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Should A&M join the SEC?
thebattalion No End in Sight ● tuesday,
august 30, 2011
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Heat, dry weather squeeze farmers
According to our readers, yes – A&M should join the SEC. The online results revealed 73% of participants answered “yes,” while 27% responded “no.” It’s not too late to share your response. Check out the poll online and join the conversation at
Jeremy Twitchell The Battalion
coming wednesday
Landmark abortion law A look at how oppenents and supporters of abortion are reacting to the State Legislature’s decision to slash Planned Parenthood funding.
inside opinion | 3b Ramadan primer Muslims’ month of fasting and spiritual renewal concludes this week.
sports | 4b Aggies eye SMU for opener In their first official press conference of the season, the No. 8 Texas A&M Aggies sized up their inaugural opponent of the 2011 season, the Southern Methodist Mustangs. See complete coverage of the conference for thoughts from Coach Mike Sherman and team leaders.
b! life | 5b Zombie wasting Decompressing from the stresses of college life takes many forms. For those who like to blow off steam while blowing the heads off of zombies, Dead Nation offers an affordable option.
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And you thought your job was rough ... State Climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon, who is also an Atmospheric Sciences professor, is tasked with sharing the unwelcome news that the drought may persist into next year.
Drought may persist through winter Emily Villani The Battalion It doesn’t take a doctoral degree in atmospheric sciences to notice that it’s hot and dry in Texas this summer. But according to the professionals, this year’s drought severity transcends the terminology in place to quantify levels of drought: D0, D1, D2, D3 and D4, the last of which describes 78 percent of Texas. “We’re in territory now where D4, which is exceptional, hardly begins to describe how bad it is,” said Don Conlee, instructional associate professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences. “We’re at the point where people are thinking, ‘should there be a D5?’” From his 12th-floor office in the O&M building, State Climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon expressed serious concerns about the drought, particu-
This drought has been
so extreme we’ve had 40 percent of
normal rainfall for the past 10 like
months statewide. So it almost counts
two years’ worth of drought as far as water supply is concerned. — State Climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon
larly its long-term impact on ranchers, farmers and water systems. Insufficient rainfall statewide is desiccating the agriculture industry, with $5.2 billion in crop losses, according to a recent Agrilife report. “The economic impact from the loss in agriculture will be very large,” said Erik Nielsen, senior meteorology major and student coordinator for Texas A&M Weather Broadcasting. The cattle industry is drying up as well.
“[Ranchers] are having to sell large portions of the herds, so there’ll probably be fewer cattle in the state next year than any year since the 1960s,” said Nielsen-Gammon who is also a professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences. And if the drought persists, water supplies are next. “Most water systems were designed to withstand the drought of record, which was a multi-year drought in the 1950’s,”
Asked what he has for sale today, farmer Richard Schubert roars with laughter and produces a stack of empty fruit baskets from underneath his folding table. “You’re looking at it,” Schubert says. “It’s so dry out there, my grasshoppers is carrying canteens.” Schubert is one of a dwindling number of local growers still making the weekly trek to the Brazos Valley Farmers Market in Bryan. Many of his colleagues have stopped coming, their fields too devastated by the ongoing drought to yield enough produce to justify the trip. Those who do come bring meager offerings compared to previous years. They have to work harder than ever to harvest even the smallest yields, and the reduced supply has forced them to charge more for what they do have. The concept of profits this year is laughable; at this point, breaking even is the goal. The stalwart few who remain at the market, however, said they remain optimistic. “This is the worst I’ve ever seen,” Schubert said. “But we’ll do something. I mean, we always do.” Anne Vonk, senior community development major, is interning with the market, where she helps with everything from event planning to liaising with growers. See Farmers on page 5a
See Drought on page 5a
Fatalities, floods rise in wake of Irene’s passing Natalee Blanchat The Battalion The death toll following Hurricane Irene spiked Monday from 21 on Sunday night to 38 reported fatalities in 11 states after a series of flash floods sent rivers overflowing, spilling dangerous floodwater along the upper East Coast. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 693,205 Connecticut customers, or 44 percent of the state,
were without power Monday morning. Rhode Island had the highest percentage with 64 percent Monday, but New York had the highest number, with 938,519. Sarah Kashinsky, class of 2010, experienced the storm from her New Jersey home. She said the worst part of the storm — with heavy rainfall and high wind gusts — came late Saturday night and lasted through Monday. See Irene on page 3a
Greg Walker pulls his row boat north on Winnikee Ave. in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Monday morning while surveying the damaging flood waters left by Tropical Storm Irene.
Martin’s harmony of comedy, bluegrass to visit A&M
Israel match pits Corbelli against former coach
Jennifer DuBose The Battalion The art of “the twang” is nothing new to College Station as numerous country artists siphon through Northgate each year. However, one rarely hears of a bluegrass band tearing up the scene. Luckily, the 39th season of MSC OPAS will provide the perfect fix, showcasing Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers for a night of music and comedy. The show is tonight at 7:30 in the Rudder Auditorium. Tickets may be purchased at the MSC box office; prices range from $60 to $110. The Steep Canyon Rangers were musical stars even before adding Martin. Their quintet consists of Woody Platt (guitar, lead vocals), Graham Sharp (banjo, harmony vocals), Mike Guggino (mandolin, harmony vocals), Charles R. Humphrey III (bass, harmony vocals), and Nicky Sanders (fiddle, harmony vocals). The band formed during their time at the University of North Carolina and released
Courtney Nelson
their first album, Old Dreams and New Dreams, in 2001. Since their debut, they have released five additional albums and were nominated by the International Bluegrass Music Association for “Album and Gospel Performance of the Year” in 2008. Their latest creation, Deep In The Shade, resided in the Bluegrass Top 10 for 18 weeks straight. The Steep Canyon Rangers appeal to a wide
The Battalion The A&M Volleyball team is coming off a strong 3-0 showing in the Aggie Invitational and will host the Israeli National Team 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Reed Arena. Head coach Laurie Corbelli is excited about the chance to play a team of such caliber and to expose her players to elite from another country. “We don’t turn away opportunities for a great match,” Corbelli said. “It is a select group of athletes under a very good coach, Corbelli so it should be a very intense match against experienced and savvy players.” This is not, however, the first time Corbelli and Israel head coach Arie Selinger have been
See Martin on page 3a
See Volleyball on page 3a
Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers perform in Rudder Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.
8/30/11 12:06 AM