Maya Angelou: Honor Gordone’s legacy
have been made aware that there has been an effort on campus to recognize Charles Gordone and his contributions to Texas A&M. I knew Charles for more than 50 years, until he was lost in 1995, and I have admired him since we first met. I respected and reveled in his contribution as an actor in John Genet’s play “The Blacks.” Mr. Gordone was a member of the cast, which included Godfrey
Cambridge, Roscoe Lee Brown, James Earl Jones, Cicely Tyson and myself. It was during this play that the seeds for “No Place To Be Somebody,” for which he won Pulitzer Prize for Drama, were sewn. Charles’ play ran on Broadway and Off Broadway, and whenever his name was attached to a project, I was a member of a large group who rushed to support him. He brought a treasure trove of
talents to Texas A&M in a particularly turbulent and uncertain time in A&M’s history. He spent the last years of his life there enriching the lives of students. Charles was a man of infinite talents and opportunities. That he chose A&M to spend his final years is a testament to his confidence and faith in your university. The construction of a new liberal arts building at your university seems a perfect opportunity
to provide a space to honor his memory on campus. In this way, Charles can continue to break down barriers and open hearts and minds for generations to come. Maya Angelou is an American author, poet and actress whose recognitions include the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Lifetime Achievement Award for Literature. The Associated Press
Maya Angelou encourages Aggies to remember Charles Gordone.
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february 1, 2012
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Torchbearers Art exhibit peers into forgotten past Kevin Smith
rights movement were central to my upbringing. Learning that change is accomplished when people come together in unity was the most inspirational realization I ever had. I’m forever in
The Battalion A&M’s 2012 campus celebration of Black History Month begins with artistic tributes to the greats of African-American history. Opening Wednesday, architecture professor Bob Schiffauer’s “Torchbearers” portrait series will be on display in the Langford Architecture Building’s Wright GalHeavy lery through Feb. 28. Among other influ- silence ential icons, the gal- It’s time for Texas lery features Charles A&M to celebrate Gordone, the first the contributions African-American to receive the Pulitzer made by Charles Prize for Drama. Af- Gordone, page 3. ter retiring from acting and directing, Gordone came to A&M to serve as professor of English and theatre from 1987 to 1995. A symbolic sculpture of Gordone stands prominently in the center of the exhibit. Also featured are drawings of a western play that Gordone and his wife, Susan, were creating before he died in 1995. Mrs. Gordone saved her husband’s writings and has worked with Schiffauer and his students to recreate the play through artwork. “When somebody leaves behind this kind of a work, you don’t want to leave it in a box collecting dust,” Mrs. Gordone said. “He gave the last nine years of his life to these students and he loved it. I think there is still something to be learned from his last works.” Mrs. Gordone and Schiffauer share the
See History on page 4
See Torch on page 2
David Godinez — THE BATTALION
Artist and architecture professor Bob Schiffauer adjusts pieces of his portrait series “Torchbearers” at the Wright Gallery.
Aja Holston: Legacy of black leaders continues today
e hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.” This quote has resonated in American hearts since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The concept of the American dream was solidified through these words.
Although the colonies declared independence 236 years ago, African-Americans have had legal civil rights for only the past 43 years. The idea of an ever, allencompassing equality remained unfulfilled for nearly 200 years. The big names of the civil
A&M faces No. 6 Baylor for last time in Big 12 Turner and Loubeau provide dynamic inside-out presence
Aggies look to ride mid-season momentum against hot rival
Austin Meek
The Texas A&M men’s basketball team (12-8, 3-5) will take the court against rival Baylor (19-2, 6-2) for the final time as a regular season conference foe when they meet Wednesday night at Reed Arena. Sitting at 3-5 in Big 12 play, an Aggie upset of the No. 6 Bears would breathe life into the Aggies’ hopes of an NCAA tournament berth. A loss, meanwhile, could propel the Aggies into territory not ventured by the program in six years. Though Baylor has been a thorn in A&M’s side of late, the Aggies have won eight of the last 11 in College Station. In the most recent meeting between the two teams, the Aggies fell to the Bears 61-52 in Waco, de-
The Battalion “Practice makes perfect,” the old adage goes. Roger Staubach, the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys during its two Super Bowl victories in the 1970s, altered the saying even further, famously stating, “Perfect practice makes perfect.” It is a concept that the Texas A&M men’s basketball team has had to relearn this season under the new regime of head coach Billy Kennedy — and it’s finally starting to pay off. “Practice now is more intense than it was last year,” junior guard Elston Turner said. “Everything we do now is faster paced. It has a lot to do with making sure we’re all still conditioned. Last year it was more of teaching and slower paced. We’ve tried to get up See Duo on page 6
Chandler Smith The Battalion
Junior guard Elston Turner has grown into a proven commodity as a scorer.
spite a 21-point effort by junior guard Elston Turner. While the season remains the same, the context of this matchup has transformed dramatically. The Aggies have won three straight games at Reed Arena and captured an offensive rhythm. A&M’s field goal percentage of 32.6 per game in its opening 0-3 Big 12 stretch improved to 47.4 percent over the last five contests. After struggling to find consistent play from less experienced players, the Aggie bench has exploded with production. A&M head coach Billy Kennedy noticed his team has caught up to the Top-10 Bears since the last time they played. Noting the season’s adversity, he predicted production would come See Baylor on page 5
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