campus news
Spring fever The Chinese Students and Scholars Association will have its Spring Festival Show at 7 p.m. Saturday in Rudder Auditorium. Tickets are on sale for $4 at MSC Box Office.
thebattalion ● thursday,
january 26, 2012
Capt. Mark Herman was honored as a ‘Soldier Hero’ during the AllAmerican Bowl.
texas a&m since 1893
● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2012 student media
Loftin fields Senate inquiries A&M president says Kyle Field renovation talks began 3 years ago Robert Carpenter
page | 3 Student, soldier hero
● serving
The Battalion University administration and student government intersected Wednesday evening when A&M President R. Bowen Loftin spoke with the Student Senate about a range of topics including affirmative action and the future of A&M’s rivalry with Texas. But before the conversation turned toward athletics, Loftin addressed the necessity of the maroon and orange forming a “joint agenda” for the next legislative cycle, saying “we speak with one mouth.” “TU and us have a lot in common, whether you like to think that way or not,” Loftin said, responding to student senator Mark Womack’s concern that A&M would be “caught off guard again” by legislative cuts in the 2013 session. “I want to have ongo-
ing conversations with Bill Powers, the president there, and our staffs as well over the next many months to find as many common areas as we can.” Jeff Pickering, student body president, said he has seen the A&M System strategically planning for the 2013 legislative session. “Chancellor [John] Sharp has been very proactive about trying to do our work before the legislature begins,” Pickering said. “[Legislators] can complicate matters, so the more we can accomplish in-house, the better it will be for our students.” Despite the unified legislative front, Loftin said the state’s two flagship universities remain at an impasse regarding the future of the schools’ athletic rivalry. “As far as I can tell, their stance has not changed officially both from their athletic director and president, that they will not consider playing us again for several years,” Loftin said. “Unofficially, I know that a number of members of legislature and [Texas alumni] are
President Loftin speaks at the Student Senate meeting See Senate on page 7 Wednesday in Koldus.
sports | 4 Tebowmania
Off-campus, online The allure of the Broncos’ famously inconsistent quaterback is investigated.
voices | 6 Mailcall See inside for student opinion about the Wikipedia blackout on Jan. 18. To voice your opinion, send your submission to mailcall@thebatt. com.
trends | 8 Getting fired up
Universities explore distance education markets Trevor Stevens The Battalion Institutions across Texas are reaching out to distant markets of online learners, fishing for the value of distance education. In Austin, the University of Texas System board of regents approved a $50 million investment last August into a new Institute of Transformational Learning, which will focus on options for blended and online learning. The Texas System also recently launched a distance education program — Finish@UT — enabling undergraduate students to earn a bachelors degree entirely off-campus and online. One of the three universities that the system offers an online degree is the University of Texas of the Permian Basin, UTPB, where Roland Spickermann is the chairman of the history department and professor of two online courses this semester. Spickermann said UTPB has received new enrollments almost daily since the program sparked in December. Spickermann said the bachelor of
Ultimately, students will be selling themselves and their
credentials in whatever profession they choose. The ‘value’ of the degree they have will come not in the completion documentation but in their ability to articulate and apply what they have learned.” — Chad Wootton, associate vice president for External Affairs
arts degree in humanities that is offered online is structurally identical to the inperson degree. “A lot of it is the same sort of thing that you would find in an in-person course: committed students, committed instructor, committed syllabus,” Spickermann said. “It’s just as rigorous as the in-person humanities degree, so there is nothing lost there.” Spickermann said the market of students seeking distance education that UTPB has locked onto includes students from Midland and Dallas to Israel in the Middle East. “Students are involved with jobs or families or might not even be close to a See Online Degree on page 7
James Thompson — THE BATTALION
Students use open access computers at the Student Computing Center. Texas A&M University continues to consider distance education options.
Students gear up for Fuel School, as many have high hopes that the prayer movement on campus will heat up.
Wyoming student steals doughnut POWELL, Wyo.— 19-year-old college student, Zach O’dell, was accused of swiping a doughnut and has agreed to pay a $200 fine, $10 in court costs — and 79 cents to cover the cost of the doughnut. O’Dell was accused of eating the treat in Blair’s Market in Powell on Nov. 28 and leaving without paying for it. He was charged with shoplifting.
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Jorge Montalvo — THE BATTALION
bryan-college station
Leaders discuss future prospects for economy Justin Mathers The Battalion At an economic outlook conference Wednesday, business leaders from the Bryan-College Station area gathered to discuss the future prospects of the economy in 2012 and beyond. President R. Bowen Loftin made a surprise appearance to discuss the future of Texas A&M and Kyle Field. Conference attendees were treated to a variety of prominent guest speakers, including Ben Downs, recipient of the 2010 Texas Broadcaster of the Year award, and James Gaines, research economist at the Texas A&M Real Estate Center. The goal of the wealth of expertise on display was to help prime the B-CS region’s private sector for success.
Ronnie Volkening, CEO of Texas Retailers Association, kicked off the conference by discussing his overall prediction for 2012 retail sales. “My feeling is that the BryanCollege Station area will do quite well,” Volkening said. “And my colleague Mark Datzour and I agree that Texas will again outpace the nation.” Retail in Texas, which includes restaurants, directly and indirectly supports one-fourth of all jobs. Sixteen percent of Texas GDP comes from retail and 17 percent of all labor income derives from the retail industry. Volkening also noted that Texas leads the nation in new retail jobs created since 2006. The downside to this, however, is the fact that only one in six states have had new retail job growth since
that period. Bryan-College Station, and Texas in general, have not been hit as hard by the recession as other states. Sales tax revenues across the state increased 9.5 percent from December 2010 to December 2011 despite poor national consumer confidence ratings. In addition, B-CS has regained all 400,000 jobs lost during the lowest point of the recession. Despite B-CS not being well known as a hot spot for tourism, tourists spent $388 million in the region in 2010. This number has been steadily increasing since 2000. In Texas at large, the tourism industry’s 2010 total travel spending figure was valued at $57.5 billion. Penny Reeh, founder and president of Indigo Research
Group, explained that with a few small modifications, B-CS could expand its tourist industry even farther. “Whenever we ask people what there is to see in BryanCollege Station, normally we get the same response – nothing,” Reeh said. “But when we start coaxing them further they realize there is a ton of stuff to do.” Reeh suggested that B-CS create an easy system to guide tourists around, making it easier to find all the things the region has to offer. Reeh also noted that the cities are sitting on a sizeable equity reserve: everyone who rents a room in the area pays a 13 percent tax, which the local government keeps a fraction of, normally 7 percent. This money
B-CS statistics ◗ Seven to eight percent of state and local tax revenue come from out of state visitors.
◗ $471 million was spent by students last year.
See Economy on page 7
1/26/12 12:54 AM