The Battalion: May 11, 2009

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Editor’s Note This will be the last issue of The Battalion for the spring semester of 2009. Publication will resume for the summer sessions June 1.

● monday,

may 11, 2009

● serving

texas a&m since 1893

● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2009 student media

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The past four years M

any things at Texas A&M have changed since the senior class stepped on campus four years ago. The Class of 2009 began their college careers by facing the impact of Hurricane Katrina. Reed Arena was transformed from a basketball court to a shelter as many refugees fled from New Orleans to seek shelter. Countless Aggies volunteered to serve in the time of need. Seniors have also witnessed a change on the football field. Head Coach Dennis Franchione said goodbye to Aggieland after back-to-back wins against the Texas Longhorns in 2006 and 2007 while earning an overall record of 32-29 over five seasons. Mike Sherman took over the reigns and completed his first season as head coach in 2008 going 4-8 overall. Football was not the only sport that saw its fair share of changes in the past four years. Acie Law IV became known as “Captain Clutch” after his buzzer-beater

on March 2, 2006, to beat the Longhorns. A year later, basketball Head Coach Billy Gillespie left A&M for the University of Kentucky. The Mark Turgeon-era of Aggie basketball had begun and it boasts a record of 49-21 over two seasons. The Class of 2009 also saw another familiar face leave Aggieland: the first lady of Texas A&M. Reveille VII was retired at the end of the spring 2008 semester. After an extensive nationwide search, a collie named Tapestry Tenacious Juell from Topeka, Kan., became Reveille VIII. Seniors have endured numerous changes in the past four years; the campus looks different, a myriad of new buildings have gone up as students bid adieu to the Memorial Student Center with a rave party and notable faces have come and gone. However, the traditions that all Aggies hold dear will bind us together. Sadie Michalk is a senior communication major.

2005 - 2006

2006 - 2007

2007 - 2008

2008 - 2009

Hurricane Katrina decimates New Orleans with flooding as the Class of 2009 begins its freshman year at Texas A&M

Robert M. Gates, one of A&M’s most beloved presidents, leaves Aggieland to serve as the U.S. secretary of defense

Vision 2020 is enhanced by President Elsa A. Murano as she fills the vacancy left by Gates

Democrat Barack Obama is elected as the 44th U.S. president

Katrina | 2

Gates | 7

Murano | 7

Obama | 10

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5/10/09 11:16:30 PM

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