inside news | 3 Academic crimes
Expensive laptops, calculators, iPads and other studying materials offer prime targets for theft on campus.
● monday,
voices | 4 Winning elections
february 13, 2012
● serving
texas a&m since 1893
● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2012 student media
Making headlines
Ryan Davenport, campaign manager for student body president Jeff Pickering, gives an inside look into what it takes to win a student body president election.
Amber Jaura
Kalee Bumguardner is the first Aggie to lead both the ‘Aggieland’ and ‘The Battalion’
campus news
First SBP debate Student body president candidates address questions submitted by students at 7 p.m. Monday at the George Bush Library. The Batt will tweet live from the event, @thebattonline.
The Battalion Aggieland Yearbook and The Battalion are two of the University’s oldest traditions. Through the work of dedicated Aggies, both organizations have received numerous state and national awards. Kalee Bumguardner, graduate student in agricultural leadership, education and communication, is the first Aggie to be editor-in-chief for The Battalion and the Aggieland. Bumguardner was editor-inchief for The Battalion for summer 2009 and the Aggieland Yearbook in 2011. Many Aggies have worked for the two organizations, but she is the first to serve as editor-in-chief on both. Bumguardner worked many posts at the Aggieland, but said her favorite part of being involved with the yearbook was making the designs. “I loved organizing everything, and I had the best staff I could ask for, so it was lots
Story stats ◗ Bumguardner produced 42 issues of The Battalion in summer 2009 and wrote 21 stories. ◗ Throughout her four years as an undergraduate at Texas A&M, Bumguardner wrote 39 articles.
weekend action
See Editor on page 6
Softball The A&M softball team left its season debut tournament with a 3-2 record, including victories against two Top-10 teams, Stanford and Arizona.
Tennis The Aggie men’s tennis team knocked off Texas, 4-3, in Houston before falling to Tulsa, 1-6.
Track The Aggie men’s and women’s track teams took first place finishes Saturday at the Texas A&M invitational.
The men’s and women’s basketball teams took a beating Saturday against Iowa State, 46-69 (men’s), and Baylor, 48-71 (women’s).
Kalee Bumguardner, graduate student in agricultural leadership, education and communication, is the first student to have served as editor-in-chief of both The Battalion and the Aggieland.
Donors take peek into MSC Amber Jaura The Battalion The grand spaces, historic settings and polished features of the renovated Memorial Student Center were on full display Friday evening for the project’s financial contributors, chronicling another step leading to the building’s April 21 opening. More than 200 donors in the Flag Room of the renovated Memorial Student Centerfor the MSC “First Reveal,” organized by the Texas A&M Foundation. The event recognized guests for contributions to the MSC renovation and expansion. Speakers included Texas A&M President R. Bowen Loftin, Texas A&M Foundation President Ed Davis and MSC President Elizabeth Andrasi, nonprofit management certificate stu-
Natalee Blanchat
Donors socialize in the MSC Flag Room Friday during the MSC First Reveal. Architects sought to preserve the historic room’s personality through the process. dent. The night’s main event was a lottery that matched the building’s pillars with donors — a new feature in the building. Contributions for that merited naming rights for Flag Room and Twelfth Man Hall pillars were $200,000
Ryan Yeatman Geology Krysten Yezak Educational Admin and HR Development Sarah Yezak Interdisciplinary Studies Tiffany Ynosencio Microbiology Chase Young Sport Management Katherine Young Spanish Lauralee Young Marketing Lauren Young Environmental Geosciences Lauren Young Economics Shaley Young University Studies
ms ams a ia liams illlliams Rachel Williams mology Entom Forensic Entomology oth mo mo moth lm llmot ilmoth il Kelly Wilmoth t History z tz itz Emily Wilpitz e iie dies di d udies udie Studi University Studies son ls ills Wilson Angela Wi u lttture Horticulture Horticult son lls lson Jason Wilson Agricultural Education
Lauren Youngblood Development Agricultural Leadership and Casey Zander English Sadie Zapalac Biomedical Science Tegan Zealy Animal Science Mark Zemanek Agricultural Economics
so so Jazmyn Wilson e ces c nc Scienc Bioenvironmental Sciences on Wilson Jordan Wilso es ie Studies Interdisciplinary Studie n on Markay Wilson ce ce Scienc Biomedical Science e te Tory Wingate Bioenvironmental Sciences r Winkle Heather r Studies Interdisciplinar Interdisciplinary
576 | aggieland
See MSC on page 5
Britney Wynn Sport Management Christopher Wynne Petroleum Engineering Harika Yalamanchili Biology Jessica Yancey Animal Science Dustin Yates Electrical Engineering
k Willlk c Wilkins Eric r ri er gineer ngineer ng Mechanical Engineering g rg or o llenbor illenborg illenbo il Dana Willenborg ch ych ychology yc Psyc Psychology ms am liams liams lia llia ill Willi Will Ashley Williams Biology m ams iams lliams illiams Will Wi Clora Williams Health Health Wiilliams W Jennifer Williams i n cienc Sc Biomedical Science
