The Battalion: June 30, 2011

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What are you doing for Fourth of July?

thebattalionasks “Traditional family get together barbecue.”

“I’ll most likely be taking advantage of the break from school to relax.” Ryan Oji, junior computer engineering major

Anju Mohan, senior economics major

news for you texas Rare white buffalo

“I will be taking my talents to Northgate and celebrating with friends and family.”

“I’ll be with my entire familiy at the Biannual Jaina Convention.” Suhani Daftary, senior psychology major

Reubin Sabu, sophomore mechanical engineer major

thebattalion ● thursday,

GREENVILLE, — Thousands of people came from miles around Wednesday to see and honor a legend in the flesh — the white buffalo born in a thunderstorm on a northeast Texas ranch. The rare white buffalo calf, regarded as sacred by Lakota Sioux tradition, was honored with Native American prayers, religious songs and the solemn smoking of a pipe in a special naming and dedication ceremony at the Lakota Ranch in Greenville, about 50 miles northeast of Dallas.

june 30, 2011

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● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2011 student media

Holiday weekend


Pilot caught on tape DALLAS — The Southwest Airlines Co. pilot who insulted gays and older workers in an open-mike rant has apologized. The 12-year veteran of the Dallas-based airline, James Taylor of Argyle, Texas, was caught on an open cockpit mike using slurs and profanity to complain that attendants were mostly gay or too old or too heavy for him to date. The comments went out over an air-traffic control frequency.

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nation &world N.Y. student killed NEW YORK — Isayah Muller had just graduated from high school, a gregarious football star on his way to a fresh start in college.But an argument over a celebratory gift cost him his life: The 19-year-old was fatally stabbed during a fight between his father and two parking attendants he thought had stolen expensive cologne from the backseat of the family’s car. Associated Press

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Taylor Wolken — THE BATTALION

Fireworks stands across the state are closing down after the burn bans affect 236 out of 254 counties in Texas for the Fourth of July.

Natalee Blanchat The Battalion Instead of stocking up on sparklers, firecrackers and planning that patriotic red, white and blue themed house party, residents of Brazos County are seeking alternative ways to celebrate this Fourth of July due to a burn ban and no refusal weekend ahead. “I’m going to the movies with my boyfriend,” said Britney Cantero, a senior biology major. “At first I told him I wanted to do the traditional thing by going out and buying fireworks but then I realized that’s not going to happen because of the burn ban.” Cantero is one of many Texas residents whose holiday plans will be affected by the upsurge of burn bans which have been enacted by a record breaking 236 out of 254 counties in the state. April Saginor, communications specialist for Texas Forest Services, said the reason for the large number of burn bans is that 90 percent of wildfires originate

from human causes. “When you hear that statistic, you generally think of arson, but human causes can include outdoor grilling, leaving a campfire unattended—just careless things that we do that seem pretty harmless under normal weather conditions but right now we’ve had a severe drought going on for several months and we’ve got unseasonably high temperatures,” Sagnior said. Sagnior said she hopes residents will take extra precautions when performing any type of outdoor grilling and advises using a propane stove instead of an open fire during dry and windy conditions. “We’re encouraging people to be careful of doing anything that can cause a spark and these are really common sense things,” Sagnior said. “Because of these conditions, setting stuff on fire just isn’t a good idea. Just use some common sense outside, that’s the bottom-line.” Joe Ondrasek, fire chief for Brazos County Precinct 4 Fire Department, said See Fourth on page 2



Event to feature laser lights

Regents to name interim chancellor Robby Smith

Connie Thompson The Battalion Fireworks are a common symbol Americans associate with the Fourth of July. However, due to the recent drought and wildfires that have plagued the state, those remaining in Bryan-College Station for the holiday will not see any fireworks this year. Instead, the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum with the College Station Noon Lions Club will present a laser light show at the conclusion of the daylong “I love America” celebration at the library’s grounds. Attendees are encouraged to come early and bring lawn chairs, picnic baskets and blankets. No pets or glass containers are allowed at the event. Will King, public relations director at the Bush Library, said the laser show is not the library’s first choice, but is only one of the event’s elements. “We start at 9:30 a.m. offering free admission [to the library] until 8:30 p.m. and then there will be


The Bush Library will have a day full of activities for the whole family. live entertainment at 5:30,” he said. “There will be concessions, games, an F-16 flyover and the Brazos Valley Symphony will perform. The laser show will begin around 9:45 p.m. and will last about 20 minutes.” The event kicks off at 7 a.m. with a 4k “fun run” through Veterans Park and the Athletic Complex. Historical characters will be available to pose for photographs and answer questions about their lives throughout the day. Live entertainment will be provided by artists including singer Kathy Ross and Jason Adams as Elvis. The F-16 flyover will follow the presentation of the colors and the national anthem. Tickets are $1 each, and tickets for concessions are required and can be purchased at the event. Food available for purchase includes snow cones, ice cream from Schwan’s, Slovacek Sausage, beverages from Bryan Coca-Cola Co. and free watermelon. “The event is for the entire community and is family oriented,” King said. “Being here on campus, we encourage students and their families to come out.”

The Battalion The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents is scheduled to have a telephonic meeting to discuss the selection of an interim chancellor as well as deputy chancellor. The Texas Tribune and The Eagle have reported special adviser to The Board of Regents Jay Kimbrough and former Rick Perry chief of staff is being considered for the interim position. Kimbrough has served in several top state positions in the past decade and developed a reputation as a reformer and problem solver for troubled agencies. The chancellor is the chief executive of the Texas A&M System, which includes 11 universities and 7 state agencies. The search for someone to fill this position commenced after the announcement of the retiring of Dr. Mike McKinney. “The meeting involves the Regents calling in and having a meeting over the phone, but the meeting is still open to the public,” Student Regent Fernando Trevino, Jr. said. “We will be deliberating on appointing a Deputy Chancellor and an Interim Chancellor. The Deputy Chancellor position seems to be a permanently created position while the interim position will just be until a full search has been conducted and a decision made.” Though little has been decided at this point, regents and faculty are both hopeful that the search committee will select a favorable chancellor. In the meantime, an interim chancellor will be selected. “There is a special search committee in place right now,” Chairman of the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents Dr. Richard Box said. “Once all of the applicants have been evaluated, there will be a recommendation given to the Board by the committee.” Once a recommendation is given, the Board will evaluate and vote on a candidate. Box notes that students do have a voice in deciding who the Chancellor will be. See Chancellor on page 4

6/29/11 8:58 PM

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