Barcelona difference The tiniest norms seem to stand out when comparing Barcelona to life at home. Bianca Stewart, opinion blogger for The Battalion, points out some differences at
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silver taps
Anna Smith to be honored
Put down your soda Have you considered the biological breakdown incurred from drinking soda? Joey Roberts, wellness opinion blogger for The Battalion, shares his insights about soda and Gomorrah at
Sophomore had an unshakable faith, witty personality Kevin Smith
Roles of graduate students The third installment of the Commitment to Excellence Dialogues starts at 5 p.m. on Tuesday in the Mitchell Physics Building Pendulum Foyer. The dialogue, “Responsibilities of Graduate Students,” will analyze the roles of graduate students at research institutions and in Vision 2020.
coming wednesday
Marathon Bible reading In an event this is projected to last 90 hours, students will take turns reading the Bible aloud. Based on the White House National Day of Prayer, the reading will begin at 6 p.m. Monday in Academic plaza. Read more about the event’s organizer in tomorrow’s paper.
inside voices | 3 A solemn ceremony Opinion columnist Andy Rowell gives a personal perspective of one of A&M’s most cherished traditions.
See Debate on page 4
See Anna Smith on page 7
The A&M College Republicans worked alongside many other Republican organizations to bring the Republican U.S. Senate debate to Texas A&M.
Candidates debate for nation’s future Special to The Battalion Republican candidates met on campus Monday to broadcast their positions, proposals and political puns in an open-forum debate, ultimately harmonizing to a similar conservative tune. The debate featured six contenders for the recentlyopened U.S. Senate seat left by Kay Bailey Hutchison, who has announced she will not campaign for reelection this fall. “We are facing a battle to save this nation. That’s why we’re here,” said Ted Cruz, a candidate and former solicitor general of Texas. The candidates were allowed sixty seconds to reply to questions, beginning with a question about national health care. All six participants voiced their disagreement with President Barack Obama’s nation health care legislation, signed into law in March 2010. “The first bill I intend to introduce in the United States Senate is a bill to repeal ever syllable of every word of the Obamacare document,” Cruz said. Former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert concurred with Cruz, and said he wants to put health care “back into the hands of the people.” “All of us are in agreement, that clearly we have gone too far in the federal government,” Leppert said. “[In Dallas,] we took things that [the government] simply didn’t need to do, and we privatized them — like the zoo.”
We are facing a battle to save this nation, that’s why we’re here.” — Ted Cruz, a cadidate and former Solicitor General of Texas
University police buckle down
On-campus students compete to go green Emily Davis
Natalee Blanchat The Battalion With more than 50,000 students on campus and 1,966 registered bicycles, the University Police Department has buckled down by issuing citations to bikers in violation of traffic safety laws. “Over the last several years, there has been an increase in the number of bicycles on campus,” said Allan Baron, sergeant for the University Police Department. “Both the University Police Department and Transportation Services are making a diligent effort to provide bicycle information to the students.” Any bicyclist riding on campus found in violation of traffic laws may receive a $140 citation issued through the Brazos County Justice of the Peace. These violations include riding through stop signs; failing to have a headlamp while riding at night; and riding the wrong way on a one-way street. Baron said the most common areas on campus where students tend to get ticketed are East Main Circle, South Bizzell, Ireland Street, West Lamar and Joe Routt Blvd. He added that a common problem is that students often think that motor vehicle laws do not apply to bicyclists. “Many of our new students are not aware of the requirements for bicyclists when riding on a public roadway,” Baron said. “To avoid getting a citation, obey all of the traffic laws when riding your bike on campus.”
