Music Monday The current state of mainstream music is disgusting, according to Steve Wells, music blogger for The Battalion. Aggieland: meet the New Zealand artist Kimbra at
● monday,
october 17, 2011
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texas a&m since 1893
● first paper free – additional copies $1 ● © 2011 student media
Turkey Day targets
Midnight hoops Midnight Madness at Texas A&M ignites basketball season. Aggies of all types welcomed the season with The Spirit of Aggieland last Saturday at 12 a.m. Catch video of the event at thebatt. com.
Sweet victory
Adrian O’Hanlon III: Replacing
What was the most impressive aspect of Texas A&M’s 55-28 win against Baylor on Saturday? Was it A&M’s combined 266 rushing yards, the TannehillSwope connection, or the defense’s five sacks? Weigh in at
the Lone Star Showdown
he top-3 things for A&M students to do before graduation: shake hands with President Loftin, get an Aggie Ring and go to the last A&Mt.u. football game.
Tag yourself “Like” and tag yourself in a panoramic picture of the student section at Kyle Field on The Battalion’s Facebook page.
Junior receiver Ryan Swope catches a 68-yard touchdown pass from senior quarterback Ryan Tannehill. Swope caught 11 passes for 206 yards and a school record four touchdowns against Baylor on Saturday.
No jury required, 55-28 Austin Meek: Aggies punctuate conference dispute
ith less than two minutes remaining on the clock, the entire student section of the fourth-largest crowd in Kyle Field history began chanting in unison: “S-E-C! S-E-C! S-E-C!”
Writing for this newspaper has its perks — scarfing down pasta salad while watching the game in an air conditioned press box is one of them — but it’s moments like those when I wish I were standing in the student section. The sound simply pounded through the entire stadium, reverberating off the walls loud enough for television viewers to hear. Winning at Kyle is always a treat and conference games only up that ante. But didn’t Saturday feel like something more than a win
over a team we’ve handled three years in a row? This game will always stick in my mind because of the way the Aggies won it. In a battle of top-25 teams, No. 21 beat No. 20 — actually, “beat down” would be a better description — by 27, a margin almost greater than the number of points the Bears put on the scoreboard themselves. The thing I’ll always remember is the way the Aggies thoroughly dominated Baylor.
For the first time this year, Ryan Tannehill showed off his arm strength, throwing for 415 yards, good for 16.6 yards per completion. The bubble screen — a staple of A&M’s aerial attack most of the season — hardly made an appearance. Tannehill connected on two 68yard bombs to Ryan Swope and a 47-yarder to Uzoma Nwachukwu. “You’re gonna have a few chances a game [to make big plays],” Tannehill said. “You’ve See Football on page 4
DeLoss “Darth” Dodds, Texas athletic director, said in a statement Friday that the rivalry is postponed until at least 2018 because the Longhorn’s nonconference schedule is full. Now that the Lone Star Showdown is on hold until 2019, Aggie fans wonder which team(s) will serve as the knockoff of the longest-played intra-state rivalry in the nation. Simply replacing the Texas game with another heated matchup is an impossible task. The Twelfth Man yells, hisses and cusses loudest against the school that has belittled A&M’s progress on and off the field for 117 years and then some. Here’s my wish list of filler rivalries until the Showdown’s return: No. 1 Oklahoma/Oklahoma State Either team works as both have good football pedigrees and are tearing through the 2011 season ranked in the top-10. Oklahoma football is synonymous with winning after seven national championships. The Sooners are national contenders and bring in top-10 recruiting classes each year. Who wouldn’t want to compete with that each season? OSU is to OU what A&M is to t.u.: a little state school trying to step out of the shadow of big brother. The Pokes have flourished under See Rivalry on page 4
bryan-college station
For recyclers, a ‘Dream’ comes true
Students welcome autumn with pumpkin patch Tori Blanchard
Austin Adams The Battalion A Redbox-sized, robo-recycling machine — dubbed the “Dream Machine” — hums and flashes outside classrooms 113 and 114 in Wehner Building. The Dream Machine recycling initiative is a PepsiCo Inc. and Waste Management effort, offering rewards for each plastic or aluminum waste item recycled. “Only 12 percent of public spaces are equipped with recycling receptacles — indicating a clear need for greater public access to recycle bins,” said Tiffany McBride, regional marketing manager for Pepsi.
