news for you
campus Ticket sales set record
● tuesday,
Texas A&M has established a new record for football season tickets sold with 42,151 purchased by the end of business on Friday. The previous record was 38,877 prior to the 2008 season. Combined with the 31,000 student season tickets allocated, a total of 73,151 season passes are in place at Kyle Field’s capacity of 83,002.
august 2, 2011
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texas a&m since 1893
● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2011 student media
Longshot network
Aggie Athletics
lowest gas price
$3.54 2412 Texas Avenue and Southwest Parkway
texas District restricts water WYLIE — The North Texas Municipal Water District is stepping up its emergency response plan because of the drought and wants to reduce water usage by 5 percent. The district on Monday announced Stage 2 restrictions that will limit landscape watering to two days per week and ban watering from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. City water use for washing streets, vehicles and ornamental fountains will be stopped. The district says the plan had to be implemented because Lake Texoma’s water supply is temporarily unavailable due to invasive zebra mussels.
Jared Baxter: Big 12 okays U.T. airing of high school football games
niversity of Texas Head Coach Mack Brown would like you to think the Longhorn Network doesn’t present an unfair advantage. Common sense says otherwise.
We’re just a few weeks away from the debut of the Longhorn Network’s first live sports broadcast, and despite all of the controversy surrounding football, it’ll be U.T.’s volleyball season opener that gets the first crack. A&M is leading the crusade against ESPN’s first university centric-network: citing recruiting violations, issuing statements to the NCAA and reaching back to 17-year-old rule interpretations in hopes of stopping high school football from hitting airwaves.
Associated Press
Pg. 1-08.02.11.indd 1
See Longhorn on page 4
How to live with roommates
nation &world Congress debates debt WASHINGTON — Congress has started debating the debt limit compromise negotiated by President Barack Obama and Republican leaders. The GOP-run House began considering the bill less than a day after the White House and top lawmakers reached agreement on a dispute that had locked them in deadlock for months. The measure would extend the current $14.3 trillion debt ceiling by up to $2.4 trillion and pare federal spending by more than $2 trillion.
Despite A&M’s efforts, the Big 12 athletic directors decided to establish a minimum oneyear moratorium on any high school content yesterday in their Dallas meeting, noting the issue’s complexity in the “rapidly evolving world of technology.” This means the Big 12 has given U.T. the full go-ahead with their network scheme while also compromising with the less than enthusiastic
Amber Jaura The Battalion Moving out for college can be a big adjustment. The excitement and anticipation builds as you leave home for the first time, getting ready to embark on a new chapter of your life, approaching all kinds of new things — including a new roommate. Although it’s never easy, there are many ways to ensure you have a good relationship with your roommate and enjoy each other’s company while living together. Samuel Muth, a senior technology management major, said all his roommates have been potluck. He said that although getting to know new people can be hard, he’s always found it worthwhile. Osa Okundaye — THE BATTALION
See Roommates on page 4
“My first year I lived on-campus, and we both were really similar with engineering majors so we hit it off really well. But my second roommate the next year, it was different. He would get up at 5 a.m. everyday and have a full day when I’m more of a late night person. It was difficult because he’d be up and that would wake me up, living in one room that happens. But we both tried to keep quiet, me when coming in late and him when leaving early.” Muth said he had siblings growing up so sharing space wasn’t trouble for him, but it can be for most people leaving home. “I’m sure a lot of people coming to college have never had a roommate and they’re used to having their own room so it’s hard. I shared rooms with siblings all my life so it was fine for me. But a roommate means you have to compromise and can’t ex-
First lady of Aggieland does not lie, cheat, steal or bark O’Dell Harmon Jr. The Battalion The only thing more powerful than her bite is her bark. She is the mascot, the highest-ranking member of the Corps of Cadets and the first lady of Aggieand. She is the golden collie Reveille. “Having Reveille is an awesome tradition because I think its great how all the students get all excited when they see her and take pictures with her,” said Alicia Lira class of 2011. “She kind of brings unity to our campus and its especially since she is a playful dog and so loveable.” The first Reveille came to the University in January 1931. On their way back from Navasota, a few cadets hit a small white and black dog in the road. They picked up the dog and brought her back to school so they
could care for her. The next day following morning roll call, she was named Reveille and became an official member of the Corps of Cadets. She became the University’s mascot when she led the band into the stadium for their half time performance the following football season. Reveille I continued the new tradition until her death on January 18, 1944 when she was given a formal military funeral on the gridiron of Kyle Field. Since then, all Reveilles since have been buried facing the scoreboard so that she can always watch the Aggies defeat their opponents. Reveille was not always a Collie. It wasn’t until sometime after Reveille II that it was decided that the dog was to be a female Collie. Today, Reveille VIII takes
charge as the top dog on campus. “What other campus has had generations of a living mascot. A commitment of students for taking care of her, and a love given by all those who see her,” said Ana Sofia Corona Gaxiola, a sophomore agronomy major. She can even end class. If Reveille stops by any classroom and barks, the class will be dismissed. “Reveille is super cute. She represents tradition, and we all love her. I wish she would go to one of my classes and dismiss class,” said Elizabeth Navarro, senior agriculture leadership and development major. The first lady of Aggieland has become iconic. The University has named establishments after her in her honor.
Over eight decades ◗ Reveille has represented the University as the offical mascot for more than 80 years.
See Reveille on page 4
8/1/11 9:22 PM