The Battalion: October 5, 2011

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Are we Greece? Blogger Joshua Howell takes a hard look at America’s national debt woes. Read his take at www.

● wednesday,

october 5, 2011

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texas a&m since 1893

● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2011 student media

National night out Check online for a video recap of students in national night out at thebatt. com.

texas Bastrop residents evacuated


Alpha to Omega

BASTROP — Officials say more than 30 homes have been evacuated in Central Texas as firefighters battle a wildfire in the same county where a destructive blaze last month destroyed more than 1,500 homes. Texas Forest Service spokesman John Nichols says the blaze in Bastrop County has burned between 800 and 900 acres Tuesday in a heavily forested area east of Austin. Nichols says no structures have been damaged.

Students aim to publicly read the entire Bible in 90 hours or less Matt Bizzell The Battalion Sixty-six books. 1,189 chapters. 31,103 verses. 777,746 words. The Bible is the highest-selling book of all time and has been printed in more than 2,000 languages and dialects. It’s been read by untold numbers of people throughout history, but how many people have read it in 90 hours? A group led by Jacob Boaz, junior sociology major, plans to accomplish just that — reading the entire Bible publicly in 90 hours. Boaz’ idea originated with the White House National Day of Prayer, a ceremony that invokes the protection and guidance of God for the nation and its people. Boaz said bringing this event to campus will require a great deal of tact, but he feels up to the challenge. “Campus preachers have tended to misrepresent Christianity in the past,” Boaz said. “They’ve been very condemning.” Boaz said his method requires no less and no more than reading the Bible in its entirety without commentary — a verbatim exploration. “What it is, is many different people volunteering their time in 15-minute shifts, reading aloud from the Bible,” Boaz said. “It’s literally a ‘come and go as you please.’ There’s a sign-up sheet online.” The event is open to anyone and encourages students to come and pick up the Bible and read for any length of time they find comfortable. Boaz said he hopes for the enlistment of any individual or

Associated Press

inside voices | 4 The black sheep Aggieland is a place that makes everyone feel welcomed with a warm “howdy” and a gig ‘em, or so you’re told. Learn more about O’Dell Harmon Jr.’s experience as a member of the black student population on campus.


See Marathon on page 7

campus news

Student Senate to address Routt survey Justin Mathers The Battalion As the Memorial Student Center construction nears completion, the future of Joe Routt Boulevard is in the University administration’s hands. Prior to the beginning of MSC construction, Joe Routt was open to East and West traffic 24 hours per day. After being temporarily closed in 2009, the

Editorial ◗ There are five choices on the Joe Routt survey and only one which Loftin must not choose. Student Senate passed a bill recommending that Joe Routt be open for one-way traffic and a bike lane, which is the road’s current status. Last week, almost 9,000 students

participated in an online survey regarding the future of Joe Routt, which is named for a former A&M AllAmerican and Purple Heart recipient. The survey requested student, faculty and staff reactions to five possibilities, which included closing Joe Routt entirely, opening traffic in one direction COURTESY

See Joe Routt on page 7

campus news

campus news

Vision 2020 has its eye on graduate students

Future of Humans vs. Zombies protected Kevin Smith The Battalion Texas A&M faculty, humans and zombies held a peaceful discussion in reaction to a call that was made by a student who saw a questionable character. Tuesday night’s meeting at Cain Hall was arranged by the University Police Department to address the Humans vs. Zombies players on campus.

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Option one of the Joe Routt survey would close Joe Routt Boulevard.

The student’s call described one of the players as wearing realistic tactical gear, and was said to be holding a toy gun spray painted black. In the meeting David Parrott, executive associate vice president and chief of staff of Texas A&M said that faculty and University Police do not plan to ban the game Humans See Zombies on page 2

O’Dell Harmon Jr.


Senior Andy Arnold, civil engineer major, stuns an attacking zombie near the Academic Building.

The Battalion Graduate students are a minority group on campus, composing approximately 20 percent of the student body. As part of the Vision 2020 Commitment to Excellence Dialogue Series, A&M Provost Karen Watson held the Responsibilities of Graduate Students event to ensure that these students’ voices were heard.

Watson, who serves as provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, and Karen Butler-Purry, associate provost for graduate studies and the Graduate Student Council, presented the Dialogue for graduate students, faculty and staff to discuss role of graduate programs at A&M. “It’s really important that the See Graduate on page 7

10/5/11 12:56 AM

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