The Battalion: October 18, 2011

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Vitamin needs Vitamins can be the first step to improving your health and energy, says Joey Roberts, wellness blogger for The Battalion. Read his blog at

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october 18, 2011

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Increased student populations and a strong economic draw for professionals and retirees have made College Station roads more congested than ever.

Stuck in traffic City and state respond to increased B-CS traffic with major projects Robby Smith

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NASA’s space telescope Kepler found the first exoplanet to exist in a system with two stars. The mysterious formation has been compared to the fictional planet of Tatooine seen in Star Wars.

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research | 5 Twice the sunlight


Baylor Bear fan Lyn Robbins tells of his experience in unfamiliar territory Saturday when he discovered the tickets he purchased were in the student section at Kyle Field.

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voices | 4 Kyle welcomes Baylor fan




to get 10 miles,” Rossow said. “The only time it is really good is in the mornings before 8 or on weekends because everyone is asleep.” Rossow said she always tries to avoid the traffic by taking lesser-traveled roads, but oftentimes, other people have the same idea. There are always fender-benders due to people not paying attention, which makes traffic worse, Rossow said. City officials said they are aware of the traffic problems bud did not have data available regarding traffic counts along major roads. However, city planners and engineers have been developing projects to address the issues and alleviate congested roadways accordingly. “With the fact that Texas A&M University’s enrollment is now greater than 50,000 students and with the continued growth of Blinn College, it is likely that there is more traffic in College Station,” College Station traffic engineer Troy Rother said.

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The Battalion The standstill, the stop-and-go, the congestion. Traffic is not only a bother, but a problem of increasing magnitude that students deal with daily. This semester, traffic in College Station has become notably worse, especially in its proximity to campus. The city and state have some plans in store to alleviate the problem areas, but it seems that these plans cannot be implemented soon enough. “The worst intersections are Wellborn Road and George Bush Drive; Texas Avenue and University Drive; and George Bush Drive and Texas Avenue,” sophomore nutrition major Stacey Rossow said. “Mainly the intersections around the corners of campus.” Rossow said she has noticed the traffic more this semester while commuting to and from a Blinn College class every afternoon. “It’s really bad … anytime after 4 [p.m.] all over town, but if I hit rush hour, it can take an hour



Evan Andrews — THE BATTALION

Major projects along Jones Butler Road and at the WelbornGeorge Bush intersection will alter traffic flow near campus.

See Traffic on page 8

college station

Water tax increase to affect students Robby Smith The Battalion Whether students write checks to landlords, utilities companies, or their apartment complex’s corporate offices, water rates in College Station will be increasing next semester, but rent should not be. On Sept. 22, College Station City Council voted to raise the wastewater rate — a tax on waste liquids including sewage and other liquid used by agriculture, domestic residences and industry — by 5 percent in a 6-1 vote. Councilman Jess Fields, class of

2010, voted against the increase. The council unanimously approved a slight decrease in the property tax rate. According to a city council press release, the wastewater tax increase is expected to generate about $12.7 million in sewer revenues, but homeowners will see “an increase of less than $2 per month.” “The wastewater rate increase is needed to cover increased operation and maintenance costs,” said Jennifer Nations, water resource coordinator for the College Station Water Services Department, “as well as [to] fund the capital improvements detailed in

the Wastewater Master Plan.” A new master plan was adopted in June to see what estimates and upgrades need to be made in coming years. “It will take about $50 million to upgrade [the current sewer system],” Nations said. “The increase was vital to bring in enough revenue to not have a deficit.” While most students are not yet aware of the upcoming rate changes, some of them are calculating the costs. “Even though my water bill was only

Learn more ◗ To find more information on College Station tax changes and rates, visit

See Taxes on page 3



SEC merchandise selling fast

Klout ranks A&M social media No. 1

Roland Ruiz

In a rising age of technology more people are finding ways to use social media to communicate and influence the way people connect to others. Texas A&M University uses a number of social media networks and engages in conversations all over the world. Klout recently ranked Texas A&M as No.1 in the Top 10 Most Influential Colleges, finishing with a Klout score of 73. “We have to keep Texas A&M connected to the greater state, nation and world news and gearing

Luz Moreno-Lozano The Battalion

The Battalion After Texas A&M made its official move to the Southeastern Conference, the A&M community responded with SEC co-branded merchandise, creating a demand in the marketplace among local Aggie fans as well as those scattered across the nation. When the apparel hit the shelves Sept. 29, 10,000 Adidas co-branded t-shirts and 5,000 Adidas co-branded caps were sold within the first five hours of availability. The proceeds of these sales will go toward the Bonfire Memorial, scholarships for the Corps of Cadets, the Athletic Department and the University Marketing Initiatives.


Though A&M will not switch conferences until 2012, SEC merchandise is available. “Now that we’re associated with the most powerful brand in college sports, this has given the University the opportunity to leverage with the SEC brand as we enter the conference in 2012,” said Jason Cook, vice president of marketing and communications. See Apparel on page 3

Standard for influence

Learn more about the social network rating system at You can also follow Klout on Facebook and Twitter.

See Klout on page 6

10/17/11 11:37 PM

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