Computer Science Jeremy Wright Agricultural Economics Laura Wright Communication Lauren Wyly Interdisciplinary Studies
Bradley Whelan Aeronautical Engineering Matthew Whigham University Studies Lindsay White History Bryan Whiting Industrial Distribution Emily Whitmoyer & Journalism
Britney Wynn Sport Management Christopher Wynne Petroleum Engineering Harika Yalamanchili Biology Jessica Yancey Animal Science Dustin Yates Electrical Engineering
Agricultural Communications
Morgan Whitwell & Journalism Agricultural Communications Jonathan Widdig Biology Koby Wilbanks Psychology Ryan Wilck Political Science Kathleen Wild Biomedical Science
Ryan Yeatman Geology Krysten Yezak Educational Admin and HR Development Sarah Yezak Interdisciplinary Studies Tiffany Ynosencio Microbiology Chase Young Sport Management
Eric Wilkins Mechanical Engineering Dana Willenborg Psychology Ashley Williams Biology Clora Williams Health Jennifer Williams Biomedical Science
Katherine Young Spanish Lauralee Young Marketing Lauren Young Environmental Geosciences Lauren Young Economics Shaley Young University Studies
Rachel Williams Forensic Entomology Kelly Wilmoth History Emily Wilpitz University Studies Angela Wilson Horticulture Jason Wilson Agricultural Education
Lauren Youngblood Development Agricultural Leadership and Casey Zander English Sadie Zapalac Biomedical Science Tegan Zealy Animal Science Mark Zemanek Agricultural Economics
Jazmyn Wilson Bioenvironmental Sciences Jordan Wilson Interdisciplinary Studies Markay Wilson Biomedical Science Tory Wingate Bioenvironmental Sciences Heather Winkle Interdisciplinary Studies
Rebecca Rebe R Reb Re ebe ebe Abbate Health Ken K Abdullah Physics Maegan M Ma aega Ables Paul Witkowski Finance Civil Engineering Mic Mich Michelle M ic ichelle ch h e Abney Wildlife dl dlife d Joshua Witter and Fish Fisheries Fis issh heries rie ri ries es S es Sciences Agricultural Economics Andrea A And ndrea Ab Abrams A Ryan Wolff Commun ic ication Information & Operations Management Managem Jordyn Woltersdorf Kelli A Adam ent Informat f Health ion Syste Systems Emily Adamc Managem Alyson Wolthoff Adamcik ent Informat f ion System Human Resource Development Systems Seth Adam Adams Spacial Science Sciences Joshua Aduddel l 576 | aggieland Health Teresa Aguilar Human Resource Developm ent Krystle Aguirre Interdisc iplinary Studies Omobola Ajao Chemica l Engineer ing Teresa Food Science Aldredge and Technolo gy Denise Commun Alex ication Monica Alexande r Kinesiolo g gy Kim Kimberl ee Allen Sara MorganEnglish Allen Agribusin ess Kiley Allred Biomedic al Science Brant Altenhof en Economi cs Matthew Biomedic Altman al Science Seetha Ram Amujula Ocean Engineer ing Justin Anchors Petroleum Engineer ing Kellen Ancinec Business Managem ent Agricultu ral Leadersh Clayton Anderso n ip and D
Pg. 1-10.4.11.indd 1
The candidates voiced their faith in the private sector, referring to the government’s intervention as “invasive” and “ineffective.” “The government doesn’t create jobs. But what government can do, with ruthless effectiveness, is cut jobs,” Cruz said. “Unchain the private sector because that is what creates jobs.” Businessman Glenn Addison had strong words for the current U.S. president, saying small business owners face unnecessary difficulties. “There is a uniqueness and weirdness of small business people, because when you have the heavy foot of the U.S. government under a socialist president on your neck, you have to be inventive,” Addison said. Native Texan Lela Pittenger provided additional solutions, proposing to reduce the corporate tax rate, thereby encouraging domestic manufacturing. “We have moved from a nation of makers to a nation of service. We have to return to manufacturing. We have to dramatically reduce the corporate tax,” Pittenger said.
