The following tweets are a selection of the hundreds of tweets sent in response to TAMU NAACP’s call for testimonies
@TAMUNAACP: What are your experiences with racism at Texas A&M? Please share your stories with the hashtag #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike @The_Mandrew97 Aggies, read their stories. Affirm their experiences. Recognition must precede change. #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike • @Marco1Blue #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike when your white “friend” buys a confederate flag and sends it to you on snapchat because he thinks it’s funny • @khalehollomon #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike being referred to as a KKK member for being white and republican. Does this fit the narrative? • @chocolatelars #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike when i walk into a room w/ my muslim friend who wears a hijab and immediately notice ppl staring at her... like???? • @Brycematic #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike getting extreme backlash & opposition for honoring the lives of POC who lost their lives to police brutality • @ hawkgirrl #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike your friends asking if you have a Sombrero or
poncho they could borrow for a frat party. It isn’t funny • @ProfessorAnnaW If we love our institution, we should want it to be better than this: #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike #BeingAPoCAtTAMU Be part of positive change. • @realBubsters #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike knowing I could stay up all night sharing stats, experiences, testimonies, analyses, etc. about A&M racism • @jangalang__ #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike your yt history professor using slave dialect for humorous purposes • @Jackytang23 #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike when someone ask you if you eat dogs just bc you’re Asian. No I don’t and asking it every time doesn’t make it funny • @esmorrre When you go to a party w/an Indian friend & a white guy asks her where her dot is & if her parents own a gas station. #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike • @inkedbookfiend When your Corps
“buddy” says ‘I don’t believe whites and non-whites should be together, but you’re ok” #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike • @LizMarchio #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike “if you don’t like how things are here, LEAVE!” • @Phusaza #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike Witnessing casual racism from an authority figure in your dep, telling a trusted white prof, & being dismissed • @AlannaRoneice #RacismAtTamufeelslike walking past organizations in the MSC and seeing them hand out fliers to everyone but you as if they don’t see you • @SwankyKindaGuy #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike being told I’m the “whitest black person they know” with the air of it being a compliment. • @Torre_ NOLA #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike talking down on our black men,but yet y’all want to date our black football & basketball players • @josefgoldilock When my hispanic friend wanted to get color contacts to pass as a white girl so she would stop getting harassed #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike • @ nnewman1395 #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike being asked if I really “want to” live with my friend because she’s black and could steal from me when I leave • @AggieVP #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike .. and the StopHate reporting is still available on the TAMU app. We need to know these and appreciate your sharing. • @smmusick #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike when one of your friends finds out your bf is black and asks “he’s not like one of those ghetto ones, is he?” • @ lanier_amanda please, read through #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike and #BeingAPoCAtTAMU we may be improving, but we have a long way to go • @The_DSTCHR IDK what #RacismAtTAMUfeelslike. I know it looks
like calling the Blacks in the stands niggers while cheering for the Blacks on the field. • @aubredarling Also #RacismatTAMUfeelslike We still have such a long way to go on this campus & anyone who doesn’t see it is blind by their own privilege. • @ justdoitrandom I am truly sorry for anyone who has experienced this and will continue to use my privilege to stop hatefulness. #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike • @El_Roger05 #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike getting a small pumpkin thrown at you from a passing vehicle while walking on NG • @mitchelltle1993 #racismattamufeelslike getting called chink on NG by other POCs when I hang out with my white friends. Does this fit the narrative? • @chillkendallyn Worried for all blacks when there’s a protest on campus because you hear “Someone just shoot them already”... #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike • @ Smooth_Traveler #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike My friends walking on NG and White people in a pickup truck yelling “GO BACK TO THE COTTON FIELDS!” • @LayaBuurd #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike being told you’re complaining & whining when trying to bring up serious issues & proposals for positive change. • @BeingBethK If your defense against #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike is that you haven’t experienced it personally... I haven’t seen snow but I know it’s real. • @ yungbobkennedy #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike casual use of the hard R n-word around me, because I can “pass” and I’m “not one of them.” • @lexi_wiggins still a top university in the country. say what you will but racism is everywhere. #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike Thanks & Gig’em • @SarahAhmed96 #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike being told to stop
being so angry and to “chill out” by people who’ve never borne the brunt of discrimination. • @AllstateJackie The fact that many are trying to discredit those in #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike b/c they hate racism being subject of discussion is fucking weak. • @ saint_dustino HAHAHAHAHA as a person of whiteness, let me tell you, they can accommodate your sensitivities better in Austin. #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike • @xkennkenn #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike got called a nigger at my first Aggie football game ever • @protacotrucks #racismatTAMUfeelslike people driving around a Muslim community center with a confederate flag and staring you down as they drive past • @Bry_Rideb #RacismAtTamuFeelsLike having to hear how we are “Ungrateful” for expressing legitimate issues that will/are leaving lasting effects on us. • @jasmintrann #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike It isn’t about minorities hating on TAMU. I love being an AGGIE but it can’t hurt to have a change. • @ashleigh_edney Congratulations if you can’t relate to #racismattamufeelslike but that doesn’t give you the right to discredit others experiences • @Ravelroland #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike I was told that I was slave and needed to go back to my country. Debunk that, battle that, say THATS not racist • @Cjerome100 #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike “ You’ll get in Veterinary School real easy, your black.” • @enFOURcerFA2k6 When some clueless privileged Aggies are more keen on #BTHOBama than validating,changing the culture 2 #BTHOPrejudice #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike • @ drewTdoran Thanks everyone for sharing your #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike stories
#RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike Current, former students participate in hashtag about perceived racism on campus, campus monument vandalized
By Chevall Pryce @ChevallP
undreds of testimonies of perceived acts of racism were tweeted with the hashtag #RacismAtTAMUFeelsLike, as were opposing and dissenting arguments against the comments Sunday night and continuing into Monday. The Texas A&M chapter of the
NAACP tweeted out a request for students to tweet personal thoughts and accounts of racism they have experienced or heard about on campus. Stories began coming in soon after the hashtag was created. Bryce Randall, president of TAMU NAACP and political science junior said the hashtag was meant to promote NAACP Week and upcoming events, and that he didn’t anticipate the amount of
tweets and conversation that followed. “We weren’t expecting such a huge response, but we’re glad we got one,” Randall said. “People aren’t just making these things up, these are actually things that are happening on a daily basis. It lets you know that this is a problem that does need to be addressed. This conversation is the first step to remediating these issues.”
