Towel out Twelfth Man towels are being sold to fill Kyle Field for Saturday’s game against Baylor. Catch details in a video at
● thursday,
october 13, 2011
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Hungry for work
Jeremy Northum — THE BATTALION
Twin City Mission, which began in 1963, focuses on meeting the needs of homeless individuals and families while continually expanding its programs.
How to donate
Two women share their stories of struggle and success
◗ Visit twincitymission.
Joanna Raines The Battalion
never thought I’d be homeless; that’s for lazy people,” said Karen Kelly, a resident at Twin City Mission, a Bryan-College Station shelter for those faced with emergencies, poverty and homelessness.
On paper, Kelly did everything right. She attended the University of Houston where she earned both her teaching and master’s degrees. After working as a teacher for 10 years, the harsh reality of rising unemployment rates reached Kelly at a personal level. “It was supposed to be a recession-proof field,” Kelly said. “No one’s hiring anymore.” Kelly moved to Bryan to live with her brother and work as a substitute teacher. When he could no longer provide housing, she had nowhere to go. Kelly estimates that she made $6,000 in sub-
Stephanie Leichtle — THE BATTALION
stitute teaching last year — not enough money to live on and $5,000 less than the U.S. poverty threshold for a one-person family unit. She became homeless a week after Father’s Day. Kelly tried seeking jobs in all fields, even those for which she was overqualified. Employer after employer turned her away because of her education, assuming she would quit as soon as a better job came along. And Kelly isn’t alone. “The national statistics as well as our state and local statistics are showing that women and single
moms with children are the largest growing population of homelessness in the country,” said Steven Bethea, program director for Twin City Mission. Speaking with 10 years of experience at the mission, Bethea said unemployment and domestic violence are two major reasons for the increasing numbers of homelessness in women and children. As a victim of domestic violence, Twin City Mission resident Lisa, who requested that her last name not be shared, relocated to Twin City
college station
Campaign confronts air quality issues
tv | 4 Zombies are back on AMC
sports | 8 Nail-biter at Reed Texas A&M volleyball defeated No. 22 Oklahoma Wednesday in a match that came down to the final set. The upset is the Aggies’ first against a ranked team this season.
Amber Jaura
Kolin Loveless — THE BATTALION
The statue of Bevo on George Bush Drive wears pink for breast cancer awareness.
Aggies to help raise breast cancer funds with Pink Day Student Activities and Student Health Services departments. Working together, the two organizations created a booth in front of the Leadership and Service center in Koldus. Students can find helpful information on prevention, discover the many ways to get involved and receive pink bracelets to promote awareness. Stacy Wright, administrative assistant for Student Activities, had praise for the program and advice for those looking to participate. Wright also has family and friends affected by the illness. “Students who want to join the cause
Justin Mathers The Battalion About one in eight women in the U.S. will develop invasive breast cancer during her lifetime, according to U.S. Bureau of Statistics. A handful of organizations across campus are hard at work to help lower that number. During October, nationally known as breast cancer awareness month for 25 years, organizations are uniting to develop a way of defeating an illness that kills approximately 40,000 people every year. Leading the initiative on campus are the
See Pink Day on page 6
Computer Science Jeremy Wright Agricultural Economics Laura Wright Communication Lauren Wyly Interdisciplinary Studies
Bradley Whelan Aeronautical Engineering Matthew Whigham University Studies Lindsay White History Bryan Whiting Industrial Distribution Emily Whitmoyer & Journalism
Britney Wynn Sport Management Christopher Wynne Petroleum Engineering Harika Yalamanchili Biology Jessica Yancey Animal Science Dustin Yates Electrical Engineering
Agricultural Communications
Morgan Whitwell & Journalism Agricultural Communications Jonathan Widdig Biology Koby Wilbanks Psychology Ryan Wilck Political Science Kathleen Wild Biomedical Science
Ryan Yeatman Geology Krysten Yezak Educational Admin and HR Development Sarah Yezak Interdisciplinary Studies Tiffany Ynosencio Microbiology Chase Young Sport Management
Eric Wilkins Mechanical Engineering Dana Willenborg Psychology Ashley Williams Biology Clora Williams Health Jennifer Williams Biomedical Science
Katherine Young Spanish Lauralee Young Marketing Lauren Young Environmental Geosciences Lauren Young Economics Shaley Young University Studies
Rachel Williams Forensic Entomology Kelly Wilmoth History Emily Wilpitz University Studies Angela Wilson Horticulture Jason Wilson Agricultural Education
