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november 30, 2010
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“We’re asking students to eat with us more often. In exchange, we will provide them with better facilities and overall food quality so they’re healthy, sustainable and viable.” — David Riddle, Executive Director of Dinning Services
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Residence Life violates FERPA Tim Bardin The Battalion An inter-departmental e-mail containing confidential student information was sent to employees of the Department of Residence Life at Texas A&M University on Oct. 13. “There are approximately 150 resident advisers, students at Texas A&M, and their information was compromised and dispersed to 49 resident advisers, 17 graduate and full-time hall directors and all current employees of the Department of Residence Life,” said a source close to the incident who requested anonymity. The information was included in an attachment that listed names, e-mail addresses, university identification numbers, grade point ratio, probationary status, hiring date, pay raise date and local addresses of all current resident advisers. “[The incident] was entirely accidental,” said Kathy Collins, associate director of Residence Life and spokesperson for the issue. “We knew within 30 seconds what had happened and we immediately took steps to rectify the mistake.” See ResLife on page 6
Bone health expert to lecture at A&M Connie Thompson The Battalion
Daniel Crump and J.D.Swiger — THE BATTALION
Dining Services This is part four of a series dissecting colleges and divisions at the University. The series will feature different colleges and divisions that support A&M throughout the school year.
N TODAY’S ECONOMY, budget deficits by Sarah Smith are nothing new. While students attempt to cut costs, the prospect of having to purchase a meal plan evokes a less than joyous emotion. But with the additional revenue, Texas A&M University Dining Services looks to cure its current budget deficit and plans to further improve food quality and facilities in the future. See story on page 11.
Most students don’t worry about breaking a bone when they slip and fall. Most don’t think about how painful it might be when bone slowly wastes away leaving the brunt of the body support to what bones are left. Though not a health issue most students concern themselves with, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, osteoporosis affects over ten million Americans and 80 percent of them are women. Luckily there are The ways to combat the effects presentation and reduce the risks of will be at 6:45 bone health issues. p.m. today in the The Huffines InstiInterdisciplinary tute at Texas A&M is Life Sciences sponsoring a lecture titled “Physical ActivBuilding ity and Bone Health Auditorium. The Across the Lifespan,” event is free and presented by Dr. Wenopen to the dy Kohrt of University public. of Colorado Health Sciences Center-Denver. The lecture is from 6:45 to 8 p.m. today in Rudder Auditorium. “The mission of the Huffines’ Institute is to provide a forum for sharing the cutting-edge research of A&M faculty and that of other leaders in the field of sports medicine and human performance with the world,” said Megan Schwartz, administrative assistant of the Sydney and J.L. Huffines Institute See Bones on page 9
TOMS Shoes: more than a fashion statement for A&M students Joanna Raines The Battalion Walking around Texas A&M, a visitor might see a variety of fashion statements that would catch them off guard. From neon-colored hats to “I heart boobies” plastic bracelets, Aggies love to advertise their organization and cause. One trend that seems to be catching on is the canvas slippers known as TOMS. They come in colors that span the rainbow, with accents ranging from stripes to sparkles. But as it turns out, these shoes are more than just the latest trend. Blake Mycoskie founded TOMS after he visited Argentina in 2006. He was exposed to widespread poverty most are shielded from in the U.S. Children who grow up barefoot are exposed to disease and injury. Chronic illness can lead to a decline in education and opportu-
nities for success. Mycoskie said he was inspired to make a change, and created the One for One mission. With every pair of TOMS Shoes purchased, a pair of shoes is donated to a child in need. TOMS Shoes donate to 24 countries, and have so far donated more than one million shoes. In Aggieland, Northgate Vintage started carrying TOMS Shoes in 2007, shortly after the business began. “Originally, we were approached by a former [student] and customer, who now works for TOMS. He called me up and said he believed TOMS would be a great fit for Northgate Vintage. After a little research, I told him I was worried it wouldn’t catch on in College Station, but it was worth a shot. The ‘one for one’ concept was really cool, and the shoes are so casual, it seemed a natural fit for the store,”
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said Ryan Ewing, owner of Northgate Vintage. The store began selling TOMS Shoes before major campaigning took place. “I feel fortunate that we had a solid group of individuals who adopted the trend early, and really promoted the company locally.” Today, TOMS Shoes are commonplace on Texas A&M campus. This year, the TOMS Club became a recognized organization on campus. The TOMS Club promotes the mission of TOMS Shoes. “I love to give back, but as a busy college student, I’m not always able to donate tons of time or money to a great cause, so
See TOMS on page 9
An Irish Christmas with RONAN TYNAN A
TONIGHT 7:30 PM Rudder Auditorium Limited number of rush tickets available. Rush tickets available from 10 AM – 7 PM today at MSC Box Office. Student ID required. Limit 4 tickets per student. Offer not valid on web or with other offers.
GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! Call 979-845-1234. Buy Online at
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11/29/10 9:57 PM