thebattalion the battalion ● monday,
june 8, 2009
● serving
texas a&m since 1893
● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2009 student media
President Murano critical of review ■ Murano sends Chancellor McKinney heated letter in response to job review Kalee Bumguardner
Doug Klembara — THE BATTALION
Members of Company D-2 keep up their fitness during an event where each company runs for 15 minutes around the Quad.
Cadets at ease Corps recruits class of 2013 during New Student Conferences Megan Clark The Battalion
hile upholding Aggie traditions in preparation for new students and the Class of 2013, some may wonder what is happening with the Keepers of the Spirit, the Corps of Cadets. “The Corps of Cadets during the summer is a lot different than during the normal school year,” said senior industrial distribution major Andrew Lippman. “During the school year, all members of the Corps are in a specific outfit. In the summer, all cadets are part of the Summer Recruiting Company (SRC) that recruits for the upcoming school year.” There are approximately 80 cadets in the SRC
that stay on campus during the summer and another 125-150 that are off campus but still participate in the Corps in some way, according to 2009 SRC Commander Kurt Vordenbaum. Most cadets in College Station for the summer take part in some form of recruitment, which takes place at the new student conferences. The Corps holds about five functions during each conference to give newcomers a chance to learn more about the Corps and over 30 events both on and off campus including attending Boys State in Austin, the FFA State Convention, and several JROTC camps across the state. “A small subset of SRC will choose to also serve as mentors for the Corps Summer Mentorship Program,” Vordenbaum said. “The CSMP invites any freshman offered the gateway program over the summer to spend it with the Corps. They are not considered part of the Corps, which allows them to
live like normal students in the Corps dorms, but they get the benefits of the Corps to help them be admitted in the fall.” What the Corps does during the summer ensures there are new members for the fall, said 2009-2010 Corps Commander Brett Lanier. “I have a lot of respect for the cadets who serve in SRC,” Lanier said. “They spend a lot of time and energy by staying over the summer to ensure that the Corps has freshmen in the fall. Without their hard work, bringing in at least 600 cadets would not be possible.” Uniforms are not required during the summer. “During the summer things are completely relaxed,” said senior human resources development major Cassandra Olsen. “There aren’t regular room inspections, quiet hours, or training time, and we are only required to wear our uniforms to class on New Student Conference days, so it’s really nice!”
The Battalion Texas A&M University System Chancellor Mike McKinney gave A&M President Elsa Murano a critical assessment of her first year on the job. Annual performance reviews are required of all Texas A&M employees, usually filed by May 31. Murano said that it was her understanding that the review was done out of cycle at the request of the Board of Regents. The review was filed February 9. McKinney rated Murano Murano’s performance on a wide variety of areas, from management to communication skills to personal attributes, grading her on a scale from one to five – 1 being poor and 5 excellent. The majority of McKinney’s ratings were 2’s and 3’s; however, Murano received a 1 on “follow through,” “acting decisively and timely” and “team player,” and a 4 on “focus on organizational mission,” “crisis management” and “relationship with colleagues and professional associations.” In response to her evaluation, Murano sent a letter to McKinney and all nine members of the Board of Regents, directly refuting the contents of the evaluation and defending her job performance. “I completely and absolutely disagree and reject the results of this evaluation,” Murano said. “Dr. McKinney’s evaluation of my performance is extremely far removed from the facts of my performance.” Murano addressed many of the McKinney’s ratings individually, stating her evidence as to why they were undeserved. “Especially troubling, and absolutely inaccurate, is his rating of ‘2’ in terms of my ability to motivate people,” Murano said, “especially given the tremendous turn-around See Murano on page 6
sports | 3
Bomber’s Fanfest draws community Coming Wednesday
After a 0-2 season opening weekend road trip to Brazos Valley Bombers returned to College Station for their home opener Tuesday. On Sunday they offered entertainment for the community with activities, music, and food.
Student leader profile series Once a week during the summer, The Battalion will be profiling a student leader to gain insight into their lives and what it takes to do their job. This week Memorial Student Center President Stephanie Burns shares her goals and challenges for the next year.
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TCU takes 3-2 win
Children play with the Brazos Valley Bombers mascot Kaboom Sunday at Brazos Valley Ballpark before they ran the bases during the Bomber’s Fan Fest.
TCU downed Texas Sunday 3-2 to even their Super Regional series 1-1 and force a winner take all championship game for a ticket to Omaha. This is TCU’s first Super Regional Championship game and chance to go to the College World Series. Texas is the winningest college baseball program with 32 College World Series trips and six national championships.
TCU player Matt Carpenter’s home run helps lead TCU to a 3-2 victory over Texas in the NCAA college baseball super regionals.
6/8/09 2:09 AM