Lauren Youngblood Development Agricultural Leadership and Casey Zander English Sadie Zapalac Biomedical Science Tegan Zealy Animal Science Mark Zemanek Agricultural Economics
Jazmyn Wilson Bioenvironmental Sciences Jordan Wilson Interdisciplinary Studies Markay Wilson Biomedical Science Tory Wingate Bioenvironmental Sciences Heather Winkle Interdisciplinary Studies
Rebecca Rebe R Reb Re ebe ebe Abbate Health K Ken Abdullah Physics M Ma Maegan aega Ables Paul Witkowski Finance Civil Engineering Michelle Mic Mich M ic ichelle ch h e Abney Wildlife dl dlife d Joshua Witter and Fish Fisheries Fis issh heries rie ri ries es S es Sciences Agricultural Economics Andrea A And ndrea Ab Abrams A Ryan Wolff Commun ic ication Information & Operations Management Managem Jordyn Woltersdorf Kelli A Adam ent Informat f Health ion Syste Systems Emily Adamc Managem Alyson Wolthoff Adamcik ent Informat f ion System Human Resource Development Systems Seth Adam Adams Spacial Science Sciences Joshua Aduddel l 576 | aggieland Health Teresa Aguilar Human Resource Developm ent Krystle Aguirre Interdisc iplinary Studies Omobola Ajao Chemica l Engineer ing Teresa Food Science Aldredge and Technolo gy Denise Commun Alex ication Monica Alexande r Kinesiolo g gy Kim Kimberl ee Allen Sara MorganEnglish Allen Agribusin ess Kiley Allred Biomedic al Science Brant Altenhof en Economi cs Matthew Biomedic Altman al Science Seetha Ram Amujula Ocean Engineer ing Justin Anchors Petroleum Engineer ing Kellen Ancinec Business Managem ent Agricultu ral Leadersh Clayton Anderso n ip and D
Pg. 1-10.13.11.indd 1
See Poverty on page 3
The Walking Dead starts its second season this Sunday. Last year’s top rated cable series returns with death lurking around every corner.
org to donate online. Drop off locations for clothing and supplies are also listed. ◗ Donation Hours: 9 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday ◗ For more information on how to make a donation to Twin City Mission or to schedule a pick up for donated items, call (979) 822-7511.
Karen Zerda Communication Amanda Zietak Kinesiology Tamara Zuehlke Communication Michael Zurovec Mechanical Engineering Haili Zwiercan & Journalism Agricultural Communications Tracy Ashton Agricultu ral Kaela AstleyLeadership and Developm ent Accounti ng Michael Atkinson Compute r Science Jonathon Ausburn Biomedic al Science Jaime Austin Psycholog y Jamesia Austin Agricultu ral Laura Avila Leadership and Developm Mathema ent tics Michael Babcock Accounti ng Eliezer Badillo Internati onal Commerc Brennan e Bailey Biomedic al Science James Baker Agricultu re Leadersh Andrea ip and Developm Bakke ent Biomedic al Science Mary Baldwin Psycholog y Zachary Baldwin Wildlife and Fisheries Nathan Sciences Ball Civil Engineer ing Chrystel Ballard Sociology
seniors & graduate students |
The Battalion Nine Texas areas do not meet Environmental Protection Agency air quality standards. Texas has reduced carbon dioxide emissions over the years; however, the state still releases more than any other state in the U.S. Drive Clean Across Texas is the nation’s first statewide clean air campaign, which is designed to increase public awareness regarding air quality issues in Texas, promote ways to reduce pollution from vehicles and assist Texas cities in meeting EPA air quality standards. Brenda Flores-Dollar, program manager for the Texas Department of Transportation, said the Drive Clean Across Texas campaign alerts Texas drivers about the health effects of air pollution and promotes simple changes in driver behavior that will reduce harmful vehicle emissions. “The simplest things can make a difference in the long run in reducing harmful vehicle emission and looking toward our future for cleaner
air not only for our generation but for future generations,” Flores-Dollar said. The Bush School Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy conducted surveys on the campaign in past years. The surveys reflect the campaign’s effectiveness and the public’s opinions towards air quality issues. Flores-Dollar said the campaign focuses on five points to drivers, which includes proper vehicles maintenance, driving less, buying low-emission vehicles and driving at the speed limit. “[For students] keeping your car well maintained is the best way to be involved, as well as, sharing the message with your friends, family, co-workers and employers,” Flores-Dollar said. “We are always looking for advocates to help us spread the message; the air quality affects us all and we all need to be aware of the steps we can all take to make difference.” Rasha Hasaneen, an engineering doctoral student See Drive Clean on page 5
HAVE YOUR GRADUATION PORTRAIT made for the 2012 Aggieland yearbook. To schedule your free portrait sitting, go to Then go to School Portraits, Scheduling, click New User, complete form with Registration Password: tamu. Or call 1-800-883-9449. Or walk in Training Room 027 of the Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, 9 AM –1 PM and 2 PM – 5 PM weekdays. It’s your yearbook. Be in it.
Mary Ballenge r Commun ication John Bandas Ocean Engine i
10/12/11 10:16 PM