The Battalion: July 27, 2011

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texas School funding cut AMARILLO— Gov. Rick Perry has visited his native West Texas for a ceremonial signing of a budget bill that slashes funding for public schools and other services. Lawmakers scrambled to balance the deficitridden state budget without raising taxes or spending the so-called rainy day fund, and did so mostly by slashing education by $4 billion. Perry was vocal about protecting the state’s reserve fund amid calls to tap the money to ease the pain of cuts.

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july 27, 2011

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Century Tree saplings to raise money for President’s Endowed Scholarship fund

lowest gas price

$3.54 1900 Texas Avenue South and Holleman Drive

nation &world Mich. tour boat crashes EMPIRE, Mich. — Authorities in Michigan say dozens of people waded to shore and two were rescued by helicopter from a tour boat that was damaged by a wave in Lake Michigan. The Coast Guard says the operator of the tour boat Pictured Rocks called for help shortly before 8:30 p.m. Monday after a wave reportedly went over the boat’s bow, smashing a window and causing electronics to malfunction. The boat had 61 people aboard.

Calif. faces default SACRAMENTO, Calif.— California borrowed $5.4 billion from private investors Tuesday as a hedge against a possible default by the federal government. State Treasurer Bill Lockyer secured the package of short-term loans from a group of banks, credit unions and investment funds so the state can avoid a potential cash shortage if the federal government fails to extend its debt ceiling. If that happens, the government could shortchange states on health care and education funding. Associated Press

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Andy Duffie’s Century Tree saplings growing at his home in Vernon, Texas will allow Aggies to take a piece of Aggieland home.

Century saplings Erin McAllister Special to The Battalion Andy Duffie, class of 1978, has been growing Century Tree seedlings since October 2010 to sell for a $100,000 President’s Endowed Scholarship fund. The Century Tree is a landmark and tradition on the campus that has memories for many students. “In my opinion, Aggies will think that having their very own Century Tree growing in their front yard will be pretty cool. Especially all of those Aggie couples who were engaged under the Century Tree,” Duffie said. “Each tree will be a great conversation piece to help advertise Texas A&M around the state.”

Duffie collected 3,000 acorns from the Century Tree in October 2010. He took the seeds to his hometown of Vernon, Texas, where he planted it in small containers. Out of the 3,000 acorns about 600 sprouted. He plans to sell the seedlings in 2013. “Duffie has a very unique and very thoughtful way to raise money for the President’s Endowed Scholarship fund,” said Whit Whitaker, junior agronomy major. Whitaker said he’d like to own a Century Tree but he has no place to grow one. He said having a Century Tree would be like having a part of Texas A&M tradition. Ashley Dunkerley, junior agricultural communication and journalism major, said this could

take away from the tradition of the Century Tree on campus. “As a student, I believe selling century trees will take away that authenticity of the original Century Tree,” Dunkerly said. “There is only one Century Tree and that it is the only one with the superstition of romance and if you walk under it with someone you are destined to be together forever,” Dunkerly said. “I do not believe that the century trees that are being grown will have the same effect as the one on campus.” The century trees, Duffie said, will be a conversation piece and let Aggies take home part of an A&M tradition while supporting a great cause.


Sherman talks football at Big 12 media summit Adrian O’Hanlon III


Coach Mike Sherman answers questions about this football season at the summit in Dallas.

The Battalion DALLAS — The mood was as tense as a scene from a murder trial on Law & Order at the Big 12 Football Media Days in Dallas Monday, while the Big 12 coaches played the hushed witnesses, not giving any evidence to lock the mob bosses away for good. The media days heard rule changes, preseason expectations and the recent lethal accusations brought against Texas in their new 20-year, $300 million agreement with ESPN to launch the Longhorn Network. Texas A&M Head Coach Mike Sherman was first to take the stand and kept a tight lip when grilled about the Longhorn Network’s pending plans to air high school football games

and its potential to aid the Longhorns on the recruiting front. “I’ll be honest, I’ve been asked that by Aggies on my coaching tour and my standard answer is I have enough on my plate getting our team ready to play,” Sherman said. “We’ll have half-a-million Aggies watching it, and we’ll have the Big 12 watching it, and the advantage or disadvantage thereof. But truthfully, I’m just focusing on what I gotta do and with my job.” Sherman also talked about his expectations for the team after the most-hyped preseason in recent history for the Aggies. He said A&M would improve on its conference-best rush defense from 2010 and the offense would be a force See Media on page 2


Spielberg previews ‘Tintin’ movie Jared Baxter The Battalion SAN DIEGO — Steven Spielberg, his name alone is synonymous with many of Hollywood’s most revered classics, and with a lifetime achievement award ready to be handed to him, Spielberg arrived at Comic Con to present his motion-captured film, The Adventures of Tintin. Friday’s panel began with a montage of Indiana Jones, Jaws, E.T. and all things Spielberg before the man himself stepped out on stage to

a standing ovation and received Comic Con’s Inkpot award for film and pop culture. “I wouldn’t be here without you, the audiences that support the movies and staying kids the rest of your life,” Spielberg said. Joining him was fellow filmmaking icon, Peter Jackson, who drew laughs for his Tintin test footage as a comical sea captain interacting with a drunken, CGI dog. The directing dream team spoke on what brought them together in their efforts to adapt the long running European

Jared Baxter — THE BATTALION

Excited fan gets to shake hands with Steven Spielberg See Spielberg on page 2 when his shirt catches Spielberg’s eye.

7/26/11 9:22 PM

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