June 24 the battalion print

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thebattalionasks What would you do if the air conditioner in your home went out in the summer heat?

thebattalion ● wednesday,

june 24, 2009

● serving

texas a&m since 1893

● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2009 student media

With summer comes the heat. In College Station, expect to see temperatures at or higher than 100 degrees for the rest of the week. Remember to drink water, avoid caffeine and alcohol and stay in air conditioning as much as possible.

Aaron Shaw junior business accounting major

“I would have to kill myself…just kidding. No, it definitely would not be cool. I would have to find somewhere else to go, like the pool.”

Jason Moon junior general studies major majo Natasha Sankovich — THE BATTALION

Junior nutritional science major Laporcha Carter is the president of the Black Student Alliance Council. The council supports the black community while creating awareness at Texas A&M of the achievements and needs of the black student body. “Oh man, that is a nightmare. First, I would fill a bowl with water and put my feet in it and rest until the air conditioner is fixed.”

Allie on Norton freshman man general al studies es major

Building community By Patrique Ludan | The Battalion


“I would probably go to a swimming pool or a friend’s house. I wouldn’t sweat it out. I would go somewhere with air conditioning.”

Taylor Rosser

Student leader profile series

freshman reshman general eneral studies tudies major

Once a week during the summer, The Battalion will be profiling a student leader to gain insight into their lives and what it takes to do their job.

“Find a friend’s house that it didn’t go out. Give them a couple of dollars for them to put it on 76 and hang out.”

ot long after admittance into Texas A&M University, junior nutritional science major Laporcha Carter became the leader of the Black Student Alliance Council (BSCA), whose focus is to “support Black students and Black student organizations in reaching their missions, purposes and goals,” according to the council’s Web site. Originally from Shreveport, La., Carter moved to Dallas, Texas, in 1997. There she attended the School of Science and Engineering at the Yvonne Ewell Townview Center, the second best public school of secondary education in the

Class ass of 2009 09

“Haha…I can’t picture myself. Run out of my house somewhere there is air conditioning. Eat a lot of ice cream.”

Michael Liska

See Carter on page 6

Special to The Battalion Since becoming one of the University’s first communication professors, author Charles R. Conrad has been published many times, but now his research has gone north. On family vacations in the western part of Canada, Conrad rode ferries from one island to another talking to locals about their culture and comparing it to life in the U.S., and many times the conversation would turn to health care. Conrad said he was fascinated by the pride Canadians had for their national health care system. “They would ask me ‘how can you live with a

system where half of the people in your country file bankruptcy because of lack of health insurance?’” Conrad said. As a communication researcher, Conrad wanted to know more, and turned this interest into the subject of his research and latest book, “In the Long Run We’re All Dead: Organizations, Rhetoric and Health Policymaking.” He carried a book about the Canadian health care system with him on the ferry as a reference when talking with locals. He said he sought answers beyond the obvious differences between the two health care systems. “Why is it Americans believe we have the best

health care when we are No. 1 in cost and 29th in infant mortality, below Guatemala? How did this happen and why does it stay that way?” Conrad said. Observation incited this particular research, and observation continues to be a skill that inspires many of Conrad’s research efforts, he said. “I am curious and I have come to realize that there are lots of questions that weren’t figured out,” Conrad said. “I would have to answer them myself.” The focus of Conrad’s research is organizational rhetoric and communication, analyzing and observing the communication within an organization See Conrad on page 2

Where on campus? Think you know every nook and cranny of Texas A&M? Test your campus know-how by e-mailing The Battalion and telling us where you think this photo was taken. The first people to get the answers correct will have their names published in The Battalion. Send your response with your name, class and major to photo@thebatt.com.

sophom sophomore nuclear engineering enginee major

“Open the windows and doors. Or leave.” Karen Cruickshanks and J.D. Swiger — THE BATTALION Natasha Sankovich — THE BATTALION

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Hear from her Read Laporcha’s guest column to students. student leaders | 6

Professor takes research across borders Dani Goff

Huda uda aeem Naeem

Meet Laporcha Find out what she loves most about being an Aggie.

Correct responses: Michele Breaux, masters program in international affairs Phillip Lim, junior telecommunication media studies major Noah Yang, graduate student, electrical engineering Tuesday’s answer: All Faiths Chapel

6/23/09 9:52 PM

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