Bradley Whelan Aeronautical Engineering Matthew Whigham University Studies Lindsay White History Bryan Whiting Industrial Distribution Emily Whitmoyer & Journalism
Agricultural Communications
Morgan Whitwell & Journalism Agricultural Communications Jonathan Widdig Biology Koby Wilbanks Psychology Ryan Wilck Political Science Kathleen Wild Biomedical Science
Andrew Brunkhorst— THE BATTALION
Senior agriculture major Erik Mitchel uses the Dream Machine in Wehner. Students recycling at the Dream Machine for the first time register and receive a rewards card, used to identify a specific account in future visits. This way, students’ See Dream on page 3
Britney Wynn Sport Management Christopher Wynne Petroleum Engineering Harika Yalamanchili Biology Jessica Yancey Animal Science Dustin Yates Electrical Engineering Ryan Yeatman Geology Krysten Yezak Educational Admin and HR Development Sarah Yezak Interdisciplinary Studies Tiffany Ynosencio Microbiology Chase Young Sport Management Katherine Young Spanish Lauralee Young Marketing Lauren Young Environmental Geosciences Lauren Young Economics Shaley Young University Studies
Rachel Williams Forensic Entomology Kelly Wilmoth History Emily Wilpitz University Studies Angela Wilson Horticulture Jason Wilson Agricultural Education
Pg. 1-10.17.11.indd 1
See Pumpkin on page 6
Computer Science Jeremy Wright Agricultural Economics Laura Wright Communication Lauren Wyly Interdisciplinary Studies
Eric Wilkins Mechanical Engineering Dana Willenborg Psychology Ashley Williams Biology Clora Williams Health Jennifer Williams Biomedical Science
Jazmyn Wilson Bioenvironmental Sciences Jordan Wilson Interdisciplinary Studies Markay Wilson Biomedical Science Tory Wingate Rebecca Re Rebe R Reb ebe ebe Abbate Bioenvironmental Sciences Health Heather Winkle K Ken Abdullah Interdisciplinary Studies Physics M Ma Maegan aega Ables Paul Witkowski Finance Civil Engineering Michelle Mic Mich M ic ichelle ch h e Abney Wildlife dl dlife d Joshua Witter and Fisheries Fis Fish issh heries ries rie ries es Sciences S Agricultural Economics Andrea Andrea Ab A Abrams Ryan Wolff Commun ic ication Information & Operations Management Managem Jordyn Woltersdorf Kelli A Adam ent Informat f Health ion Syste Systems Emily Adamcik Managem Alyson Wolthoff Adamc ent Informat f ion Systems Human Resource Development System Seth Adam Adams Spacial Science Sciences Joshua Aduddel l 576 | aggieland Health Teresa Aguilar Human Resource Developm ent Krystle Aguirre Interdisc iplinary Studies Omobola Ajao Chemica l Engineer ing Food ScienceTeresa Aldredge and Technolo gy Denise Commun Alex ication Monica Alexande r Kinesiolo gy g Kimberl Kim ee Allen Sara MorganEnglish Allen Agribusin ess Kiley Allred Biomedic al Science Brant Altenhof en Economi cs Matthew Biomedic Altman al Science Seetha Ram Amujula Ocean Engineer ing Justin Anchors Petroleum Engineer ing Kellen Ancinec Business Managem ent Agricultu ral Leadersh Clayton Anderso n ip and D
The Battalion It is Aggie Habitat for Humanity’s biggest fundraiser of the year, an annual community event for Covenant Presbyterian Church, and a chance for students to add a fall flavor to their abodes. It’s the great pumpkin — the great pumpkin patch, that is. “The community really enjoys the pumpkin patch,” said Elly Espinoza, senior entomology major and director of special events of Aggie Habitat. “You will see older ladies asking for someone to help them as they try to roll around these huge pumpkins. Sometimes people come and take family pictures there. It’s really pretty and welcoming.” Located at 220 Rock Prairie Road in College Station, at Covenant Presbyterian Church,
the patch attracts both community members and churchgoers alike. Hailey Minter, director of special events of Aggie Habitat and junior Pumpkin human resources development major, said picking it is convenient that Pumpkin patch the congregation of the hours are 12 p.m. Covenant Presbyterian until dark Sunday Church walks past the through Friday, and patch when entering Saturday from and exiting service. 8 a.m. to dark. “They use a big corner lot by the church for the patch — it’s nice to see it go to such good use,” said Steve Martindale, Covenant Presbyterian member. “We
Lauren Youngblood Development Agricultural Leadership and Casey Zander English Sadie Zapalac Biomedical Science Tegan Zealy Animal Science Mark Zemanek Agricultural Economics Karen Zerda Communication Amanda Zietak Kinesiology Tamara Zuehlke Communication Michael Zurovec Mechanical Engineering Haili Zwiercan & Journalism Agricultural Communications Tracy Ashton Agricultu ral Kaela AstleyLeadership and Developm Accounti ent ng Michael Atkinson Compute r Science Jonathon Ausburn Biomedic al Science Jaime Austin Psycholog y Jamesia Austin Agricultu ral Laura Avila Leadership and Developm Mathema ent tics Michael Babcock Accounti ng Eliezer Badillo Internati onal Commerc Brennan e Bailey Biomedic al Science James Baker Agricultu re Leadersh Andrea ip and Developm Bakke ent Biomedic al Science Mary Baldwin Psycholog y Zachary Baldwin Wildlife and Fisheries Nathan Sciences Ball Civil Engineer ing Chrystel Ballard Sociology Mary Ballenge r Commun ication John Bandas Ocean Engine i
seniors & graduate students |
TO HAVE YOUR GRADUATION PORTRAIT made for the 2012 Aggieland yearbook. To schedule your free portrait sitting, go to Then go to School Portraits, Scheduling, click New User, complete form with Registration Password: tamu. Or call 1-800-883-9449. Or walk in Training Room 027 of the Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center, 9 AM –1 PM and 2 PM – 5 PM weekdays. It’s your yearbook. Be in it.
10/17/11 12:24 AM