The Battalion: January 24, 2012

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campus news Rudder exhibit to close soon Friday will be the last day the Rudder Exhibit will be open at Cushing Library. From Pointe du Hoc to College Station, which opened in November, highlights the historic career of former Texas A&M President and World War II hero, James Earl Rudder. The exhibit features different artifacts representing his time served with the military and at A&M, including his speech supporting the admittance of women in 1963.

thebattalion ● tuesday,

january 24, 2012

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conference alignment

Loftin to negotiate Big 12 exit Regents authorize president to settle financial obligations Trevor Stevens & Emily Davis The Battalion The board of regents of Texas A&M met Monday afternoon for a special session to organize one of the University’s final obligations before it can legally leave the Big 12 Conference. During the meeting, the board authorized University President

R. Bowen Loftin to negotiate a settlement with the Big 12. Loftin said he hopes to resolve the monetary issues with the Big 12 as soon as possible. “I hope that we’ll have a very rapid conclusion to this but I can’t predict when. This will bring us closer to a complete resolution,” Loftin said. Jason Cook, vice president for marketing and communications at A&M, said conversations between A&M and the Big 12 have been ongoing for the past several months. “The board’s action today simply autho-

rized the president to continue negotiations and ultimately execute a settlement with the Big 12,” Cook said. After the board’s action on Monday, Loftin will not have to return to the board for approval as talks between the University and its athletic conference continue. Loftin indicated previously that the withdrawal of Nebraska and Colorado in the summer of 2010 set a precedent, Cook said. Nebraska forfeited $9.25 million and Colorado forfeited $6.86 million to leave

End in sight Texas A&M is scheduled to formally join the Southeastern Conference effective July 1, 2012.

See Regents on page 4


coming wednesday Human trafficking

Career fair opens doors for engineers

Texas A&M 54, Kansas 64

Valiant effort

In parts of BryanCollege Station not frequented by students, women are enslaved by human traffickers. Learn more about the dark realities and nonprofit organizations’ efforts to rescue the abused.

269 booths, 252 companies and 760 recruiters seek Aggie students

inside research | 3

Trevor Stevens The Battalion Top engineering and industry firms from around the nation will be on campus Tuesday seeking Aggie interns and employees. The Student Engineers’ Council Spring Career Fair offers the opportunity for all engineering majors to get their name out to potential employers. Ryan Haughey, senior aerospace engineering major and vice president of development for the Student Engineers’ Council, said attending the career fair is important for engineers at all levels in their studies. “For freshmen, this is how you learn what you want to do,” Haughey

Buses use biofuel Transportation Services’ Aggie Spirit buses started using biofuel in 2007 to support sustainability efforts in the community. Biodiesel is on the rise around the nation as an alternative source of energy.

See Fair on page 6


sports | 5 Women’s hoops

A&M leads in discoveries Barrett House

The No. 14 A&M women’s basketball team hits the road for a trip to Stillwater, Okla. to take on the Oklahoma State Cowgirls.

news | 7 Student feeds the hungry Kimberly Robertson, Class of 2005, started a T-shirt company that donates a pound of seed for every shirt sold in an effort to provide those in need with the resources to grow and harvest their own food. The company, Light of Mine, will give its first donation to people in Guam.

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Kansas center Jeff Withey blocks a shot by senior forward David Loubeau in the second half of the Jayhawks’ 10-point victory Monday in Lawrence, Kan. A&M led at halftime, 30-28, but Kansas surged in the last 10 minutes to secure the home victory. Read more at

Up next The Texas A&M men play Oklahoma State at 3 p.m. Saturday at Reed Arena.

The Battalion A&M researchers seeking answers about human origins caught national attention when three projects in the department of anthropology were recognized by the Smithsonian Institute’s online blog, Hominid Hunting. The blog listed the top-10 hominid discoveries of 2011, with A&M claiming the No. 1 spot. “Hominid” refers to all modern or extinct bipedal primates, including humans. The list identifies projects that have contributed in a major way to furthering the understanding See Hominid on page 4


Dorm renovations cause ‘Corps-wide shuffle’ Michal Ann Morrison The Battalion Texas A&M is no stranger to construction projects, and one of the newest renovations on campus can be found on the Quadrangle, home to the Corps of Cadets. While the Department of Residence Life has not yet been announced who will live in the newly renovated dorms, the department has decided students living in old dorms on the Quad will pay the same rate as those living in newly renovated spaces.

Brian McDonald, president of the Residence Hall Association, said the flat rate comes with the expectation that all Corps dorms will be renovated in the future. “The flat rate to be charged isn’t really a bad thing,” McDonald said. “I understand that ResLife has to charge a certain amount in order to pay for the project and to pay for the upkeep of the others. It would not be fair to charge the cadets in the new dorm more for rent if they didn’t have a See Dorms on page 4


Cadets walk past construction of the William G. Harrell Hall and Leadership Learning Center. The center is scheduled to open fall 2012.

1/24/12 12:05 AM

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