W Paul Witkowski En Civil Engineering Witter h Josh Joshua Agriculturall Economics Wolff R Ryan M Information & Operations Management W Jordyn Woltersdorf Health Wolthoff s Alys Alyson Human Resource Development
each, and MSC pillars were $100,000 each. In total, six plaques were donated to the 12th Man Hall, 16 for the Flag Room, and 21 in the main corridor on the ground floor. To-date, the Texas A&M
Computer Science Jeremy Wright Agricultural Economics Laura Wright Communication Lauren Wyly Interdisciplinary Studies
W Whela le Whelan ley dley adley radley r Bradley Brad Br in ri g gineering ngineeri En Engineer Engineerin Engin Engi cal Engineering ical tical Aeronautical Whigh Wh Whigha w Whigham tthew tthew Matthew d s Studies y Stud sity niversity University e hite hite Wh ay White say dsay d Linds Lindsay L y tory tory story History h W Wh Whit Whi n Whiting an yan ryan Bryan Di tribu n Industrial Distribution oyer hitmoy Whitmoyer Whitm Whitmo Whitmoye ly Whitmoy Emily m & Journalism Agricultural Communications Wh w W Whitw n Whitwell an a ga gan Morgan li u ournalis ou Journal Journalism & Jour Agricultural Communicationss d dd Wid W Widd Widdig th than athan Jonathan B Bi Biology anks by Wilbanks by Kob Koby ch ycholog y Psycholo Psychol Psych Psycholog Psyc P Psychology ck ilc Wil Wilc W Ryan Wilck i cience c Sc S Politicall Science ld en Wild een e hle Kathle Kathleen en ien ie Scienc Scien Scie all Science a cal Biomedical
Pg. 1-02.13.12.indd 1
Student body candidates open campaign season
Abbate Health Ken Abdullah Physics Maegan Ables Finance M Michelle Wildlife Abney and Fisheries Fis Sciences Andrea An Abrams Commun C ication Managem Kelli Adam ent Informat f ion Systems Emil Adamcik Emily Managem ent Informat f io Systems ion Se Adams Seth Spacial Sciences Joshua A Aduddel l Health Teresa Aguilar Human A Resource Develo Developm ent Krystle Ag Aguirre Interdisc iplinary Stu Studies Omobola A Ajao Chemica l Engine Engineer ing Tere Teresa Aldredge Food Scie Science and Technolo gy Denise Commun Alex ication Monica Alexande r Kinesiolo gy Kimberl ee Allen Sara MorganEnglish Allen Agribusin ess Kiley Allred Biomedic al Science Brant Altenhof en Economi cs Matthew Biomedic Altman al Science Seetha Ram Amujula Ocean Engi
Karen Zerda Communication Amanda Zietak Kinesiology Tamara Zuehlke Communication Michael Zurovec Mechanical Engineering Haili Zwiercan & Journalism Agricultural Communications
seniors & graduate students |
Tracy Ashton Agricultu ral Kaela AstleyLeadership and Developm Accounti ent ng Michael Atkinson Compute r Science Jonathon Ausburn Biomedic al Science Jaime Austin Psycholog y Jamesia Austin Agricultu ral Laura Avila Leadership and Developm Mathema ent tics Michael Babcock Accounti ng Eliezer Badillo Internati onal Commer Brennan ce Bailey Biomedic al Science James Baker Agricultu re Leadersh Andrea ip and Developm Bakke ent Biomedic al Science Mary Baldwin Psycholog y Zachary Baldwin Wildlife and Fisheries Nathan Sciences Ball Civil Engineer ing Ch
The Battalion Student body elections are right around the corner. Sunday night signaled the start of a busy campaign season as more than 120 candidates vying for campus leadership positions reviewed rules and regulations before pre-campaigning kicks off Monday. Hopeful senior and junior yell leaders, senators, class presidents, residence hall advisors and the six candidates competing for student body president attended the mandatory meeting, held by the election commission board, to address questions and learn about the voting process before diving into the campaign trail. Kyle Jackson, finance graduate student
and election commissioner, said candidates have to become knowledgeable about the rules so that they do not conduct a blind campaign. He said candidates will have more freedom this year to speak freely to organizations. The change came after a unanimous vote by student senators in the fall to alleviate previous speech restrictions. “The election commission board used to monitor when candidates were allowed to speak and it was a little bit restrictive,” Jackson said. “It really isn’t right to restrict that speech and we wanted to let the students be able to get their messages out and that a student with a vision can run and be successful.” Student Body President Jeff Pickering said the new rules remind students that the nominees are more than brightly-colored campaign signs or a “catchy slogans” — messages that were inhibited in previous See Elections on page 6
THIS WEEK IS YOUR LAST CHANCE to have your graduation portrait made for the 2012 Aggieland yearbook
To schedule your portrait appointment, go to Then go to School Portraits, Scheduling, click New User, complete form with Registration Password: tamu, click submit and login; or call 1-800-883-9449, or see the photographer beginning today in Room 308 of Rudder Tower. There is no charge to get your Class of 2012 section photo in Texas A&M University’s 110th yearbook.
2/12/12 11:36 PM