nation&world Obama stalls plans for pipeline In a politically explosive decision, President Barack Obama on Wednesday rejected plans for a massive oil pipeline through the heart of the United States, ruling there was not enough time for a fair review before a looming deadline forced on him by Republicans. His move did not kill the project but could again delay a tough choice for him until after the November elections. The plan by Calgarybased TransCanada Corp. would carry tar sands oil from western Canada across a 1,700-mile pipeline across six U.S. states to Texas refineries.
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The Associated Press
inside news | 4 Embracing diversity
Astronaut Mike Fossum, Class of 1980, speaks in front of the NASA space shuttle simulator and A&M and NASA officials in December.
One small step
A luncheon celebrating the life and accomplishments of MLK brings an accomplished actor to campus.
Shuttle simulator begins move to home in Aggieland
voices | 5 Mailcall
Emily Davis
See inside for student opinion about the Wikipedia blackout on Wednesday. To voice your opinion, send your submission to
lifestyles | 6 Serving up justice Season three of “Justified” shows promise that oldfashioned law enforcement is alive and well in pop culture.
Paul Hill, director of Mission Control, and Texas A&M University President R. Bowen Loftin sign the agreement to bring the simulator to College Station.
The Battalion Texas A&M is the new home of NASA’s Shuttle Mission Simulator. The first of two shipments of the simulator arrived on the campus on Wednesday and the second will be transported in June. It is expected to be open to the public by early 2013. “It’s the only large part of the space program that is going to stay in Texas,” said John Valasek, professor of aerospace engineering. “We’re honored and excited to have this artifact.” Texas A&M gained ownership of the simulator by means of a bidding processes that compared plans for use, maintenance and accessibility. It will be housed at the University Services Building and will be on display for the public, who will be able to “fly” a simulated reentry and landing. The simulator will be in exactly the same condition as it was for the 355 astronauts who used it to train for real missions. None of the controls will be reproduc-
Halfway there The first parts of the simulator were delivered Wednesday morning. The second and final shipment will be delivered this summer.
Shuttle resting places While the shuttle simulator will remain in Texas, the actual shuttles are in California, Florida, Virginia and New York.
See Simulator on page 7
Aggies knock out Tigers at Reed, 78-52
Faculty seek healthcare solutions in architecture Justin Mathers
Mark Dore The Battalion When Missouri head coach Robin Pingeton was reminded that the Aggies will transition to the Southeastern Conference from the Big 12 Conference along with her Tigers, she had only one thing to say: “Lucky us.” A&M head coach Gary Blair won his 200th game for the program, and the No.14 Aggies (12-4, 3-2) overcame a sluggish start to best the Tigers (10-6, 0-5) for the eighth time in a row Wednesday night, 78-52. Blair downplayed the milestone, but senior guard Sydney Carter said she was proud of her coach. “I’ve been with him four years now and it’s just nice to see him reaching those milestones,” Carter said. The balanced A&M attack, featuring four
Senior Sydney Carter takes a lay up off a fast break through Mizzou defenders.
See Basketball on page 4
The Battalion As of late 2011, 52 million Americans were without health insurance. A lecture series this spring at Texas A&M seeks to ignite a new wave of ideas about how to combat that daunting figure. The lectures, which are open to the public, will cover a variety of topics including charity care clinics, Native American healthcare and building design for long-term care patients. George Mann, professor of architecture, began Wednesday’s lecture bemoaning the current plight of healthcare in the U.S. “For too long, congressmen and college professors like myself have fed themselves from the public trough while the garage owner with two employees suffers,” Mann said. “I sometimes feel guilt with the situation at present.”
James Thompson — THE BATTALION
Marjorie Petty speaks Wednesday at the first lecture of “Delivering Health Care to the Under and Uninsured.” Ward Wells, interim head of the architecture department, further explained that the future of healthcare lies at the crossSee Healthcare on page 4
Free speech is beautiful, even when it’s ugly
niversity police recently received an uncommon request. A person — or persons — plans to protest Thursday in Academic Plaza and asked for police protection. On a day when Texas A&M welcomes Emmy-winning actor and artist Harry Belafonte — whose films in the early stages of the civil rights movement challenged the status quo of racial inequality — and the Southwestern Black Student Leadership Conference, the demonstrator purportedly intends to spend the late morning and early afternoon “exposing who MLK really was and how civil rights destroyed the black family.” There is no question that such a demon-
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stration is lawful — that backward, hateful speech at a state-funded university campus is protected by the Constitution in the same manner as speech with which we agree and hold dear. The question is, rather, how should the hundreds of students passing through Academic Plaza Thursday react to such speech? We say embrace it. Not as a philosophy or worldview deserving of serious consideration, but as a public reminder that our First Amendment freedoms remain strong today. In ordinary circumstances, one would hardly equate inhaling dense smog to a refreshing breath of fresh air, but we invite the student body and its visitors to do just that. Hateful and ignorant speech proclaimed in
public is not pleasing. It can be hurtful, insulting and disturbing. But it is nonetheless a reminder that we live in a country that values and, as communicated by the police presence, actively protects freedom of expression. That this demonstration will take place on our university’s campus should not communicate an implicit endorsement of a misguided philosophy, but a commitment to ensuring a free and open marketplace of ideas. The latter should be valued far more than offensive speech should be opposed, because the freedom to speak is more important than what anyone has to say.
EDITORIALBOARD The Battalion’s editorial opinion is determined by its Board of Opinion, with the editor in chief having final responsibility. Robert Carpenter Editor in Chief senior applied math major Jordan Williford Managing Editor senior ag journalism major Alec Goetz Planning Editor junior English major Naila Dhanani Opinion Desk Editor junior biomedical sciences major
1/18/12 11:59 PM