Along with comments and tweets supporting the hashtag, many students were denying the hashtag or criticizing the stories being told. Opposing comments included accounts of being discriminated against for being white and Republican. “I think comments like that can be problematic. Not because they’re coming from a place saying, ‘I feel discrimination too,’ but from a place that wants to combat or come
Iraqi forces launch offensive on Mosul
into opposition,” Randall said. “It doesn’t move us forward. I feel like the huge thing we need here is empathy.” Daniel Pugh, vice president of student affairs, said he is proud TAMU NAACP initiated the conversation. Pugh tweeted a screenshot encouraging students to report any incidents of discrimination on campus using Stop Hate. HASHTAG ON PG. 4
‘Smash Bros’ bond in MSC basement tournaments
Liberation of city could be pivotal in fight against ISIS By Katy Stapp @katyxstapp A long-awaited offensive to retake and liberate the ISIS-occupied city of Mosul began Monday by Iraqi and Kurdish forces and could be the beginning of the end of ISIS. Mosul, which was seized by ISIS in June 2014, is the last remaining stronghold of the terrorist group and a vital part of its self-declared caliphate, or Islamic State, that spans the borders of Iraq and Syria. When it was seized more than 2 million people resided in Mosul. After two years, only about 1 million residents remain in the city. The offensive, which was announced in a televised statement Monday by Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, aims to retake Mosul and free its remaining citizens from tyranny. Much of the United States’ military presence in Iraq in the last two years has been focused on training Iraq’s security forces for the campaign. The battle could last weeks or months, but if successful, the Mosul liberation would be pivotal in the fight against ISIS. One day into the attack, Iraqi forces cleared nine villages and extended control over a key road. “One of the biggest things is the fact that this is the largest populated area controlled by Islamic State, so taking that back is a big deal and a very important objective,” said Danny Davis, senior lecturer at the Bush School who specializes in counterterrorism. “I think the other part of it is the Peshmerga is fighting with the Iraqi forces, which is another big deal — the fact that those two are working together.”
Brian Okosun — THE BATTALION
No. 6 A&M will travel to Tuscaloosa, Alabama to take on the top-ranked Crimson Tide in hopes to remain undefeated in 2016.
Bama game Saturday to be critical for Aggie QB Heath Clary
revor Knight’s redshirt senior season has come with mixed results. He has proven that he possesses a unique blend of gritty leadership and a productive rushing ability that has repeatedly been enough to win games, but he has not shown that he can complete much more than half his passes. When A&M heads to Tusca-
loosa to square off against No. 1 Alabama Saturday, Knight has a prime opportunity to show the country what he is made of. Alabama’s secondary has shown plenty of vulnerability to this point in the season, but it is unknown yet whether or not Knight will be able to exploit that weakness. Knight has had a ton of success on the ground so far in 2016, particularly zone-read plays with freshman running back Trayveon Williams. Nick Saban defenses always have a dominant front seven, and this year is no different. If Knight is not efficient in the passing game from the onset against the Tide, I don’t expect there to be a ton of running room
for Knight or Williams, and that would put the Aggie offense in a difficult situation. However, if Knight can complete some passes early in the game and soften up the Alabama defense, that will likely open up some lanes for him and Williams to run through and the Aggies will have a shot to pull the upset. The Crimson Tide is certainly a great team, but I don’t see in them the same type of overpowering defense that they’ve been in the past. This is why Knight’s performance is so crucial and him having success through the air would do wonders for A&M’s chances of keeping its season unblemished.
Members of College Station Smash Bros host video game tournaments in the MSC.
By Luke Henkhaus @Luke_Henkhaus On any given day in the MSC passersby can witness to a fight to the death. Or, at least, the electronic version of one as students with controllers battle it out while clustered around some TV screens in the basement. Many of these students are members of College Station Smash Bros, a group dedicated to creating a lively and inviting community for the popular “Super Smash Brothers” series of video games. In addition to competing in various competitions all across the state of Texas, the group also hosts a wide variety of “Super Smash Brothers” tournaments in the MSC, the majority of which are free and open to the public. Meteorology senior Ryan Everitt, who is a longtime member of College Station Smash Bros and admin of the group’s Facebook page, said “Super Smash Brothers” is set apart from other eSports — or competitions that take place through the SMASH BROS ON PG. 2