The Battalion: November 8, 2010

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Wrecking crew ● monday,

november 8, 2010

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‘for the seniors’


‘the next step’


Senior A&M linebacker Michael Hodges and company stuff Oklahoma running back Trey Millard on fourth down from inside the 1-yard line. The stop was the second of three for the Aggies, and one of Hodges’ 19 tackles in the contest.

Aggies defense dominates Sooners, starts to resemble teams of old


Top: Senior joker Von Miller is overcome by emotion after the Aggies’ win. Above: Sophomore wide receiver Ryan Swope celebrates a 64-yard touchdown reception in the fourth quarter to put the Aggies up by 16.

A&M 33, No. 8 OU 19 SBP vetoes Student Senate immigrant tuition bill This past week, the Student Senate passed a tuition bill that would determine the demographics of college students who receive in-state tuition. However, Student Body President Jacob Robinson vetoed the bill. “The Student Senate has clearly spoken through the passing of this bill. However, numerous students have also clearly spoken in opposition to the bill. SBP Robinson is taking this issue very seriously and will be addressing the veto of the in-state tuition bill next Wednesday at the senate meeting,” said Konrad Johnson, SGA executive vice president. Robinson said the senate meeting room was not the appropriate place to vote on a state issue. The bill is a state issue and he said it should be settled appropriately through the state legislature. “Regardless of the logic behind the bill, the Texas A&M Student Senate meeting room is an inappropriate place for an attempt to settle a state issue,” Robinson said. “There was no polling done and no data collected. We should be getting that on all bills.” Robinson said the bill was not addressing the underlining issue of residency. “This bill does not state the residency question. The issue should not be tuition rates, the issue should be residency,” Robinson said. “This bill is not helping in the end if we aren’t fixing the residency problem.” Haley Lawson, staff writer

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t could be heard faintly at the end of the first half. Throughout the second, it became louder and louder. Finally, following A&M’s 3319 shocker against No. 8 Oklahoma, the chant reverberated off the bleachers as it made its long-awaited return to Kyle Field during a majestic night Aggies won’t soon forget.

“Wre-cking Crew! Wre-cking Crew!” “It gave me chills,” said senior linebacker Michael Hodges. “It’s an indescribable feeling to hear the fans screaming that for us. That’s a goal of ours [regaining the Wrecking Crew] and we took David Harris senior economics a big step towards that today.” major, sports Make no mistake about it, Ageditor gies. The Wrecking Crew — and that fanatical, maniacal mentality associated with it — has returned to Texas A&M. See Crew on page 4

Aggies collect for troops during Veterans’ Week Rebecca Hutchinson The Battalion Many American soldiers are far from home, but with Veteran’s Day approaching, Whoop for Troops is bringing them a little closer to Aggieland. During Veterans Week, today through Friday, the MSC Lead sophomore community service subcommittee, Whoop for Troops, will be collecting goods and decorating cards on campus and around College Station to send to soldiers abroad. Not having access to the amenities they

have in the U.S., donations are a way for Aggies and B-CS residents to help soldiers feel more at home during the holidays. “November is the month of giving,” said Savanna Pratka, director of the event. “We’re collecting through the month of November, but they don’t receive packages until around Christmas time. It’s to get them to feel more at home while they’re overseas during the holidays away from their families.” On campus, the green boxes with “Whoop4Troops” in blue stencil lettering will be placed in the Corps Center, on the

second floor of Beutel Health Center, and in the Association building. These boxes will stay for the entirety of Veterans Week, while around College Station they will be in place until Nov. 24 at Kroger and CVS on Texas Avenue, Potbelly Sandwich Shop, Spoons Yogurt, David Gardner’s Jewelers, the Mac Resource Center, Sleep Station, Schlotzky’s and Sweet Eugene’s. “We collect several materials throughSee Troops on page 2

Students showcase visual projects at competition Austin Burgart The Battalion Texas A&M’s best and brightest in visualization were showcased Friday at the Immersive Visual Competition. The competition was open to all students allowing them to exhibit their unique and visually impressive works. “Our team has been working on our project for about a month with initial production beginning in October,” said Jona-

than Greenwald, a visualization sciences graduate student. Greenwald’s team took first place in the competition, winning with a stereoscopic 3-D rendering of a traditional Indian dance called Odissi Joiner. They filmed a dancer doing the piece in a combination of stereoscopic 3-D and a video collage which the team said was the first of its kind. The team had to create their own rig which would hold two cameras shooting simultaneously to give the viewer a three-dimensional effect.

“At first I was working on a video collage and Sham Kannapurakkanan was doing some work in stereoscopic 3-D …we knew that we should combine our efforts and the final product worked out extremely well,” Greenwald said. “I also came into the process completely ignorant of the style of Indian culture. It was interesting getting immersed in it, and I found that it created spontaneity and a lot of work off of intuition.” See Visual on page 2

11/7/10 8:51 PM

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