The Battalion: June 7, 2011

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news for you sports USC stripped of title The Bowl Championship Series unanimously decided to strip the University of Southern California of the 2004 national football title, BCS Executive Director Bill Hancock said Monday. The championship was awarded after USC defeated Oklahoma 55-19 in the 2005 Orange Bowl. This is the final major penalty for the USC program in the aftermath of the NCAA’s investigation of the school over violations regarding former running back Reggie Bush.

thebattalion ● tuesday,

june 7, 2011

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More jobs in Aggieland ton’s spending binge, high energy prices and the regulatory assault on American employers continue to hamper private sector job creation While the unemployment rate in Texas and economic recovery,” said Bill Flores, class dropped to 8.0 percent, College Station conof 1976 and congressional representative of tinues to have one of the lowest unemployDistrict 17, which includes Brazos County. ment rates in the state with 5.7 percent. The “America’s small businesses create seven of Flores national unemployment rate is 9.1 percent. every ten new jobs and they employ just over “With the latest job numbers at a dismal half of the country’s private sector workforce.” 9.1 percent and a majority of economists, including The state’s jobless rate dropped from last year’s the president’s own advisers, painting a grim pic- average of 8.2 percent. The rates are adjusted for ture for the future, it is painfully clear that Washing- throughout the year, typically during hiring and fir-

Connie Thompson The Battalion

ing seasons, usually in the spring. Flores said House Republicans are pressing for significant cuts in federal spending, a comprehensive energy policy and an improved regulatory environment in order to restore the confidence needed for small businesses and entrepreneurs to invest in Texas economy. “House Republicans have a plan to empower families, small businesses and entrepreneurs by implementing common sense, pro-growth policies,” See Unemployment on page 3

Jared Baxter, staff writer

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nation &world Violence erupts in Syria Armed men killed 120 Syrian security forces and torched government buildings Monday in a northern region where troops have unleashed deadly assaults on protesters for days, Syria said. The government vowed to respond “decisively,” hinting at an even more brutal crackdown by a regime known for ruthlessly crushing dissent.

Ala. passes new law The Alabama Legislature has passed legislation, expected soon to be signed into law, that would bar students without the legal documentation to be in the United States from enrolling at public colleges in the Alabama. The measure is part of a far-reaching bill -- receiving attention for going beyond even Arizona’s controversial immigration law.

Calif. tuition challenge The Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to a California policy that gives tuition breaks to illegal immigrants to attend colleges. The justices on Monday refused to review a California Supreme Court ruling that upheld a state law giving California high school graduates reduced tuition at state schools, regardless of their immigration status. Associated Press

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Fans look at Olsen Field during the rain delay. The game is scheduled to take place today at 12:35 p.m. to conclude the regional series.

Rainy day delay Baseball regional postponed after thunderstorms Today’s game The 2011 College Station Regional Championship will be the final game at Olsen Field before the yearlong renovation process transforms it into Blue Bell Park.

Jared Baxter The Battalion Texas A&M’s regional championship finale against Arizona Monday night at Olsen Field was canceled after persistent thunderstorms forced the grounds crew to roll out the field tarp. The game was postponed until today at 12:35 p.m. Fans arrived as early as 5 p.m. for the 6:35 p.m. gam, but there was never any doubt the game would be canceled as rain poured down onto Olsen Field throughout the night.

Some fans chose to huddle up in the upper decks waiting for the game to start, while others decided to gather at the pavilion outside Olsen Field to grab more food and drinks. “We started tailgating probably around five or so, and we never thought the game was going to happen,” said Hunter Shurtleff, a tailgater. “We went inside and they announced the game was delayed, so we just came out here to the pavilion. There were probably 40 or 50 people out here.” See Baseball on page 3


Aggies open for National Rural Health Association O’Dell Harmon The Battalion At the National Rural Health Association conference, in Austin during May, students of The Texas A&M Health Science Center School of Rural Public Health attended while Craig Blakely, Dean ,School of Rural Public Health, spoke at the opening ceremonies welcoming more than 900 guests to Texas. The two projects showcased at the event included “Accountable Care Organizations in the Rural Setting,”presented by Thomas Miller, Assistant Professor, and “Rural Healthy People 2020: New Rural Health Priorities and Strategies identified through the National RHP 2020 Survey,” by Jane Bolin, Associate Professor. Graduate students of the program also ran breakout sessions during the course of

the conference. Blakely said the Texas A&M Health Science Center was honored to attend the event and have a hand in participating at the National Rural Health Association. “With our schoolwide attention on rural health disparities and policies, the School of Rural Public Health at Texas A&M was pleased to participate in the scholarly discussions related to the impact of the evolving national health care legislation on rural Americans and their providers,” Blakely said. “National Rural Health Association, by visiting Austin, provided a wonderful opportunity for a large contingent of our students to both attend as registrants and assist with the operations of a national conference.”

On campus For more information, contact Rae Lynn Mitchell, school communications director, at rlmitchell@srph.

Sunday’s hhigh of 100 ddegrees bro broke the 1960 record of 99 ddegrees. Monday Monday’s temperat temperatures reached 103 10 degrees, one degree short of the record, an and today’s forecast calls ffor more triple-digit temp temperatures. File — THE BATTALION

nation&world Weiner: ‘I lied’ Rep. Anthony Weiner insisted he did nothing illegal and said he would fully cooperate with a House inquiry. NEW YORK – A tearful Rep. Anthony Weiner on Monday admitted sending a lewd photo of his underwear-clad crotch to a young woman over Twitter and then lying repeatedly to protect himself. Weiner refused to resign even as Democratic leaders called for a House ethics investigation. House Democratic leaders expressed disappointment and embarrassment, reflecting an erosion of support for the 46-year-old New York congressman and casting doubts on whether Weiner could hold onto his House seat let alone turn a once-promising political career into a 2013 bid for mayor. “People who draw conclusions about me are free to do so,” Weiner said. “I’ve worked for the people of my district for 13 years and in politics for 20 years and I hope they see fit to see this in the light that it is.” Associated Press

6/6/11 10:35 PM

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