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thebattalion Fading to b! black
The women’s basketball team looks to begin its season 3-0 with a game against Liberty at Reed Arena. Check out the recap online.
Brandon Rhyder to perform at Harry’s Brandon Rhyder, a popular Texas country artist, heads to Hurricane Harry’s for a performance. He shares his experiences moving up in the industry and fans divulge reasons for admiring the musician.
lifestyles | 3
Big 12 names Hodges defensive player of week Texas A&M senior linebacker Michael Hodges was named the defensive player of the week by the Big 12. Hodges registered 14 tackles in the Aggies 9-6 victory over Nebraska.
sports | 5
Catching a Koldus The student body government has proposed several bills to help students academically this semester, but Aggies interested in the seeing their government at work may have difficulties finding the meeting room in Koldus.
voices | 7 coming wednesday
Turkey Day in Austin Heading to Longhorn territory to see the Aggies BTHO t.u.? Austin offers plenty of varied options for merging two Thanksgiving traditions: good food and football.
wide-eyed crowd sprang to their feet Sunday as a feverish beat took over Rudder Auditorium. Lights blazed, hearts thumped, and the feet of 50 dancers rumbled the stage as Fade to Black raised the audience to their feet in a mix of hip hop, tap and lyrical dance. Fade to Black began in 1991 as a dance ensemble with a predominantly African-American membership. Leslie Speikes, the Fade to Black adviser, said they have “Fade 2 a diverse background. Black prides “Our family beautifully recogitself on being nizes the dream behind the word one of the most ‘diversity,’” Speikes said. “Over diverse groups on the years, we’ve been blessed campus...it’s that to be influenced by almost appreciation for every ethnicity and country others’ uniqueness involved in the Texas A&M and culture community.” Tony Cohns, a senior comthat makes this puter engineering major and organization a joy to the organization’s president, be around.” said Fade to Black is a family full of Aggie students Tony Cohns, coming from different backFade to Black grounds to dedicate their time president to dance and serving the community. The group has of 50 members and nine officers. “Fade to Black prides itself on being one of the most diverse groups on campus,” Cohns said. “It’s that appreciation for others’ uniqueness and culture that makes this organization a joy to be around.” At the Fall Show on Sunday, Fade to Black danced to the theme “You Can’t Stop the Beat!” in 12 numbers ranging from hip-hop dancing to tap and ballet. “Fall show, “You Can’t Stop the Beat!” is their best yet.” Speikes said. “Watching dress rehearsal, I laughed, I cried, I learned to ‘dougie’ [the dance move] and I praised God all in the span of a couple of hours. Have no doubt the Aggies are legitimate and dynamic artists.” Fade to Black also had special guests Hardchord Dynamix, Percussion Studio and Zhen Liu perform in between dance numbers. In the second act, members of the audience danced on stage in a competition to see whom the crowd most admired. This year, Fade to Black is celebrating its 20th anniversary. “We practice about two to three hours a day from Sunday through Thursday,” Cohns said. “As the president, I am extremely proud of this group from where it’s been to where it’s headed.” Fade to Black asked for donations to Love146, a non-profit organization devoted to ending human sex trafficking. The dance number “A Tiny Heart’s Dream,” choreographed by Brittany Hawkins, was dedicated to Love146. “All the girls that did the dance for Love146 were so touched by it,” said Colette Hartman, a senior entomology major and an emcee for the show. “It was such an emotional process.” Because of its timing just before Thanksgiving, the organization also collected canned goods for the Lincoln Center, a tradition for every fall show. “I love that this organization has the ability to bring together so many people from so many backgrounds,” Hartman said. “When everyone comes together for practice, they all get along through dance.”
Senior finance major Allyson Watson shown performing her routine to the Liberate dance, which she created to show worship through dance.
US senators to discuss passing DREAM Act
Campus celebrities campaign for reading Emily Villani The Battalion From Yao Ming to Yoda and Yo-Yo Ma, READ posters are back – and they are coming to Aggieland. Texas A&M libraries are participating in the national READ campaign, which began Nov. 8. Started in 1985 by the American Library Association, the READ campaign aims to encourage literacy and reading through posters featuring public figures encour-
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aging reading. Even Alan Rickman appears on a READ poster. “We decided we wanted to join in on the fun, especially since we have our own local celebrities. The first set of posters includes the Yell Leaders and the First Lady of Texas A&M University, along with the Mascot Corporal, Cody Guffey,” said Robin Bedenbaugh, coordinator of marketing and communication for the University libraries. See Library on page 4
Ty Petty
Samantha Viranau — THE BATTALION
The Battalion If you are waiting on the DREAM Act, may have to keep dreaming. The Dream Act may be introduced in the Senate within the next two weeks, but the legislation’s prospects are uncertain. The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act is a fixture in congress since 2001. The act provides an efficient path to citizenship for students who have entered the U.S. as minors, avoided a
criminal record and completed a four year degree at an institution of higher learning or served honorable in the armed forces. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced this past week that he wants to bring the DREAM Act to the Senate floor as stand-alone legislation. Reid said he wants to pass the legislation before Congress adjourns. On his official Twitter account, he announced this initiative via tweet. “I will move the DREAM Act as See DREAM on page 4
11/22/10 10:00 PM