The Battalion: September 8, 2011

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campus news


Sharp confirmed system leader John Sharp was officially appointed chancellor of The Texas A&M University System Tuesday after being named sole finalist August 15. Sharp served in both the Texas Senate and Texas House of Representatives, and as Texas Railroad Commissioner and Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Trevor Stevens, staff writer

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september 8, 2011

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‘We’re being held hostage’ Chandler Smith The Battalion Although the Southeastern Conference presidents voted unanimously Tuesday to extend an invitation to Texas A&M, Big 12 schools have placed a roadblock between the Aggies and the exit. ESPN reported that every Big 12 member not named the University of Oklahoma has

threatened to sue A&M and the SEC if it leaves. The SEC offer to accept A&M was given under the condition that all Big 12 members waive their legal right to sue the University and Conference. University President Bowen Loftin said the move “flies in the face of what makes us Americans.” “We are being held hostage right now,”

Loftin told The Associated Press. “Essentially, we’re being told that you must stay here against your will.” In a Sept. 2 letter released by the SEC, Big 12 Commissioner Dan Beebe indicated the Big 12 would not sue if A&M left. “The Big 12 and its members will not take See SEC on page 7

Senate passes two bills


Where were you on Sept. 11?

“I was in Venezuela. I remember being upset because they wouldn’t play my cartoons.” Juan Barboza, sophomore civil engineering major

Kendall Kolker — THE BATTALION

The Freedom from Terrorism memorial honors those who died in the 9/11 attacks and in the wars of the last decade. See page 9 for the story behind the memorial.

In memoriam



Students honor lives lost in tragedy

lifestyles | 3 Literacy Day supports reading The United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization founded this special day to promote the power of words. See inside for full story.

Aggies remember September 11

O’Dell Harmon Jr.

Luz Moreno-Lozano

The Battalion Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of an event that took lives, destroyed families and brought the nation together in the most deadly terrorist attack this country has ever experienced. Tomorrow, Aggies will come together to remember the American lives lost on September 11. Every year for the past three years the Texas Aggie Conservatives have come together to honor each victim of 9/11 with a flag to show we will never forget. The project was started by Justin Pulliam, a Texas Aggie Conservative officer and former

The Battalion Where were you on the day the world came to a complete stop? How did you feel on the day the nation suffered the greatest attack on American soil? What was it like to be on the Texas A&M campus? “I was a freshman on campus and had just finished a math class in Heldenfelds,” said Matt McKnight, class of 2005. “I went to visit my father in his office and one of his coworkers had mentioned that something had happened in New York. We tried to look on various major media outlets online and all

voices | 6 Spared from the flames

See Flags on page 4

Place a flag Last year, students placed flags at the Freedom from Terror memorial. This year, flags will be available Friday in front of the statue of Sul Ross for those who wish to honor someone affected by the attacks.

See Where were you on page 9

“I was on a field trip at the Grotto in San Antonio. We were supposed to go to the Alamo but weren’t allowed, so we went to Cici’s pizza instead.” Dylan Delgado, sophomore general studies major

“I was in my fourth- grade classroom. The principal came on the announcements and was crying.” Courtney Venghaus, sophomore kinesiology major

student life

Programs educate about drug, alcohol abuse Interactive presentations inform students Alex Lotz The Battalion Our university is aware of the nights some students spend at Northgate. To shed light on alcohol and drug abuse, A&M is offering programs on campus. College is a place for expanding one’s edu-




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Pg. 1-09.08.11.indd 1

◗How is the Baylor, A&M rivalry similar to A&M, UT? See inside.

thebattalion asks

Two pieces of legislation passed at the first Student Senate meeting Wednesday night. One bill allowed senators to encourage students to vote against Proposition One. “We want elections to take place in November and we want three year terms for city council members, not four,” Student Senate Speaker Tanner Wilson said. The other bill allowed the body to send a letter to University President Bowen Loftin stating that SGA supports a move to the SEC. Natalee Blanchat, staff writer

“Natty, the fire fighters are evacuating us,” my mother cried in a panicked voice. “The fire has spread over to our side of the hill. Your Aunt Linda’s house is on fire.” See inside for full story.

sports | 7 Big 12 pride

cational levels to reach dreams and make something of oneself. The reality of the journey also means exposure to alcohol and drugs, a problem our University is fully aware. In an attempt to address this problem, Texas A&M University provides Alcohol & Drug Education Programs where students can learn — through interactive, fun programs and presentations — of the facts and reality of drug and alcohol use and abuse. Susan Kimbrough is the coordinator of

the program and recognizes that some students do not understand the harm of the alcohol amount they consume. “We feel like we should be taking care of our student population and helping them make good decisions,” Kimbrough said. “It is another form of education we want to get out to the students.” The Alcohol & Drug Education Programs offer over 15 engaging and relatable

Alcohol and Drug Education

◗ Students with questions can find the program’s office on the first floor of Cain Hall, room C-118.

See Rehab on page 4

THU, SEP 8, 2011 s 7:30 PM RUDDER AUDITORIUM GREAT SEATS AVAILABLE! MSC Box Office Call 979-845-1234


9/8/11 12:17 AM

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