The Battalion: November 8, 2011

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Winter sickness In times of cold weather, the onset of sickness is evident. Joey Roberts, wellness blogger for The Battalion, wants you to lay siege to your mindsets of sickness invulnerability and prepare yourself for the days ahead at

● tuesday,

november 8, 2011

Basetball preview A&M men’s basketball kicks off its season Wednesday against Liberty in the 2K Sports Classic benefitting Coaches vs. Cancer. Check out the basketball preview issue covering the upcoming 20112012 basketball campaign as the No. 6 women’s team looks to defend its national championship.

inside trends | 3 App streams video A&M students can exclusively download a live video streaming app. Read more on page 3.

sports | 6 Michael tears ACL Junior running back Christine Michael is out for the season. Read about his injury on page 6.

texas a&m since 1893

Aggie soldier dies in combat The Battalion The life of David E. Cabrera, psychology major class of 1992, was taken on Saturday. The Lt. Col., who was a licensed clinical social worker and assistant professor of family medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, was stationed in Afghanistan’s capitol city, Kabul, when his NATO convoy was attacked. According to The Department of Defense, “enemy forces attacked their vehicle with a vehicleborne improvised explosive device,” killing four

soldiers, including Cabrera. “Lt. Col. Cabrera was a soldier’s soldier. He was professionally happiest when in the field with his troops. His sense of service, love of God, family and country are an inspiration to us all,” said Navy Capt. Mark Stephens, Cabrera chairman for the USU Department of Family Medicine in a press release. Patrick Reeves, Corp of Cadets commander and senior biomedical sciences major, said that members of the Corp were asked by Cabrera’s family to be

See Cabrera on page 5

Catholic Mass changing translations Barrett House The Battalion The Catholic Church is not known for change. Catholic traditions are an integral aspect of followers’ faith and religious practices. Parishioners born as early as the 1960s have known the same Mass liturgy for their entire lives. However, with the Vatican’s blessing, Englishspeaking Catholics will adjust to an altered liturgy, beginning this month. “What’s not changing is the heart of the Mass,” said Marcel LeJeune, assistant director of campus ministry at St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Northgate. “What is changing is in the English speaking countries, we’re having a new translation of the Mass from the original Latin translation.” When the Mass first changed from Latin to vernacular languages, LeJeune said the English translation was hurried. In comparison to other languages, the resulting English Mass was not translated to reflect the Latin origin entirely. “If you go to a Korean or Spanish Mass, and translate them into English, they’d be more alike compared to the Latin,” LeJeune said. The overall structure of the Mass will not change. Instead, worshipers will notice changes in the prayers and the manner in which they are used during Mass. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Liturgy Committee aimed for the prayers to better reflect not only the original Latin text, but also the bibli-



Father David Konderla is holding the English version of the Catholic Mass book “The Roman Missal” that will be undergoing numerous changes at the end of November. cal texts. “A lot of the biblical background of what’s in our Mass and prayers is going to come out a little more for the English speaking people in the English speaking countries,” LeJeune said. “So they’re going to have more meat on the bone in a sense.” The prayers have new responses. For example, instead of responding, “And also with you,” when the priest says, “The Lord be with you,” the congregation will respond with, “And with your spirit.” According to LeJeune, this change has a much deeper theological meaning with scriptural background. And while he believes this is a great opportunity for Catholics to relearn their religion, it will be awkward until they do.



01 Oct 08



After two hours and three weeks worth of my mother’s Sunday Chronicles, plus a couple of student coupon books, I’ve managed to clip 73 coupons. My fingers are black from the ink and I’m sick of checking expiration dates. So far, the trickiest part of coupon clipping is picking out the coupons I’ll use and passing up ones that don’t apply to me, like “35 cents off of string cheese” because I’m lactose intolerant, or “$1 off Saltine Crackers” because I just don’t eat crackers very often. It’s hard not to get caught up in the excitement of a great deal, but I know I’ll only lose money if I use coupons for items I never use. Yeah...I’ve already gained 2 pounds. I’m guessing it has a lot to do with the fact that I’ve eaten canned soup for dinner every evening and pepperoni slices for breakfast. But hey, I bought them cheap. Still no produce coupons. I don’t think my roommate is okay with me jacking her fruit. Living off of coupon-food is making me lethargic, greasy and larger. Yes, I’ve gained three more pounds. The month isn’t even over.

Today I went to HEB to check out the in-store super savings deals. I left getting a one-pound package of Oscar Meyer lunchmeat, a bag of potato chips, Easy Mac and six mini-yogurt drinks for free. This is a great deal because I saved around $8, but all of the items are fattening. I’m still looking for produce coupons, but with little success.





“It’s going to be odd for Catholics, and we’ll probably be stumbling over stuff and there’ll be some giggling,” LeJeune said. “But what a great opportunity to have to really dive into it and figure out what’s going on. Each adult Catholic should take this on their own and say, ‘Now I have an opportunity to learn more.’” Students aware of the approaching changes said they are enthusiastic for their native language to be closer to the original text. “I’m very pleased that they are offering us this better translation because I’ve gone to Mass in Spanish and French and have been able to observe how much closer those are to the original Latin,” said Eddie See Mass on page 2

Jennifer DuBose: Saving money comes with a cost


To celebrate the end of the month, I went out for a spa pedicure at Super Nails and saved $5 with a coupon from a student coupon book, available at most book stores in town. I only had to spend $17 (not including the tip) when the normal price is $21. Good day, I’d say.

Graphic by Evan Andrews — THE BATTALION

Pg. 1-11.08.11.indd 1

in attendance at the funeral and show their support for the fallen Aggie. Ten to 12 cadets will provide a color guard ensemble and usher services at the midday funeral on Friday in Spring, Texas, at Spring Baptist Church. It will be a closed memorial service for close friends and family members only. Cabrera is leaving a wife and four children. “He actually was not in the Corp when he went to Texas A&M,” Reeves said. “His family gave myself and my commandant a call to help support him


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Natalee Blanchat

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For my first shopping trip, I chose to go to Kroger because it’s cheaper than HEB and I wanted to try out my Kroger Plus card. It’s a free in-store savings card that usually saves customers around $5 per visit without coupons. After cruising the aisles for about two hours, my total at checkout came to $56.83 after savings of $19.28. $9.13 of the savings came from my Kroger Plus card and the rest was from coupons. Not too shabby. The downside is that most of my cart consisted of soups and packaged foods because there are almost never coupons available for produce and fresh foods. I don’t know how my body is going to handle a month of this, but I’m happy about saving so much.



The month is officially over, and in total I saved $44.57. Okay, so I didn’t save as much as I thought I would, but for a college kid, it’s a fair amount. With $44, I could buy a tank of gas, or a few books at Barnes & Noble, or I could put it all away for Christmas spending. My savings would probably be bigger if I were buying for more than one person. Then I could use a lot more of the coupons I clipped (I only used about half of them). Throughout the month, I’ve discovered there is no way to live off of coupons and be healthy. This is because most coupon-food is packaged and fattening. In the past 31 days, I’ve gained six pounds, a ton of acne and through it all I don’t remember not being sleepy. Bottom line: I absolutely endorse the use of coupons, but I don’t advise living on coupons alone. Saving money is not as important as being healthy.



Jennifer DuBose is a junior English major.

11/8/11 12:17 AM

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