Austin Adams
campus news
Special to The Battalion Anna Elisabeth Smith, sophomore business administration major, lost a life-long battle to cystic fibrosis on Aug. 28. As much as she will be missed, Anna’s friends and family say she will be remembered even more for her grace, wit and courage. The elegance in which Anna expressed her charm was always sure to capture the minds of her family and close friends, as well as acquaintances. “She was an inspiraSmith tion to everyone who came in contact with her. We never had a dull moment together and no matter what we did we had fun,” said Kathryn Rucker, a property management major at Blinn and Anna’s childhood friend and roommate. “I have never met a person that could so instantaneously make everyone around her happy and joyous.” Anna’s bravery and regal, mixed with her cheerful humor, brought forth an array of talents and character. “She was an artist, an amazing cook, successful at everything she did. She was sparkly and kind, sharp and adored her friends,” said Cindy Bartnett, Anna’s mother and class of 1986. Her family cherished her as a sister, daughter and often times as comic relief. “She was great with her little
Karen Zerda Communication Amanda Zietak Kinesiology Tamara Zuehlke Communication Michael Zurovec Mechanical Engineering Haili Zwiercan & Journalism Agricultural Communications Tracy Ashton Agricultu ral Kaela AstleyLeadership and Developm ent Accounti ng Michael Atkinson Compute r Science Jonathon Ausburn Biomedic al Science Jaime Austin Psycholog y Jamesia Austin Agricultu ral Laura Avila Leadership and Developm Mathema ent tics Michael Babcock Accounti ng Eliezer Badillo Internati onal Commer Brennan ce Bailey Biomedic al Science James Baker Agricultu re Leadersh Andrea ip and Developm Bakke ent Biomedic al Science Mary Baldwin Psycholog y Zachary Baldwin Wildlife and Fisheries Nathan Sciences Ball Civil Engineer ing Chrystel Ballard Sociology
seniors & graduate students |
Officer Luna and the University Police Department offered warnings to students near Cain Hall. A bicycle is considered a vehicle. All laws and signs that regulate the movement of vehicles on the roadway apply to bicycles, according to the Texas A&M Residence Life website. In 2010, the University Police Department issued approximately 650 bicycle citations and warnings. Through late September, UPD had issued 250 citations in 2011. Baron said that while UPD has buckled down on traffic safety laws, there has been a large reduction in citations due to an increasing amount of safety awareness. Glenn Canto, junior electrical engineering major, has lived on-campus since 2009. An avid biker, Canto said he has observed an increase in the number of citations issued See Bicycles on page 4
The Battalion The Department of Residence Life opened the academic year with a Sustainability Challenge, in which the department aims to teach students about sustainability and create environmentally friendly habits. These include recycling, reducing utility usage and becoming more informed about sustainability at Texas A&M. Carol Binzer, director of administrative and support services for Residence Life, said she hopes the challenge will convince students to become more sustainable in their own lives. “Sustainability is a broad concept,” Binzer said. “The challenge is a way of adding a little fun so the students are aware of issues pertaining to sustainability.” This is the fourth year of the challenge, but there are several changes to the effort’s structure. “Last year was the first time the challenge took place in the fall,” Binzer said. “There’s not too much time to create a buzz about it, but we want to create awareness of opportunities that are on campus earlier rather than later.”
Another difference this year is that the Corps of Cadets and University Apartments will actively participate. “Part of our mission is to instill leadership and preserve for the future,” Binzer said. “We want to expand beyond traditional campus living.” Also, this year Hobby and Appelt Halls are incorporating TV monitors that show their utility usage on a regular basis. Binzer said dorms that are similar to these two can assume that their utility usage is comparable. Many of the challenge events are opportunities to recycle. On Oct. 9 and 23, curbside recycling stations will be available for students to drop off their recyclables. “We use so much plastic,” Binzer said. “Over time, our landfills are eating up more and more habitable land. Recycling or even just refilling your water bottles helps the environment.” Kelly Wellman, university sustainability officer, feels that the challenge is a good way to promote sustainability habits. “We, as a culture, respond See Sustainability on page 7
YOU MAY HAVE YOUR GRADUATION PORTRAIT made for the 2012 Aggieland yearbook. To schedule your free portrait sitting, go to Then go to School Portraits, Scheduling, click New User, complete form with Registration Password: tamu. Or call 1-800-883-9449. Or walk in Training Room 027 of the Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, 9 AM –1 PM and 2 PM – 5 PM weekdays. It’s your yearbook. Be in it.
Mary Ballenge r Commun ication John Bandas Ocean Engine i
10/4/11 1:19 AM