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texas Twins live with dead mom
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july 13, 2011
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HOUSTON — Twin brothers who for three months lived with their elderly mother’s buginfested corpse in their Houston home won’t be indicted. Harris County district attorney officials tell the Houston Chronicle that Tuesday’s grand jury decision ends prosecution of Edward and Edwin Berndt. The 48-year-old brothers remain under guardianship of a relative after a judge previously decided they didn’t posses mental capacity to care for themselves.
Man jailed for threats TYLER — An East Texas prison inmate who confessed to threatening the life of President Barack Obama and the First Family has been sentenced to 40 months in federal prison. U.S. Attorney John Bales says 29-year-old Robert Lee Berkley Jr., received his sentence Tuesday.
lowest gas price
$3.49 1721 Texas Avenue South and Harvey Road.
nation &world Debt nearing limit NEW YORK — If you think the last few days have been tumultuous for markets, just watch as August 2 approaches. Financial markets have largely ignored the debt limit talks in the U.S. so far. They’re reacting instead to concerns about debt in Europe and dismal employment numbers. But that’s bound to change as the U.S. gets closer to maxing out its selfimposed borrowing limit of $14.3 trillion on Aug. 2.
Child obesity CHICAGO — Should parents of extremely obese children lose custody for not controlling their kids’ weight? A provocative commentary in one of the nation’s most distinguished medical journals argues yes, and its authors are joining a quiet chorus of advocates who say the government should be allowed to intervene in extreme cases. Associated Press
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Members of Aggie Habitat, the Texas A&M chapter of Habitat for Humanity, give a resident the keys to her new home.
Housing the homeless Habitat for Humanity continues to give back Natalee Blanchat The Battalion Nestled in the heart of Bryan is a neighborhood termed Angel Gate-- an area of widespread, low-income homes. What’s unique about this community is that these series of homes were by built by Habitat for Humanity as a way to relieve families living in substandard conditions. On July 16, the organization will continue to expand Angel Gate by starting the construction process on their 200th home. Jason Davies, volunteer coordinator for Habitat for Humanity, said a substandard home is a home that is dilapidated to the point in which it is no longer considered a safe living environment for residents. “Typically the home is falling apart--roofs caving in, floors caving in, rodents having free reign -- is all considered substandard. It also means over crowding,” Davies said. “When you have a family of six people living in a one bedroom apartment, children can’t study, a family cant grow and prosper.” Currently there are 3,000 homes in College Station that
are considered to be substandard. Another problem Habitat tries to eliminate is moving residents away from dangerous and sometimes violent neighborhoods, including drugs and gang violence. “We’ve had families before who have lived in neighborhoods where literally police shootouts would happen next door,” Davies said. In order to acquire a home, applicants have to apply 500 hours of sweat-equity geared toward volunteer work, complete 12 weeks of workshop classes, and at the end of completion they are eligible to purchase the home, typically through a no interest rate loan. These requirements are something Davies said stays true to the organization’s motto, which states, “we’re not a handout, we’re a hand up.” “When [the homeowners] partner with us, we want to make sure that they are dedicated to building safe, decent homes,” Davies said.
Lend a hand ◗ For information on how to get involved with the Texas A&M chapter of Habitat for Humanity, visit www.
See Habitat on page 3
bryan-college station
City asks residents to conserve water Connie Thompson The Battalion Conserving water might be one of the last things on students’ minds this summer, but it is a habit that according to city officials will prove to be beneficial both to the user and the city. Due to the drought that has plagued cities across the state, city officials are asking residents to try and ration their own water so that the city will not have to enforce rationing should the crisis worsen. “Water is far too precious a resource to
be wasted, and we all should strive to prevent water waste. Efficient water use should always be a concern, not just in a drought,” said Jennifer Nations, water resource coordinator for the City of College Station. “When water utilities get to the point of actually having to ration water – restricting amount or days of water use – that means the situation has become critical. If we conserve before we reach such a crisis, perhaps we can avoid it altogether.” Nations also said that Brazos County is one of many counties in that state that is experiencing an “exceptional drought.” This type
Sherman to speak at commencement
of drought is in the highest drought category. Daily water needs have exceeded the average daily use from summer 2010. The city water supply has kept pace with need but Nations warned that with the remainder of July and August ahead, the city expects the demand to rise. “The situation hasn’t led us to mandatory water rationing, but we shouldn’t wait until we reach that point to begin taking proactive measures to conserve water,” Nations said. The City of College Station recommends
Tips to save H2O ◗ Do not operate systems with broken sprinklers. ◗ Do not run sprinklers between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. because the water evaporates.
See Water on page 4
Meet the coach
Amber Jaura The Battalion President Loftin announced Texas A&M head football coach Mike Sherman as the summer commencement convocation speaker. “Coach Sherman is an extraordinary individual in addition to being an exceptional coach and leader of young men, and he has thoroughly embraced the Aggie Spirit and all the traditions that we hold dear,” Loftin said. “He will undoubtedly bring a message that will be inspiring and well received by our degree candidates, their families and others attending commencement convocation.” Sherman has been head coach since 2008, but his ties with the University reach back to 1988. He came in as assistant coach for the offensive line until 1993 and worked with the ULCA offensive staff before re-
Time and place ◗ The summer commencement convocation will be at 5:30 p.m. August 11 in Rudder Auditorium.
A&M Athletics Director Bill Byrne introduces Howard Joffe, women’s tennis head coach,Tuesday at the Mitchell Tennis Center.
See Sherman on page 3
7/12/11 10:33 PM