The Battalion: June 29 2009

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What was your reaction to Michael Jackson’s death?

Michael Jackson: The King of Pop died Thursday at age 50. page 2

Antwone Woods senior business management major

thebattalion ● monday,

june 29, 2009

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Bump, set,

Where on campus?


“Really and truthfully I was shocked. A little upset. A lot of people listened to Michael Jackson, regardless of age range, ethnicity, anything like that. He was an icon. I knew it was going to affect a lot of people to hear about his death.”

Patrick Clayton — THE BATTALION

Think you know every nook and cranny of Texas A&M? Test your campus know-how by e-mailing The Battalion and telling us where you think this photo was taken. The first people to get the answers correct will have their names published. Send your response with your name, class and major to

Patty Soong sophomore chemical engineering major

Thursday’s answer:

“Even though the later years of his life were filled with controversy, he really influenced music, and changed it.”

Scoates Hall

Correct response: Lisa Crisp, class of 2006 Justin Schwartzbeck, senior computer science major Philip Lim, junior telecommunication media studies major Alexander Coleman, junior environmental design major Andrew Roznovsky, senior engineering technology major Bruce Brown, senior leadership studies major Meng Gao, physics graduate student James Gregurek, senior biological and agricultural engineering major Erin Sweed, junior university studies major Lauren Barton, interdisciplinary studies major

Joseph Carrier junior mechanical engineering major

“I was saddened by it. All the legal stuff, it’s just kind of weird. It’s pretty shocking. I hadn’t known he was sick or anything.”

Patrick Clayton — THE BATTALION

Taylor Sargologos freshman architecture major

“Wow. It’s kind of already done by Farrah Fawcett, so it was like two in one day.”

Harshil Aghera senior industrial distribution major

“He was not a great person in real life. He made a lot of mistakes. But he died, and he was the pop king. People knew Michael Jackson everywhere in the world.”

Frances English junior accounting major

“I was a little shocked because he is very young, but I wasn’t sad because I don’t listen to his music so it didn’t terribly affect me.” Kalee Bumguardner and Patrick Clayton — THE BATTALION

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Sophomore libero and outside hitter Kelsey Black is playing for the U.S. women’s junior national team while preparing for the upcoming season. By David Harris | The Battalion


s the Texas A&M volleyball team waits for its opportunity to end its three-year hiatus from the NCAA tournament, sophomore libero and outside hitter Kelsey Black and senior outside hitter Sarah Ammerman have had the opportunity to spend their offseason playing for

various U.S. National teams. In a freshman campaign where libero duties were placed upon her mid-season, Black took the opportunity in stride. Now, she’s getting the opportunity to play for the U.S. Women’s

Patrick Clayton — THE BATTALION

Dennis Rhodes and Daniel Godinez, participants in Camp Energy, take thermal readings from a solar water heater.

See Volleyball on page 3

Camp Energy: See pictures from the summer camp. page 4

Choral Activities turns spirit into song A&M choirs travel annually to sing in venues around the globe Megan Clark The Battalion Texas A&M Choral Activities, like many organizations, is preparing to move from their home in the Memorial Student Center to a new location, the basement of the Commons. “I don’t think it’s going to hurt us at all, I think it will be a positive change for the next three years,” said senior health major Daniel Adame, Singing Cadets president. “A lot of time, a lot of work has gone into making sure the new space is something the students will be happy with.” The space is being remodeled to hold a rehearsal room, directors’ offices, administration offices and student offices. “We are anxious for people to know about our new location in the basement of The Commons during the MSC renovation,” Wade said. “We will be moving during the first week of August.”

Choral Activities consists of three choirs— the Texas A&M University Singing Cadets, the Texas A&M University Century Singers and the Texas A&M University Women’s Chorus. All three choirs require auditions, which take place within the first few weeks of school. Students must sing the familiar song, “My Country ‘Tis of Thee,” sight read and do some basic vocalizing to provide proof of ranging abilities. Previous experience is helpful, but not required by any of the three choirs. The choirs take turns travelling internationally, with one group going abroad every year. The Women’s Chorus returned in May from a tour of Central Europe including Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. “They experienced the culture, history See Choirs on page 6

Texas A&M Women’s Chorus, in front of Prague Castle during their spring tour of Central Europe. Courtesy Photo

6/28/09 9:57 PM

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