors said the bill discriminated against undocumented students. The protestors came from a variety of organizations. “We’re just students in support of other students on campus,” said Gabriel Amaro, a graduate student in the sociology department. The External Affairs Committee proposed SB 63-11 in a senate meeting last spring, but after student protest and extensive conversation in the meetSee Protest on page 6


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sources less often as marine life struggles to handle increased ocean acidity. Feely said marine animals will have a more The Battalion Richard Feely received the Heinz Award in September difficult time transmitting sound and navigating due to the ocean’s changing consistency. for research on the effects of greenhouse gases. “We depend on many of these species for our food and Feely works at the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboraother resources,” Feely said. “Coral reefs have protected tory in Seattle, Wash. His research shows that the levels of many islands from the ravages of hurricanes. The service carbon dioxide in the world’s oceans have increased over the past five years. This rise in CO2 may lead to the disappear- they provide to mankind is critical.” The solution to the greenhouse gas problem isn’t simple, ance of many species that humans rely on daily. Feely said. “My job here at PMEL is to determine how much car“Right now, mankind depends on fossil fuels for about bon dioxide being emitted from fossil fuels is being taken up by the oceans,” Feely said. “I find out where it goes, and 80 percent of their energy resources,” he said. “We have to work toward an approach of conservation, to reduce enhow it affects marine ecosystems.” The product of human fossil fuel emissions totals around ergy dependence of fossil fuels and develop other alternative 70 million metric tons of CO2, 22 million of which is re- sources of energy.” The Heinz Award was initiated by the Heinz family in leased into the atmosphere every day. Twenty-five percent honor of Sen. John Heinz to recognize lifelong achievement of this is absorbed into the oceans. in environmental science, human condition, public policy “The biological consequences of the uptake of that and technology. Scientists are nominated annually. carbon are really quite severe,” Feely said. “We The award will be presented to Feely on Nov. could have very significant impacts on marine 15 at a ceremony in Washington D.C. ecosystems if we continue to emit gases The Heinz Award Edward Miles, a professor of marine from the burning of fossil fuels.” was initiated by the studies and public affairs at the UniverThe significant impact Feely suggests Heinz family in honor sity of Washington, nominated Feely is different than one would expect. of the late Sen. John for the award. “My research has shown that many “He deserves the award for the imHeinz to recognize organisms that produce calcium carmensely important work he and his lifelong achievement in bonate shells would have a reduced team have done in identifying what environmental science, ability to produce their shell or skelhas come to be known as the ‘evil human condition, public eton,” Feely said. twin’ of the global warming problem,” Organisms that use calcium, such policy and technology. Miles said. “These continuing discovas corals and crustaceans have seen a 30 eries represent a major contribution to percent reduction in growth according to society.” Feely’s research. Feely said he was surprised to be nominated. “Corals are important because they provide an “I was quite humbled,” said Feely about his nomienvironment of tremendous biodiversity,” Feely said. nation. “To think that you’re grouped with such outstand“Mankind depends on this diversity as a food source.” That’s not all, Feely said. Oysters, snails and lobsters are ing scientists makes you feel very appreciative of the recogall having increased difficulty maturing from larval stages. See Heinz Award on page 10 American fisheries might be seeing these important protein

Alex Randolph

Aggie competes in Jeopardy! Senior economics major Kyle Kahan is one of 15 students from across the nation to compete in the two-week Jeopardy! College Championship that will air from Monday until Nov. 19. Kahan, president of the Texas A&M Quiz Bowl organization, started playing trivia games as a child when his dad made him memorize the capitals of the U.S. He said his parents were excited about his opportunity to compete in the championship. “My parents were really nervous; this is my dad’s dream that I was living,” Kahan said. Kahan auditioned to compete in Jeopardy! College Championship four times. In February, he took an online test of 50 questions to proceed to an in-person audition in Raleigh, N.C. “At the in-person audition, they asked me what I would do with the money if I won, and they don’t like boring answers, so I told them I’d visit amusement parks across the country and spend one or two dollars on tuition,” said he. Kahan and 14 college students will compete for a grand prize of $100,000. The second place winner will receive

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The Jeopardy! College Championship for 15 students, aired from Nov. 8 – 19 on television. Kyle Kahan senior economics major will be competing for the grand prize of $100,000. a minimum of $50,000 and third place will receive a minimum of $25,000. “When I got the call to be invited to the championship I was in the Student Computing Center, and I just bolted out the door,” Kahan said. “I left my backpack, I left my computer on and just bolted out because I was so excited.” Kahan said no matter the outcome, the experience has been unforgettable.

“The 15 of us who competed connected really well and we are all great friends now even though we are all across the nation,” Kahan said. “It was such a fun and exciting time.” Katie White, staff writer

Richard Feely of The Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in Seattle has worked over the past half-decade to study rising levels of dissolved carbon dioxide in the world’s oceans. Increasing levels contribute to the extinction of some species which play prominent daily roles in the lives of species.

A&M graduate Christine Anderson discusses her career Christine Anderson is a risk assurance senior associate from Houston, who graduated from Texas A&M in 2006. “My job gives me the opportunity to learn technical aspects of the IT auditing world, interact with financial auditors and executives, step up into demanding roles and balance multiple projects,” Anderson said. “Knowing the possibilities gives me the motivation to grow, excel and succeed.” In 10 years, Anderson plans to work for a company in a corporate accounting or internal auditing position. “I plan to narrow my focus in the future and be able to specialize in one area of the business,” Anderson said. Courtesy photo She said her academic career at A&M prepared her for a pro- Christine Anderson class of 2006 moved into a fessional position, teaching her professional line of work as an risk assurance senior project management and how associate. to interact with people in difficult situations. “The education I received in the Professional Program for Accounting at Texas A&M introduced me to a corporate perspective and gave me a skills base for entering the auditing profession where detail orientation and capacity for knowledge management is a necessity,” Anderson said. Alexandria Randolph, special to The Battalion

11/3/10 11:12 PM

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